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Of Elves and Men  by Eruanneth_Luin 23 Review(s)
ellieReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/25/2007
Beautiful! What a wonderful second chance and joining for them. Sigh...I'm so glad I found this story. You are wonderfully resolving this tragic love into something so joyous. Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: Credit must be given where due. Many people were quick to condemn Aegnor for not acquiesing to the wishes of Andreth. But then we mortals think of the immediate satisfaction and care not the others may suffer endless for our temporary pleasure. I saw it quite differently.

So what came of my musing was a special gift; a compassionate Eru-given opportunity to dwell in a peace they would never have known in Beleriand.

I am delighted, Ellie, that you are enjoying this tale which has taken the better part of 2 years to complete.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/25/2007
YAY! They are together at last, though in a most uncommon way. even if little can become of this, at least they had those few moments and the potential promise of something more later. I'm glad she gave in to him.

I thought it interesting that Sauron himself came out to kill Aegnor. Aegnor was a deadly foe of Morgoth.

Author Reply: Even though staying true to the essence of Tolkien's story we must allow for certain literary license. For me it seemed that such a rare and enduing love should merit a special 'ending'.

Aegnor indeed was fierce in his wrath against the one he thought was responsible for the bridgeless gulf between Elf and Man. It made sense to send out a Power to defeat this warrior.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/22/2007
How amazingly bitter and sad. That was a hard lesson for Aegnor and really a hard lesson for them all with his cold withdrawal.

I wish they had come together. It would have been brief and hard, but at least it would have been.

I still prefer the romantic idea that in the end of time, they were rejoined.

Author Reply: To elves it was likely an incomprehensible idea that humans had such a brief span of existence. After all, there were skirmishes with the great Enemy and forays from his dark lair on a regular basis, and war is hard on the health and welfare of both sides. Death was therefore a not uncommon end for Elves and Men.

As with many a hopeful couple, events may occur that keep them apart. While the romantic is wonderful, to be sure, Tolkien did not write many happy endings and I wish to be true to his visions of his world. (HoME 10 - Morgoth’s Ring - pages 323-326)

But, my dear Ellie, please remember that there are four (4) additional chapters.

Coriel ConquistadoraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/20/2007
Is that all? Or is there more? Please say there will be more. :)

Author Reply: It is so nice to hear from you, Coriel. It sounds like you are enjoying my “master-work.” You can thank Alassiel for her continued encouragement (prodding, urging?) to complete it.

Yes, there are a total of eight (8) chapters, the plan being to post one each Monday until they are done.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/16/2007
What a delightful tale of Andreth and Aegnor. I loved the defenders and the doll and the clever race. How wonderful!

Author Reply: It is always nice to hear from you, Ellie, and thank you for the review. Elves have such a love for young ones that it would be natural for them to participate in their fun.

If you are familiar with the tale of Aegnor and Andreth you know that not all their days were filled with lighthearted merriment.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/16/2007
This story has went staight to my heart,I loved the race between them and her means for winning them,it seems the elf has much to learn about the wiles of a female human!

Author Reply: It is good to know that you enjoyed the story thus far, Elflingimp. The race was a surprise for me as well, but the human female has a lot to learn about elves, too.

Thank you for your review; it is the great encouragement for a writer.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/12/2007
I do love your stories of these first encounters between men and elves - especially Finrod. His desire to attend the birth of his friend's first child is tangible here (and I like his steward and how he manuevers to make the trip finally possible). The arrival of the elves and the race for the gates was breathtaking - but what really gathered my attention was this first meeting between Aegnor and Andreth. What a sweet baby girl - and he surely captured by her small hand and sweet face in more ways than one! Lovely story, Eruanneth! I can't wait for more!


Author Reply: Thank you for the review, Linda. I am delighted that you are enjoying this story. It has certainly been a long time in the writing.

Ever since first reading of Aegnor and Andreth, I felt that they must have known each other early in her life. As Angrod and Aegnor led the elvish warriors in the area, visits between the two peoples would have been likely. Andreth, being daughter to the first Lord of Dorthonion, would undoubtedly have been in the presence of elves often, but her special friendship with Aegnor developed over time.

My hope is to post a chapter each Monday. Fear not, the tale is already completed.

Coriel ConquistadoraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/14/2006
One can't help but wonder how the issues of mortality and immortality between Men and Elves, each taking their own condition for granted. Well done. :)

Author Reply: It was that very thought that fanned this idea into flame, though being mortal we likely see more clearly from that perspective. But for beings with no concept of speaking creatures living abbreviated lives, it must have been profoundly disturbing.

Thank you for the review, Coriel.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/14/2005
I enjoyed this, Well written and well done.

Author Reply: It was not easy to write; this the first of many losses of the mortal friends of the Eldar, not by wound or grief, but the unknown death of old age.

Thank you for your review, Ellie.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2005
How very lovely and how very sad! I loved the meeting of elf and man in your other story...this just shows how far the friendship has progressed and how deeply attached to each other these two were. The dawning realization in the mind of the immortal elf-lord that his cherished friend was leaving him in such a permanent way (which he could barely comprehend) was wrenching. I am so glad that Finrod had Edrahil to watch over him afterwards. This is so well-written - and I dearly love the way you write their conversation. It flows like a river of poetry. Beautiful story - I hope there will be more!


Author Reply: Ah, it pleases me greatly that you find this event believable and heartwarming. That is, after all, how friendship and loyalty should be among honorable people, be they Elves or Men.

According to Tolkien, Finrod had infinite care for these Other Children of Iluvatar, in much the same way, I think as the Valar had for Elves; some mysteries of the mind of the One revealed in his creations, as well as his own intense curiosity, and later, his affection and respect.
Thank you, lwarren, for the heartening words of praise. There is more planned.

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