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Going Home  by Antane 58 Review(s)
ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/7/2006
And a lovely masterpiece it is!


Elanor SilmariënReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/7/2006
I LOVE this story! So much love here! Please update soon!
God bless,

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/5/2006
The song is beautiful! Needs some music, don't you think?


Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/5/2006
I'm still here, but only now catching up on e-mail and fanfic. Oh, Antane, this chapter was worth the wait! Seems to me you're becoming very fluent very fast, and Sam is well on his way. The joy and light just seems to pour from this chapter, and it's *so* refreshing! I love the friendly arguing and trying to outstubborn one another in the beginning-so delightful and so very lifelike! Just exactly like some of the things I've found myself on one end of. Rattling on, hoping the other won't notice what was slipped in sideways, and then seeming to win and lose. LOL! Love it!

Then the walk to the hilltop. You know, that song worked perfectly with your description of their movements and how they swung their hands; the rhythm was just right! :) I hope someday I can give you the tunes for all of these, nicely done and not with my little staticky one-minute recording program.

It's so sweet that that's Frodo's favourite spot and how he has tended it, and wonderful that he can come there without the almost overwhelming grief we sometimes feel when we go to graves. The blessing and the talk about Iluvatar, and Aragorn's message, were lovely too. Keep it coming!
God bless,

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/5/2006
I missed this Antane but it was obviously time well spent. I am no linguist but I am finding that I am picking up a smattering of elvish languages just from the wonderful snippits that authors include. (Just so long as we get a translation! *g*) Nice to see where Bilbo's body is buried. to misquote There will be a corner of this land that is forever the Shire!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/28/2006
Another lovely chapter Antane. You creative use of a morning psalm is great. Who says that we can't write new ones!

Author Reply: Hantanyel, my dear harrowcat - glad you like the song, though your term of psalm would be more accurate. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/27/2006
Been gone a couple of days and trying to catch up real quick now, so this may be rushed.

Wow! WOW! Antane, you've got a real talent for free verse poetry! I know the first verse was mine (though it did take me a minute to recognise, it's been so long), but I'd say the second verse is the most beautiful part of the song!

And I just loved the meeting with Galian. He's wonderful! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Hantanyel, dearest! It was nice to see Galian, wasn't it? Glad you liked the song. I'll leave the rhyming to you! :)

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/27/2006
Frodo's chapel is a far cry from my resplendant Temple, but nice and cozy. The songs are lovely and I'm impressed by your use of the language. A heartwarming depiction overall! Please continue.


Author Reply: I didn't know you were reading this - very nice to know you are! :)

You should see the church I go to, talk about resplendant!, but this I think is what all you need - the Eucharist and the strong presence of knowing you love God and are loved. A good spiritual director like Frodo has in Gandalf and Aragorn and even Sam would be important too. (BTW, re our previous discussion about good and bad angels have free will to choose good or evil, I double checked with my dad and it is true that the angels in heaven and hell had one opportunity to choose good or evil and what they choose then is fixed for eternity, as opposed to us mortals who have many choices even every day to choose good or evil. Do love that quote from Milton about being to reign in hell than serve in heaven - very dramatic, but think about the pride behind that - ick!)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/25/2006
Very spiritual. I suspect that Aragorn and the Elves could see Frodo's Light, myself, of course; and now and then a glimpse from others. But together Frodo, Sam, and Gollum did what no one else could.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. I was thinking of those Frodo grew up with primarily and I remember from the book Faramir thinking Frodo had a 'Elvish air' about him, but you are right, of course, that Aragorn and the Elves would see it as well, so I did add a little bit about that. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/24/2006
Oh! Wow! What a chapter! It's so deep and meaningful and full of insite! I love your description of how Iluvatar chose to manifest himself to Frodo, and Gandalf's words about nourishment not just being food or water. And so much more that I can't put into words. I marvel at your ability to capture such depth so well--the simple conversation in To Remember By took a lot of thinking through for me.

Have not forgotten your request, but the muse has suddenly turned against me and is demanding food for thought. Still, I'll try to come up with something and get it to you tonight. :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you, dearest! The 'nourishing' words actually are from Panera Bread/Y-Me Breast Cancer Organization. I thought they were nice there because of course Sam is a very nuturing person. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

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