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Extreme Makeovers: Bag End Edition  by Elemmírë 40 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2006
Your description of the room is so vivid! I can just *see* it! Isn't it fun to decorate Bag End? (I had so much fun designing Gandalf's room, LOL!) This is going to be a really beautiful place for Frodo--and the colors, so peaceful and tranquil!

And I like the way you are observing the legalities! Very well done!

*looking forward to the promised new story soon*

Author Reply: Thank you, Dreamflower! I had another reviewer ask if there was a picture of Frodo's new room--only the one that exists in my head and is now on paper (well, online 'paper'). By the end of this tale however, everyone should be able to picture Frodo's bedroom through those desriptions alone, I hope.

Yes, I most certainly had fun helping Bilbo decorate Frodo's new bedroom! I think he did pretty well for a bachelor who is unaccustomed to hard, manual labor.

Bilbo made sure to incorporate Frodo's favorite colors, but made sure the room would be a peaceful place for his nephew. Frodo needs a little tranquility in his life after living in the warren known as Brandy Hall with hundreds of other hobbits, after all.

Thank you, I tried to keep my legalities very basic and in order. Given how the S-B's are, I believe that Bilbo would have been very cautious and extremely thorough in looking over all the paperwork before the final signing. Since hobbits love genealogy and have a strict legal ettiquette, I chose to include a legal writer. This job would be akin to a town clerk, a paralegal, or even a rudimentary lawyer maybe. I haven't recalled reading anywhere factual that the Shire had lawyers. At the end of 'The Hobbit,' when Bilbo returns to discover all his property up for auction, those that are running the auction may possibly be lawyers ... or bankers. Tolkien gives their names, but never says what they really do.

I haven't decided when I am going to post 'Sewn with Love' yet. It's all written and edited ... it's actually my very first multi-chaptered story written and my second LOTR fanfic penned. I am waiting because it is a tale that takes place over the course of several months and ends at Yule. I haven't decided if I want to post it soon or wait until December. Opinion?

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/7/2006
Saradoc shook Bilbo’s hand firmly before enfolding the old hobbit in a warm embrace. “Just make him happy again, Bilbo,” he implored before joining his father and uncle.

“I will try to the best of my ability, Saradoc Brandybuck. That is all I can promise--the rest is up to Frodo,” Bilbo replied.

I just loved that exchange. I have always felt that Saradoc and Esme must have felt awful that they had never been able to make Frodo truly happy, and that Frodo was never really able to feel they were more than just foster parents. And it must have hurt to realize how badly they would miss him--especially Merry. But they're doing what's best for Frodo.

Author Reply: Thank you!

I originally wrote this chapter minus Saradoc's guilt at first ... but it needed something more and I basically had the same thought as you. Although they loved Frodo dearly, Sara and Esme knew that Brandy Hall just wasn't where he was meant to be anymore. They tried their best with him, and Frodo knows this, but I don't really think there were any circumstances under which he could truly love and feel at peace in Buckland. It must have gnawed at him nearly every day ... to know that perhaps if his family hadn't visited that one time, then maybe his parents would still be alive. How hard it must have been to be a happy and carfree child one night, then wake up and suddenly find your entire world taken from you ... your closest family, your home, your heart. Frodo must have felt very displaced and maybe even abandoned by his Baggins family those first few months after his parents' drowning.

Sara and Esme have come to see this and so, can let Frodo go even though they and Merry will miss him dearly.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2006
How lovely to learn a bit about Bilbo's mother! She's usually a very little-known character in fanfic.

he felt a sense of completeness to his life that he had never known before

Awwww. I'm so happy for both of them!

Author Reply: Very true--not too many write about Belladonna Took. And while she wasn't in my tale, per say, her former prescence as Mistress of Bag End does play a very important role. It is through her past that Bilbo finds reasurance for his future. He sees an heirloom that had been in the family for generations and he comes to realize that it will now continue to be in the family through Frodo (or so he thinks).

I'm happy that you're happy!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/7/2006
Somehow I missed this chapter! Wonderful, as all the others.

Saradoc ran his hand over the beautiful desk. His father had been right. Despite all appearances, he had been uncertain about Frodo moving here to live with a 99-year old hobbit, who despite being a lifelong bachelor, inexplicably seemed to be the best solution for Frodo's future in more ways than one.

Isn't it marvelous that Bilbo was the answer to Frodo's future? How fascinating the way it all worked out.

Gosh, I'd love to see a photograph of the finished room. :D

Author Reply: I posted it this morning on 7/7, but somehow it never showed up as such. I tried hiding and reposting, but this chapter kept showing up under 7/6 which already passed. I think there are many others who have missed it too, so I am going to post the next chapter and say that the next 2 are up in my summary and include the titles.

Bilbo and Frodo certainly both needed each other and they were both the answer to the other's problems. Funny how life is like that, sometimes.

Unfortunately, cameras don't exist in Middle-earth. :( However, you will "see" the finished room in the end, so to speak.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/7/2006
Aaawww...I love the description of Belladonna's rosebush, and Bilbo slipping Sam a toffee, and wee!Sam helping with the flowerbed!

Just *adorable*! *sigh*

Author Reply: Thank you kindly, Dreamflower! Bilbo enjoys spoiling the Gamgee children (on the sly from their Gaffer's eye, of course.)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/7/2006
I find it quite humorous that Bilbo is all worried about "child-proofing" the smial for a lad who has entered his tweens! LOL! It's a good thing Frodo can't read Bilbo's mind at this point in time--he'd be throroughly embarrassed. Yet in a way, Bilbo's right--he does have a few things the lad might find tempting to handle.

Thank goodness for Bell's sage advice. I can just imagine her chuckling after the Master heads back up the Hill, and shaking her head fondly.

Author Reply: Bilbo knows that tweens, especially this one, can be curious and get themselves into all sorts of mischief. He's not too worried about Frodo burning his hand on the stove, or the unsafe things around that say a faunt might get into, however, Bag End _does_ hold a few temptations for the older child. Bilbo may be an old bachelor, but he's not stupid; he is coming to understand what a great responisibility raising a child will be and as any parent, he just wants Frodo to be happy and safe.

Yes, Bell must certainly chuckle and shake her head fondly after many conversations with Bilbo. I think Bell also feels a bit flattered that the Master of Bag End seeks _her_ out for child-rearing advice. LOL!

Thank you, Dreamflower!

eilujReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/6/2006
Little Samwise blushed and stared at his bare toes, wiggling them in the loam. He wondered if Master Frodo would like the new flowers just as much as he did.

Aw! So perfect for Sam.

Author Reply: Thank you, Eiluj! Even then, Sam wanted Frodo to just be happy. Thank you also for reading and reviewing!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/6/2006
Bilbo 'spoiling' little Sam is so cute! :D

Author Reply: It's hightly unlikely that any of the Gamgee children were spoiled, being the offspring of a gardener, albeit a well-renowned one. I always picture Bilbo spoiling them a little whenever he can under the Gaffer's watchful eyes ... even if it's just a bit of candy. Bilbo is a kind, generous hobbit, who watches out for those dear to him and those that are not as wealthy, making sure the poorer hobbits have all they need.

Thanks, Shirebound!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/6/2006
Awww, I love that. Anything that helps Frodo feel more at home (as opposed to him feeling as if he's living in *Bilbo's* home) is a good thing. And ground rules are *always* good thing.

Author Reply: Thank you, Shirebound! There will be much more of that sentiment to come. I'm so happy you are enjoying this. :D

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/4/2006
Loved this Elemmire! Especially the last paragraph tying all this into canon!

Author Reply: Thank you, Harrowcat!

I added this chapter in special, as I was inspired by a comment in one of Dreamflower's reviews. She was speculating on HGTV programs as my titles and wondered if I would have 'Designing for the Sexes' ... she also wondered if Lobelia or Dora would be butting in at some point. The two went well together and I just couldn't resist writing this!

Bilbo must have certainly received many letters especially from Dora if he bequeathed her a wastebasket. LOL!

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