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Where the Love-light Gleams  by Lindelea 85 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
Oh dear! Poor Ferdi! I certainly called the "it pours" part right--literally!

I love that his concern is to get back in time to keep Pippin from coming out and searching for him. Once more we see the way hobbits in general tend to always think of others first.

And I am very curious to see what happens next.

Author Reply: It pours indeed, and in more ways than one...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/22/2006
Oh, dear, misjudged himself, I think....

Hope Starfire will be able to keep him in the saddle.

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/22/2006
Oh no! Now what has happened I wonder. I hope Starfire is all right. Ferdi does seem to have dreadful luck. For some reason I picture his theme song as "Gloom, Dispair and Agony On Me".

Please update soon.


Author Reply: O poor Ferdi! I have never heard that song. Good thing, probably!

Starfire is the sort who lands on his feet. Altho I do feel for him, bearing bacon and ham and smelly cheese and being something of a magnet for the attentions of stray dogs.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/22/2006
Oh dear, poor Ferdi--to use another cliche, it never rains but it pours, LOL!

I'm fascinated by your mention of Bolham. Have you ever mentioned him before? He sounds a lovely, Robin Hood-like OC. Be fun to hear a bit of his adventures.

Author Reply: We've been absolutely immersed in Robin Hood lately. Guess his spirit sort of sneaked into the story.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/22/2006
Oh, Lindelea! What a spot to leave him in! Do update soon please!

Author Reply: Your wish is my command.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/22/2006
Ferdi's headaches have their uses - but they are not terribly handy when he's riding in the dark on a cold winter's night.

Bolham the Red and the rebel bands of North-Tooks sound interesting - I wonder if their story is another one that might one day be told?

Sensible hobbits had weather aches in bones they'd broken. Ah well. Ferdi knows full well that nobody would call him a sensible hobbit. Not even Pimpernel - although she might find various other complimentary terms.

So he's out in deserted country, in the rain, on a dark moonless night, with a splitting headache, groggy with weariness and a pony whose gait has changed.

I hope the hams don't get home without the hobbit.

Author Reply: Have you been reading ahead?

(How do you *do* that?)

Don't know yet about Bolham. Who'd read his story, I wonder, unless there were some way to slip canon characters into the plot?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/22/2006
Yes, the wives say that, "Take care," "We wish to have you return again." And love Oatley and his stern assurance he ISN'T raising pigs when all know he does! Heh!

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/22/2006
That exchange between Ferdi and the farmer was interesting. I guess he can't see the wisdom in diversifying his farm. Oh well, I guess that is a normal hobbit trait; a resistance to change.

I don't blame Starfire for being a little put out, that's a lot of extra weight.

Now I guess we're going to get into what happened on that long trip home on Last Night.

Thanks. Now I'm off to read the next chapter.


Author Reply: Typical hobbit, yes.

Poor Starfire. It's not even something *he'd* choose to eat. Carrying oats, now, there's a nice prospect, and a chance to munch if Ferdi were to decide to lighten the load.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/22/2006
I love Farmer Oatley's reasoning. He grows oats. The pigs are just friends of the family - ridding them of organic waste and generously providing hams and bacon. Ferdi seems to understand how to deal with him though - although it must be frustrating.

Starfire doesn't seem to be that impressed by his role as pig porter. But I'm sure Ferdi will be able to keep him in hand - all things being equal.

Since the coach had fallen, and him under it, they'd watched him slipping away, slowly, ever so slowly, for he fought with all the courage he'd brought back from the Southlands, but little by little in truth.

Ah. Know when this is then. I'm not surprised Ferdi is out riding through the night to try to tempt Pippin's fickle appetite.

Author Reply: "pig porter" Imagine that on a resume.

Yes, I threw in that time clue for those who knew the backstory. And if I get my entry to Marigold's latest challenge finished, it'll tie this story and that one nicely together.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/22/2006
So the farmer won't raise the pigs for pork, will he? It sounds like the sort of stubbornly daft reasoning the Gaffer might use--and very hobbity!

And of course the mention of Pippin's health places where the story belongs in your timeline, and shows just *why* Ferdi and the others would go to such lengths for Pippin. It also plays up something which both you and I agree on--Pippin's similarity to Frodo. For it is also just the kind of thing Pippin, Merry and Sam would have done, the kind of lengths they would have gone to, for their beloved Frodo. Pippin, too, inspires others to love him that way--it is part of who he is, and a result of his own generous and courageous nature.

I got a chuckle out of Starfire's reaction to being used as a pack pony--*snerk*!

And the farmer's wife adds a touch of foreshadowing. Obviously, Ferdi's going to have a bit of trouble on the way home. (Well, of course,or there's no story, right?)

Author Reply: Of course! But the story is shaping up quite comical--er, angsty, indeed. One might think Mr. Herriot had entered the picture.

Poor Ferdi.

And here you have posted a new "Menelcar" chapter, which I skimmed very rapidly (probably read about one word in five) as I am interrupted... but I hope to get back and read it slowly and properly. What fun!

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