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Under My Wing  by Edoraslass 69 Review(s)
harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 46 on 12/11/2006

Author Reply: Thank you! :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 44 on 12/11/2006
Ooh, I am glad that Faramir got in his explanation before Denethor jumped down her throat! There is a nasty streak in Denethor that only seems controlled when around his family and, later, only with Boromir. Even here, once he remembers that this is a necessary skill, his first thought is to ensure that Boromir knows it too.

Author Reply: Yes, much better than Faramir calmed down his father than having Nanny try to. Because sometimes she can in her speech, especially if the boys are involved. :)


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 41 on 12/11/2006
Yes, Mithrandir would have been very touched I imagine. He has always struck me as the only one of the Wizards to allow 'people' near enough to touch his heart. A dangerous and wonderful thing to do.

Author Reply: Yep, and it seems like such a natural friendship, too, once you think about it. I'm sure it did Gandalf a lot of good, as well as Faramir.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/11/2006
You have a knack with your titles! Loved this.

Author Reply: Thanks! That one took me forever to come up with, actually. :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/11/2006
Oh what a wonder first...and second...meeting with the Captain. I am glad that she had a chance to revise that first impression. And very observant to spot that he was a ranger by his stance and walk.

Author Reply: I am glad that she had a chance to revise that first impression.
Heee. She just thinks everyone in the world ought to pay very close attention to her little duckling. :)

Thank you!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/11/2006
Sound to me that she needs to change the order of getting ready in the morning. Breakfast first, bath second!

Author Reply: Definitely - no-one can make a mess like a little kid.

Thank you!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 38 on 12/11/2006
*g* Typical mother reaction heh? Worry and Comfort first, exasperation second!

Author Reply: Oh yes - wait til you're sure they're safe before you try to throttle them for doing dumb things. :)


TiggerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/11/2006
I was wondering just the other day when we'd get more stories of Boromir, Faramir and their Nanny. So happy to see the alerts in my box earlier this evening. :o) This one though I think is my favourite of the new ones. Boromir's first meeting w/Captain Thorongil. I loved Boromir asking for his Star of the Dunadain and Aragorn remarking how Boromir was just like his father, he knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to ask for it. Also how Aragorn kneeled down to Boromir's level. Nanny is very correct in that even in this day and age, not many people realize how intimidating we adults can be to a little one when they're meeting us for the first time.

I hope this isn't the first time we see Thorongil meet Boromir and Nanny.

Now there's a not so subtle hint, huh? LOL!!!

I do so love these little vignettes. Thanks for a lovely hour of catching up w/Nanny and the boys. :o)

Author Reply: I was wondering just the other day when we'd get more stories of Boromir, Faramir and their Nanny
I just kept forgetting to post stuff as I wrote it!

I hope this isn't the first time we see Thorongil meet Boromir and Nanny.
I just can't decide - if Boromir's a year and a half here, Thorongil won't be around much longer. But who knows what I'll decide to do? :0

Thank you!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 27 on 12/10/2006
Oops, I forgot that I'd already reviewed this chapter. But that's okay, it deserved an extra one from me!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 27 on 12/10/2006
I could see Denethor, under other circumstances, writing a very strict book about the care and feeding of young lordlings, with much emphasis on discipline. Nanny knows how important discipline is, but also that Faramir is much too young for severe discipline and would not really understand it anyway. And her way of blending light punishment with common sense does the trick.

I like the way you've written little Faramir as a strong-willed child who is intelligent and usually good-natured, but not a saint.

Author Reply: Holy crap, I sure missed this comment!

Yes, I think getting Denethor to understand that little kids canNOT be treated like new recruits could be very challenging - I have this picture of Denethor with a whistle, like Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music, only not so understanding. :)

There is no thing as a child who is a saint. And how boring would that be, anyway?

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