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The Dwellings of the Dead by Nilmandra | 57 Review(s) |
Elflingimp | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/7/2007 |
This is a chilling little story,but hey I like being scared. I can't wait to see how the last chapter ends! Author Reply: Glad this has you a little scared! It is scary to think of battling spirits, as normal warfare with weapons doesn't work. I hope it ends well, too. :D | |
Ellie | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/7/2007 |
Fascinating and very creepy! I'm glad the twins are worried about each other. Perhaps together they will make a more formidable enemy than apart. Elrohir is making a HUGE mistake, I think in going after the child. Can't wait for the next update! Author Reply: The twins will be better as a team than apart, definitely. A very scary time, with all this death. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in a land desolate after being wiped out by the plague. | |
meckinock | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/7/2007 |
This is getting spookier and spookier. And not just Elrohir is being stalked by evil spirits, but Elladan, too! I am very relieved that Glorfindel has decided not to let Elrohir out of his sight, and that he has some insight into the nature of these beings. This is not a good time for any of them to be alone. I think they should all get back to Elrond as quickly as they can, for the sake of my nerves. Author Reply: I really had to consider if the spirits could be held off at the borders of Imladris by normal means, especially if they followed them home. Scary thought. Glad Erestor thought of it, as I had not. | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/7/2007 |
I enjoyed reading this. You evoke a frightening atmosphere really nicely through the wind and oppressive weather. I can feel Elladan's nerves being stretched thin. And this stuff with the evil spirits is so interesting. Are these the ones that haunted the Barrow Downs? Have I got that right? If I were in this situation, I'd certainly want Glorfindel along. But then, I'd want that in any situation. :-) Author Reply: The plague hit in the north, wiping out Cardolan, the same year that evil spirits came out of Angmar to inhabit the Barrow Downs. It seemed to me they were related, the spirits at least taking advantage of the opportunity. Glorfindel is good to have along in any and every situation. I was contemplating writing another story from his POV. :D | |
Unquenchable Tolkien fanfic fanatic | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/13/2006 |
Great beginning. Now when are you going to update this story?! Author Reply: Getting there! Now that the holidays are over, I'll get this finished. | |
Firestar | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2006 |
I am intrigued! Please continue. I always like stories focusing on the twins and Glorfindel, so I am excited to continue reading this story. Your style is engaging and even in only the first chapter I am hooked. Don't keep your readers waiting too long! Thank you, Firestar Author Reply: Thanks Firestar. I am catching up now and will have another chapter out this week. | |
Redheredh | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/26/2006 |
Goodness, I thought Elrohir was going to be safe after the first encounter, but now... !!! Apparently, this houseless spirit, at first, thought his chosen target to be human. Does it now think Elrohir's mortal blood will make him easier prey? It just might be right! Glorfindel may have to find a way to destroy it, not just repel it. They simply cannot leave Elrohir alone with it still stalking him! Nor risk leading it to the other brother! Well, I'm hooked. And anxious to see if this dark soul has a name. Author Reply: LOL, glad you're hooked. There are so many things to choose from in Tolkien, and this period of the Third Age is so dark! So yes, poor Elrohir is again at risk. Now I'm listening to the Golden One as he tells his part of the story. :D | |
paranoidangel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/26/2006 |
Ooh, that's spooky, and interesting. Author Reply: There were lots of things to be spooked at in Middle-earth. Much better to read about than live through :/ | |
Imhiriel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2006 |
Wow. You have chosen some very, very interesting topics for this story. I don't think I have ever read anything about the time of the plague in Eriador! And then you add other topics that are seldom explored - the houseless spirits spirits. I hope you will continue to explore this further, it is a concept I have difficulty wrapping my mind about (particularly as to how it differs from faded Elves), and I think having it explored in a story would make it more accessible for me. The scenes and the atmosphere are set up very well; the descriptions are evocative, without being too graphic or too long. Elrohir's feelings of discomfort, grief, numbness and fear come through very clearly. I especially liked the encounter with the beech. What I did wonder about was Glorfindel's reactions/feelings to all this; he seemed rather a pale or distant presence until nearly the very end. Author Reply: Glorfindel was very distant. Elrohir was pretty numb though too, so some of it might have been his perception. This is a fascinating time, though - lots of scary things to choose from. The houseless ones are a fascinating tidbit - a normal part of elven culture in some ways, but knowing that some could be turned to evil is a terrifying thought. | |
perelleth | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/24/2006 |
Oh! This is so spooky and tense! The Plague, Angmar, the war in Arnor, the devastated villages and the Old Forest. And if that were not enough, a houseless! His attacks were very frigtening! I loved these two paragraphs: "Not a cricket was chirping, or a frog making its deep throated call. That ominous silence was broken moments later by a mournful howl. They entered their camp and Elrohir was surprised to see that there was no fire burning. Only a wisp of smoke remained. Glorfindel studied the blackness of night for a moment, then rekindled the fire and set their dinner to cooking." You played perfectly with the stillnes in the forest and the fire out...the tension builds up just greatly here, of course after the frightening atatcks, but I really liked how this worked... somehow it makes me fear that the worst is not yet over. And Glorfindel comes out perfectly in command of the situation, knowing exactly what it is going on without giving away anything! Author Reply: Glorfindel beleivs he is in command and knows exactly what is going on. Time will tell if that is true! I am glad the ominous feeling comes through well - a devastated and abandoned landscape, filled with death and evil spirits, had to be a very unsettling place to be. | |