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Land of Light and Shadows  by Thundera Tiger 83 Review(s)
AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 37 on 4/1/2007
Another reviewer said that they found this chapter slow. I decidedly did not. There was too much going on and too much to be revealed. I relished and devoured it like chocolate!

I like how Elessar can play the political word games right along with Harad's best leaders. It harkens back to all the experience he acquired in his early travels across the length and breadth of Middle-earth. All is travels and experiences were obviously a preparation for his becoming, arguably, the greatest King of Men in the history of Arda. Just as this experience and trial in the desert is refining Eomer and preparing him to become an even greater leader of Rohan.

This entire story has been just captivating. I should be writing, but I'm reading instead. I'm moving on to the last chapter you posted and doing it with trepidation, not because I fear that it will not live up to my expectations, but because I know it's not the end of the story, and I see that you have not updated in well over a year. Hmmmm... I would, in this reply, beg you to hurry your next chapter along as quickly as possible, but who knows if you will even see my pathetic efforts to do so? If you have not posted in so long perhaps there are reasons for it that do not respond to such methods of persuasion. Maybe you will never complete the story, much to the consternation and sorrow of your readers. Whatever the reason for taking so long, I do hope (selfishly) that it will resolve itself and allow you to assuage our curiosity as well as our emotional turmoil.

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/3/2007
So, it is as I have suspected. This darkness that has deprived Legolas of his Elven senses, is also affecting the others by attacking them where there greatest strength or weakness lies. Legolas' strength is in his heightened awareness and senses. Aragorn's keen discernment and ability to read motive have been hampered. Eomer's pride and comparative inexperience as a leader has been turned to his detriment.

And yet here stands Gimli, unaffected. Why? Is it that the forces who wield this power are as yet unaware of how to gain advantage over a dwarf? Do they not realize where his strength/weakness lies? Or being of the very substance of Arda, are his kind immune to such controling influences?

A very interesting puzzle you have set for us.

I am enthralled.

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/1/2007
I guess now is as good a time as any to leave a review. I started reading this story (and in fact came to Stories of Arda) at the recommendation of my friend TithenFeredir. I will admit to being hesitent despite her very respected opinion. This is mostly do to a certain intimidation factor. TF has from time to time sent me little gems from this website to read and I have found the quality extremely impressive, both in authorship and in the knowledge of Tolkien's world. However, that said and being a Tolkien Fanfic writer myself, after reading said gems I often found myself saying, 'Why do I bother!' Something that TF chastises me for on a regular basis. 'Be inspired, my friend, not intimidated.'

I finally broke down and decided to join Stories of Arda because many of the Tolkien fanfiction sites I've been to are iffy in quality at best. And this partictular story was recommended for very specific reasons, which I will not go into here.

So, on with my review. I burned through the first 11 chapters without leaving any feedback because I could not stop reading. It's as simple as that. The only reason I have stopped now is that I sense really bad stuff on the horizon and need a breather to prepare myself for what lies ahead. Not that Legolas losing his Elven senses isn't bad enough. In fact it is down right painful to read. Your 'fleshing out' of existing Tolkien characters is amazing and spot on in my humble opinion. But what is more impressive is the writing of your original characters. You have created and developed characters that are every bit as fasinating as Tolkien's own, and fit them into Tolkien's world flawlessly.

I am further amazed by your attention to detail, your development of a desert culture, your use of languages and a myriad of other knowledge that you sprinkle liberally throughout the story. This has been an intense and exciting read...and yes, intimidating. But at this point being intimidated by your talent and storytelling ability is the least of my concerns. I am totally captivated. I have not read your profile so I do not know what your background is and if it contributes to the amazing authenticity of your work. In any case, I see that you have done your research, both in Middle-earth and else where.

A stunning piece of work.

PS: On a totally hormonal note, that scene where you have Legolas shoot the hawk out of mid-air from who knows how many leagues distance, knocked me out of mmy chair. "Did you doubt my aim", indeed.

Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/27/2007
hey Thundera, so about that update....when did you say it was going to happen?

Aya_ShoruReviewed Chapter: 38 on 10/14/2006
oh that was good, what happens next?

NoorReviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/13/2006
Oh what a fabulous ending to this chapter!
I have just read this and then realised that this tale has not been finished. I do hope you are going to finish it - it is gripping yarn although the politics are a little confusing. I have really enjoyed it and hope that there is a happy ending!

Many thanks


Author Reply: Hey Noor,

First of all, many thanks for the review. As for the fact that this is a WIP...yeah, I'm working on that. I wouldn't expect anything too soon, but I'll try to have something out before the end of the year. I know that doens't sound like much, but at this point, it's the best I can promise.

DelraukoReviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/18/2006
its about bloody time Legolas did something to Dashnir!
looking forward to the rest of the story!
keep it up! :-D

child of the stars Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/11/2005
Oh PLEASE review this story soon! I'm simply dyeing to read more and have been waiting far to long!!!!!

Author Reply: I am working on it, but we're entering one of the more difficult sequences that will span a few chapters continuously, so I'm trying to make sure that everyone has ended up where they needed to. It's a long process, but hopefully it will pay off in the end. Thanks for the encouragement! And apologies for the delay.

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/3/2005
(Nightwing picks up sharp pointy thing.)

poke... poke... poke...

All right, Thundera. It's high time you updated this puppy.

poke... poke... poke...

I do hope all is well with you; that you are healthy and RL is treating you well.

I'll send you coffee! I'll send you sandwiches and bubble baths and a pretty little pony.

poke... poke... poke...

Author Reply: *raises brow*

Poke, poke, poke? *starts poking back*

Seriously, though, I'm working through what I hope is the last bit of writer's block on this chapter, and once through that, I'm hoping the rest will start to flow. We're entering the major battle sequence that this entire story was theoretically building to (though I admit I could have done a better job with that) and I'm trying to make sure all the pieces ended up where they needed to. So apologies for the wait, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for patience. I am working on it! Promise!

MordaenReviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/27/2005
That is such an evil cliffhanger! What happens to Gimli and Legolas next?

Author Reply: Hey Mordaen,

Sorry about the cliffhanger. I am working on the next chapter and should have it out...relatively soon. (Relative being the operative term.) But you will find out what happens to Legolas in the next chapter, so I hope you can wait until then.

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