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Merry's Graduation  by PIppinfan1988 82 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/15/2006
I will officially go on record as encouraging you to write as many stories about young Pippin and Merry and Degger and Pervinca as you have time to write. You know that the first one in the series, "Irrepressable Pippin" is one of my all time favorites of your tales and since I like all of your stories that's saying something. I can't wait for the next one to begin. I look forward to Merry's tutoring efforts, more success from Degger, more of your wonderful Pervinca and most of all, more irrepressable Pippin. Also, it will be fun to hear Paladin take on the Thain!

Author Reply: LOL, then the record stands. :-) Be careful for what you wish for, becuase it might accidentally come true! Yes, in the next tale I want to go into Merry's tutoring abilities as well. We'll see what the Muse has me write in the coming weeks. *wicked laughter*...I have plans for Paladin and Ferumbras. ;-)

Take care and thanks again for all your wonderful and much needed encouragement.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/15/2006
Simply wonderful. I loved the way Paladin helped Degger to get through the news that he hadn't passed by encouraging him to continue. Loved Merry's speach too! Also I was relieved that the Thain didn't get to grade the test papers. If he had then it would have been very difficult to know if Degger had actually failed or if he had been cheated out of his passing grade. This was, as are all of your stories, simply splendid!

Author Reply: Thank you! I just thought it would have been so easy for the lad to quit; to just lay it all down and walk away. No one could have blamed him after he endured so much ridicule from Ferumbras and a few of his kitchen peers. He has yet to run into the likes of Saffron, Ferdibrand's younger sister; my equivalent to Lobelia S.B., but around Pervinca's age. I rather enjoyed writing Merry's speech, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you again for all your encouragement. :-)


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/14/2006
Ooo, looking forward to the Paladin-Ferumbras confrontations, or whatever you have planned for them.

Nice to know there's more in the works.

Glad to be of help. I'm learning a lot about writing and how different people's creative processes work from talking with you.

Sorry if my own spelling is lacking, but I'm really tired and am headed straight to bed as soon as get done here.


Author Reply: I'm not far behind's about 9:45pm right now. Yes, I certainly have plans, my dear. ;-) I'll probably start writing this weekend, but won't post until I have everything pretty much fleshed out.

Thank you again for the betas, and for being the faithful reader that you are. See ya soon.


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/14/2006
Oh, what a nice ending. I had hoped Degger would pass the test despite Ferumbras, but that would really have been unlikely.

I'm glad Pippin told Paladin what happened and that Paladin is still determined to help Degger improve his lot in life.

I liked the name the tutor chose for her school. It reminded me of some of the names my homeschool friends use for their kids' diplomas.

Merry's speech was great, and the audiance reactions were wonderful.

Degger will certainly succeed with Merry as his assistant tutor and Pippin for a supportive fellow-student.

Can't wait to see what you have planned for this entrepid bunch.


Author Reply: "Oh, what a nice ending. I had hoped Degger would pass the test despite Ferumbras, but that would really have been unlikely.

LOL, we must all be on the same wavelength; Dreamflower said the same thing about Degger not passing. I confess, I do try to watch for plausibility. I've been in Degger's, or fur...whatever, but I've been there, and its not fun.

I imagine now that Paladin is living under the same roof as Degger, he is going to take more of an active role in being Degger's guardian. Degger needs a lot of encouragement as far as academics go; things don't come as easily to him as they do for Pippin or Merry. That was the principle part of the story with Merry; he grows up a bit in the way of noticing that aspect of Degger, and instead of becoming impatient with the lad (as some high IQ people usually do), Merry wants to help and encourage him along the rough road ahead.

LOL, glad you liked "Hemlock Academy"! As for the crowd, I imagined Bilbo's birthday party and the reactions of the hobbits under the big pavilion, then tried to reproduce a bit of it here. I thought it gave a nice touch.

I agree with your assessment of Merry being Degger's tutor and Pippin his suppportive study-mate, and I can't wait to start writing about it, because, yes, I do have plans. :-) Thanks for reading!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/14/2006
It's been a fun tale to read, and I look forward with much anticipation to seeing more of the duel of wits between Paladin and Ferumbras.

I'm so glad I popped in for a few moments before signing off for the night, and found the last chapter posted!!

Author Reply: Duel...? Did you say duel....? (wicked laughter)

I am so glad you did, too! I so look forward to your bits and pieces--they often make me laugh, make me think...or simply make my day. I knew it was late when I posted and really didn't expect anything until this morning, so your review was a very pleasant surprise. :-) Thank you again for taking the time to read and leave encouraging words!

Until next time...


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/14/2006
Well, I'm sorry Degger didn't at least squeak by on the exam, but really, it is more realistic this way. And I loved Paladin's explanations to him.

Merry's little graduation ceremony was very sweet--and I think he is going to immensely enjoy his time as a tutor.

Author Reply: I was sorry, too. I knew from the moment I had Paladin pull Degger into the study group in "The Substitute" that the lad was going to struggle, but the storyline didn't allow me to venture into it at the time. As for Paladin, I felt the need to establish his guardian relationship. It was all right that Paladin wasn't *always* there for Degger the past six years because the lad chose to live at Great Smials while Paladin lived in Whitwell. But now that they both live at G.S., it was important for Paladin to take up what he felt was his responsibility from the first.

LOL, I had a great time writing that scene! Bits of Bilbo's farewell birthday party floated into my muse which inspired Pippin and Everard's responses and the crowd's reactions. I think Merry will enjoy it as well, although he knows what his true calling is. This is just one of the many indulgences my Saradoc will give his son before Merry finally buckles down and takes his place as the heir to Buckland.

Thank you for reading!


Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/12/2006
I finally managed to get back to this! Argh! That Ferumbras! Oh, he is awful. Poor Degger.

Author Reply: Hello, Anso! LOL, take your time--it'll always be here. Darn that Ferumbras! But he will get his due! Thank you for reading!

p.s. I'll peep in on your LJ this week--I know I've been bad about getting on LJ of late. Someday we'll have to talk over a cup of tea. ;-)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/9/2006
That was so evil of Ferumbras. He was so mean to Degger. I do hope Pippin tells every word of it to his father and that Degger passes in spite of it all. Can't wait to hear the exam results. It's a wonder that Ferumbras didn't give Pervinca a hard time too since she's a lass. Maybe his own mother wouldn't approve of that double standard. I am crossing my fingers like Pippin did in the hopes that they all passed.

Author Reply: And it was so evil of me to think I had already answered your reiview! I profusely apologize.

As you know now, Pippin sang like a bird after he left. If Ferumbras was smart, he'd leave town. You know...I thought to have him say something about Pervinca but just didn't do it here. I had thought to do it in the next tale. Great minds think alike! Thanks for reading--sorry about my memory, or lack thereof.


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/8/2006
Glad to have been of some help.

I love this chapter. The bonding moment between Paladin and Pippin was wonderful. I was glad Pippin was able to assess his thought about how he felt about his dad's relationship with Degger and that he was able to put his feelings into words. That is often so hard for children. They want to please their parents so much that they will often say what they think their parent wants to hear and not what they are truly feeling. I'm happy that Pippin knows his place in his father's heart, but that he doesn't want any more "adopted" brothers. The bit with the apples was cute. I'm feeling like you must have had some sort of premonition, or something. My Wee One and I had a big bonding moment tonight, and it even ended with a late-night snack. Funny thing is, now I'm craving an apple.

Can I drop-kick Ferumbras across the Great Smials, please? Please! That was so mean-spirited of him. He really is a snobbish and bitter old coot. Now I'm worried for Degger. I hope he did all right on the part of the test he was able to finish. May if he did enough of it and got enough answers correct, he'll still pass. I'm probably wishful thinking, aren't I?

It's a good thing Pippin and Merry, and Vinca for that matter, were gone before he started the worst of his annoying behavior toward poor Degger. Otherwise, he'd have probably had a small-scale riot on his hands.

Were all four taking the same test? I found it interesting that you had Pippin finish first. He really is one bright kid, isn't he? I always knew he was.

As you can tell, I really got a lot out of this chapter. Keep up the great job.


Author Reply: I am so embarrassed! I thought I answered all these...oy, I think the gap in my swiss cheese memory just got bigger. My apologies.

Sweetie, you can drop-kick Ferumbras anytime you want--just get in line, lol. Ferumbras is a bitter old coot, but he ain't dumb. The snobby coward purposely waited for the others to leave before launching his attack. Yes, all four took the same exam. Pippin finished first because I see him as extremely bright, and Merry no less, lol, he just likes to give very thorough answers! Vinca would be next; she, too, is a bright child, though not quite where her brother and cousin are, but has much more knowledge than Degger at this point. LOL, I used to proctor exams in the Navy--and take them, of course. One could almost time it on a stopwatch, but an hour and a half into the exam (exams are 3 hrs), one by one, an examinee would get up and hand in his/her test. It was like a "trickle" effect.

Thanks again for reading--sorry about my lack of memory.


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/8/2006
"Pippin was shocked into the world of the living when he awoke to the sound of a tingling hand bell beside his ear."


That wretched, rotten, mean spiteful Ferumbras!!!! I do so hope he gets his due in the end!!!

More, m'dear, I want more :) :)

Author Reply: *Gasps!!* I thought I answered chapter 10 reviews! *blushes* I am so sorry!

Well, I *can* say that Ferumbras will get his just due. In the next story, as you already know. I couldn't help myself with the bell, lol.

Want more? You got it. Thanks for reading!


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