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The Three Towers  by shirebound 21 Review(s)
lbiloverReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
Thank you for letting Sam destroy Snaga's whip! Gimli has always been second only to the hobbits in my affections, I am so glad to see him portrayed so wonderfully here. I love that he will keep those buttons, but also his perception to let Brengil keep one of them. Another lovely chapter. Thank you so much.

Elanor SilmariënReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
Oh, Frodo's poor feet! I am glad he is feeling much better, though. And poor Pippin, thinking about that Palantir this whole time, and not telling anyone! I'm also dying to know what is making Frodo and Sam so happy. Please write more soon!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
“Another one who won’t talk.” Merry gave his young cousin a poke on the arm. “Maybe we should send YOU up to that room, Pip. A little peace and quiet would be--”


LOL! That was a good one!

I liked it to see Merry and Pippin taking care of their older cousin as if he was a child, including the scolding. But he did not repeat that part about the "silly Baggins", now did he?

Once again Gimli shows that he has learned a lot about hobbits. It was a wise decision to give the whip to Sam to see it destroyed. And he was also right about the buttons. Brengil will treasure his as if it was a gem.

I'm looking forward to reading Chapter 11!

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
I like that you show how important Merry and Pippin are to keeping Frodo in good spirits and well tended. The cousins' relationship goes unlooked too often, so it's great to see it here. I also liked the bit with the buttons, and how Gimli was generous enough to give one to Brengil, knowing how well he would appreciate it :)

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
Oh, I love the discussion at the end about everyone having desires that can't be fulfilled, and what Merry said is so true! And I think this wasn't only good for Pippin, but likely for Frodo as well.

And the bit at the beginning- "Say you're sorry." "I'm sorry, Merry."-is soooo cute! LOL! Leave it to the hobbits to take good care of our Frodo. :) Can't wait for chapter eleven! :)
God bless,

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
A happy chapter :)

I like the foot baths. Sam burning the whip. Gimli letting Brengil keep a button - and Gimli planning to offer one to Aragorn and to put the rest with Galadriel's strands of hair. Pippin gaining understanding about the urges he still feels to look into a palantir.

All well done indeed :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006

“Say you’re very sorry.”

“I’m very sorry, Merry.”

“Say you were a silly Baggins and it was a silly thing to do.”

“It was a silly thing to do, Pippin.”

Ah-huh. *grin* Just as I thought, Merry and Pippin are not going to let Frodo forget for one moment that he should not have gone up there alone. And of course much of it stems from them not being included. I love the way the scolding is interspersed with their care of him, and of switching the water from hot to cold. At least Frodo's taking their light-hearted reproaches meekly and in good humor. And since they see that it seems to have done him some good, they can't be *too* cross with him. But they still won't let him forget.

The interlude with Gimli, Sam and Snaga's whip was both chilling and well-done. I love the way Gimli knows what satisfaction it will give Sam to see it burned up, and that he saved it for that reason.

The buttons were another thing. Of course, now he's laid his ghosts, so to speak, Frodo will wish no further reminders of his horrid time in the Tower. But Gimli knows the value of a keepsake, as well. I was touched beyond words when he thought of cherishing it in the same way he did the Lady's Gift.

And poor Pippin. Like many people, he sometimes confuses the desire to do something with the deed--we all have thoughts or wishes that are not exactly good--it's whether we *do* anything with them, or allow those thoughts to obssess us, that determines whether it's wrong or not. I'm glad the others were able to help him realize that.

I'm sorry to see the story is beginning to wind down. In spite of the horrid memories, this has still been a soothing, gentle and loving tale. I hope there are a few more chapters left...

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
What an uplifting relief after the last chapter. The washing of Frodo's feet seems to symbolize more than just cleanliness, and I LOVE that Gimli retrieved the whip for Sam to destroy.

Also, dealing with each character's unfulfilled desire and acknowledging it's something to live with was a theme strong in the book. I'm glad you tied in Pippin and the Palantir, as well as Legolas and Frodo's longings.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
Well you really know how to hang out the suspense of Frodo's explanation don't you! *g* Loved the bit with Gimli and the whip and the buttons. Nice release for Sam and good chat over Pippin's desire for the stone.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/8/2006
I absolutely loved Pippin scolding Frodo - I could just see it happening! Sam burning the whip - and Gimli realizing that Frodo really wouldn't want *those* buttons back. All lovely.

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