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Frodo - The King James Version  by DrummerWench 27 Review(s)
bookwormReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/4/2010
...Wow. Please convey to your brother that he is AMAZING. (also if he could maybe...write more?)=D

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/3/2010
Very cute and clever! LOL

Amazing how well it works.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/2/2010
And I say unto yee, that they brother, the Preacher, has once again hitteth the nail on the head and has written a book of surpassing wonder and accuracy.
May we crave they indulgance for more, please?

AlassielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/4/2008
Hail DrummerWench,

Verily I say unto thee, this was a most delicious tale! Thy brother too hath wrought most skillfully.


Author Reply: Alassiel, thanks for stopping by to read and review! I appreciate it.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/4/2008
Well, that's an interesting take on it and it really does sound like it came from the Bible, esp. the end when I heard Frodo's and Mary's voice at the Annunciation together. They are alike those two in some ways.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Thanks for commenting, Antane. And you're right, Frodo and Mary have much in common.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/4/2008
Your brother is a very, very bad minister not writing his sermon like that! I do like what he did write and I expect if he did give that reading in church a lot of people would not notice the difference!:<)
"Very good reading, Padre, most enlightening!"
More please,

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it! Though of course he /did/ get his sermon written--just a little later than intended!
Hmmm, readings from LOTR in church *ponders*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/4/2008
Oh yes, L.O.L.! Typical 'Bible speak'!
More please,

Author Reply: Thanks for reading! I'm not sure there is more right now--but the muse may strike!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/4/2008
Both chapters are brilliant DrummerWench!

Author Reply: Thanks for reading, harrowcat--I'm glad you liked them!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/3/2008
Between you and your brother, you have had me guffawing with laughter! Yea, verily! I laugh and my heart is gladdened and made light!

Author Reply: Thanks for stopping to read and comment, Larner! I'm glad we gave you a giggle!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/3/2008
Yea, verily, this doth ring in my heart and tickle my funnybone. Most joyous it is to read it thus!

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this, Larner! Thanks for reading!

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