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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hobbits  by GamgeeFest 217 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/4/2006
Merry beamed with pride; he was the only one there to be directly related to Bilbo three times.
“They can give Sam the recipe for that too, and his Gaffer can brew it,” Pippin said, nodding. He had it all figured out.

“I think you should go easy on the cake, Pippin,” Frodo cautioned
“Perhaps a full explanation of your dining customs is in order,” Gimli said, making a point not to meet his father’s heated glare.

Immediately, the hobbits’ faces lit up with joy

This is so delightful! I learned as much as Boromir and the Dwarves!


Author Reply: And so begins Pippin's obsession with rum cake! lol

Gimli got more than he bargained for, even after his father's warnings. Now that he's seen it for himself, he won't be so eager to encourage the hobbits to speak about their customs again. :P Boromir on the other hand rather enjoys it, I think and you can count on him to keep asking questions!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/4/2006
Oh my! I had to giggle insanely nearly all the way through this earnest recital!!

It's such a coincidence!! Miss Dora is busily writing away on her "Mealtimes amd Manners" chapter right now, and I can't believe that we came up with some of the same ideas!!

I loved the part about Merry being proud of being related to Bilbo three times over--you handle all those cousinly relationships with such ease!

Gloin, being long familiar with the ways of hobbits, thanks to his friendship with Bilbo, had advised his son to keep quiet should any of the following topics come up: genealogy, hobbit history and folklore, food, and just about anything that he did not quite understand. Food would be an unavoidable topic, seeing as this was tea and the dwarves had brought with them rum cake, which the hobbits had never eaten before. But the other topics were to be avoided, or detracted from, at all costs. Hobbits tended to be long-winded and encouraging one of them to speak about something of which they were passionate and expecting to have a short conversation was tantamount to sticking one’s head in a dragon’s mouth and hoping not to get bit.


And Boromir's appearance was perfect.

I loved the historical explanations--how Merry does love to hear himself talk, and for once Pippin was happy to let him as he just kept on eating!

This was just wonderful!

Author Reply: LOL. It was either giggle or cry. I think the dwarves were close to crying. :P Merry makes the story exciting for other hobbits, but anyone else is just waiting for him to sit down. The scary part is, you know he could have continued much, much longer. =D

Hm, if Aunt Dora had been there giving the lesson, then the dwarves would have had an apoplexy. Merry didn't bother getting into manners though I'm sure he would have had the topic come up. The only one who wondered about it though was Gloin, and he certainly wasn't about to ask! hehe I'm interested to see what ideas we had in common. :)

It's also a good thing Boromir wasn't there during the whole cousin-relations part. Best to save that for the Quest and those long boring nights. Also, I think Gloin really would have had to do damage if genaology was brought up on top of everything else. Gimli will be hearing about this for awhile, I'm sure! He thought he was only asking about food, and managed to get history and folklore mixed in with it! At least his morbid curiosity should be assuaged.

I almost think Pippin purposefully stood slower than Merry. He wouldn't have missed that look between Frodo and Merry, and knowing that Merry couldn't both give a lesson and keep an eye on him, and that Frodo wouldn't think to watch him, it gave Pippin the perfect opportunity to sneak more of that rum cake.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/4/2006
Well, I loved the little nods to your other stories and naturally, I enjoyed the chicken part. Merry does know his hobbit meals well doesn't he? He did a great job of explaining everything. Except that bit about the mud and ice. LOL

Author Reply: I'm not sure where that chicken came from! That's just the wacky thing about dreams. I must have had your "Poor Unfortunate Toffin" story on my mind. You know that had to scar Pippin in some sort of permanent way. :P

Every hobbit must learn the history of mealtimes while they're learning to cook. Merry delivers the lesson with such great zest and pomposity, you'd almost think he wrote it himself! He will have to work on that mud and ice bit though, won't he?

I'm so glad you're enjoying this!!!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/4/2006
Boromir is in for quite a few surprises. I loved it when Pippin couldn't tell which Elf he was speaking to. Very fitting. This is wonderful.

Author Reply: Boromir is his own worst enemy really. He just keeps asking questions. I think he secretly enjoys the hobbits' tendency to ramble and jest.

I think the hobbits would have a difficult time telling elves and men apart. Let's face it, most of the time, the hobbits are craning their necks back and looking at the undersides of chins. There's also the fact that they're meeting a lot of new people all at once - that's a lot of names to keep straight. ;)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/4/2006
Hmmm! Dwarves and food sound like theyshould be avoided by hobbits! *g* But Rum cake with extra rum does sound good.

Author Reply: Hobbits and dwarven food is not a good combination. Something strange always happens when they're mixed, lol! I'm sure Pippin wouldn't mind more rum cake, even after the dream! :P

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2006
Oh, my, Gamgeefest! This was splendid! How ever did you come up with that? It was so perfect!! I imagine Hobbits would be quite perplexing to Other People, though I seem to understand them quite well. ;) They are such a joy to write about and I am so looking forward to getting back to writing fanfic. I've been away for a while. I am going away again, but when I return, the stories should come full force...I hope! Anyway, Namarie!
God BLess,
Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: Hello FB! Thank you so much for your praises. :) I do think that the hobbits would tend to befuddle people not used to their ways. Boromir most especially. He's had to live under the stringent rule of his father and seeing these 'halflings' arguing over something so petty as food ~_^ is not something he's used to seeing.

Good luck with your writing!

FireReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
This is so lovely, I can just see the bemused look on Boromirs face. The hobbits must have that effect on everyone that meets them for the first time.

Author Reply: Especially when they meet them right before mealtime! After mealtime, it might be a different story. Full and sated hobbits aren't quite so quick to accuse cousins of trickery. ;) Once Boromir spends more time with them, he'll find he's warmed up to their carefree ways.

Thanks for reading, Fire! It's nice to meet you. :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
“He snuck down there without me!” the hobbit exclaimed, working himself up into quite a state of panic. “He’s down there right now taking all the seedcake! There won’t be any left!”

“Um,” was all that Boromir could manage at this declaration.

LOL!!! A perfect start!

But, to be true, after such an outburst the only thing I would have been able to say would have been nothing else but "Um..." ;-)
And at that time Pippin did not yet know about the mushrooms!

Well, let's see what will come next and how much Boromir will be involved!
(Maybe I will find yet another new word!)

Author Reply: LOL! It's probably a good thing Pippin didn't know about the mushrooms. His head might have exploded. :) Poor Boromir is always being thrown off his guard by the hobbits and this was no exception. He should be more vocal on their next meeting. ;)

I anticipate Boromir being in much of these stories. I just love to see him interacting with the hobbits and being continuously frazzled (but amused) by them.

If we can keep the hobbits away from lasses and beer, I shouldn't have to worry about teaching you new words. It always seems to be under those circumstances that they reveal just how far from innocent they can be. ;)

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
oho...very cute! Love Boromir.......and hey, the hobbitses aren't so bad either;);)


Author Reply: Boromir is a dear. I love to see how he interacts with the hobbits. I do think he sees them more as younger siblings once the Quest was on its way, especially Merry and Pippin, and it all starts here!

Thanks for reading!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
Poor Boromir! Break him into the insatiable hunger of hobbits gradually - definitely a good idea!

Author Reply: Indeed! Had he sat next to them and seen the way they attack their food (and eye the food of those around them) he might have been completely overwhelmed, rather than just partially overwhelmed. ;) Hobbits do take some getting used to. It's probably a good thing, then, that they spent so much time in Rivendell. Allowed plenty of time for everyone to adapt to hobbit mannerisms. :)

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