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Interrupted Journeys: Part 4 Journeys of Discovery  by elliska 146 Review(s)
GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/21/2007
Ut oh! I smell trouble. I'm glad that Galithil wasn't caught eavesdropping, but I suspect that will be little consolation in the end. Of course, there is always the possibility that when he's finally found, Aradunnon will be too relieved to be angry-or maybe nana will go to bat for her baby. Oh Legolas. He's so busy trying to watch what everyone else is doing that he doesn't watch what HE is doing. I suspect Thranduil won't be all that understanding at his excuse either. I loved Galithil telling Maidhien not to call the king by name. It just isn't done! See? He is proper underneath all that rough exterior.

This was another exciting chapter, Elliska. I'm looking forward to the next!

Author Reply: You are right that trouble is definitely coming. And you're right about Legolas--so busy watching that Galithil doesn't get into a fight that he'll get in trouble himself, as you will see. And you are also so right that Galithil is a 'proper' child underneath--he'll just be proper on his own terms like his father and grandfather. :-)

Thank you so much for the review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/20/2007
The argument between Thranduil and his brother was very nicely done. I could see the king's power but also Aradrunnon's complete belief he was doing the right thing.

I'd forgotten all about the traps for the novices. I assume things are about to get much tenser.

Author Reply: Poor Aradunnon and Thranduil both. They are both right and there is no good solution, which makes it really hard. But the argument was fascinating to Galithil. And, yes, the next chapter starts out tense (I hope). :-) And leads to something Legolas will not soon forget.

Thank you so much for the review, daw!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/16/2007
Is the boy insane???

Of course, he is the son of both his parents. And I can assume (I hope) that the story will need him beyond the point of the pair of them turning into two little skeletons in a hidden cave.

But he will be lucky to spend the rest of his childhood chained to his wall.

I can see how he is both exasperated by Maidhien and excited by her. She is definitely not like his young lady cousins.

And I have grown very fond of Tulus. I do hope he manages to survive the cataclysm. He is making the right decisions - and his words to Legolas are both fair and encouraging. If, as Gilbert's father, he can acknowledge that his son was wrong and deserved whatever penalty will be exacted, he is actually helping Legolas see that however much you love your kids, they have to take responsibility for their own misjudgments.

I do love your view of Legolas's childhood and companions. But I think the older members of the household will be banging their heads against the wall shortly.

Author Reply: Hehehe. I love caving, but I do have the good sense to make sure someone knows exactly where I am going to be when I am doing it. Galithil is definitely being reckless. In more way than one.

Maidhien is reckless in a way that Galithil never dreamed of--at least he has the restaining hand of 'what will my parents do.' Maidhien does not care about what little her parents say to her. Not even a little bit. She'll do anything. Galithil has to find that attitude exciting, even if she is an elleth who is just hovering over her very first friend. :-)

Poor Tulus. He really has a rough time in this story. The net is closing around him from more than one direction in this part of the story and it is so unfair because he has changed.

The adults are going to be banging their heads alright, but hopefully for reasons you do not yet guess. :-)

Thank you so much for continuing to read and for the review, Bodkin!

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/14/2007
YAY! An update! I was so happy to see that you had updated! That was wonderfully exciting, Elliska! I can't wait for more. In typical fashion, Galithil is getting himself deeper and deeper in trouble, but a cave with a secret door-how fun!

Author Reply: *Big grin* I am so happy you and others are still willing to read after such long delays. And I am glad Galithil and Maidhien's adventured were exciting. I love caving myself--I would have *loved* to find a secret door (who wouldn't, except Eirienil). ;-) Galithil is getting into trouble he will not recognize for years to come, but he is definitely getting into trouble.

Thank you so much for the review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/14/2007
Oh man. I'm a little claustrophobic and I was breathing hard and feeling faint while they crawled through that little tunnel. But I didn't see the secret door coming at all. Great twist.

Poor Legolas. He's learning a hard lesson.

Author Reply: I know you have mentioned before that you are not fond of tight squeezes in caves, so I thought about you as I was editing this part last night. I used to love doing stuff like that. If any one in this story is a Sue for me, it is Maidhien. :-) I'm glad you didn't see the secret door coming. I wanted that to be a fun little twist (and it is going to be important that Galithil and Maidhien found it in two different places in future parts of this story). And poor Legolas--things will look down for him before they look up again. It is hard doing the right thing.

Thank you so much for the review, daw!

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 10/14/2007
Poor Legolas! At least the puppies are pleased to see him.
Maidhien remains a bit of a enigma (a Good Thing) whilst Galithil (and indeed all the rellies) struggle with the complexities of family that we can all recognise (if not exactly approve of).
I think it is time I indulged myself in a re-read of the story/ies to date, thank you (I am very remiss at saying how very much I enjoy this Journey).

Author Reply: Yes, Legolas made a difficult decision and he is hating it right now. But it will pay off for him by the end of this story, so there is hope. And Maidhien will remain an enigma, and a very central part of this story, for a while.

Thank you so much for the review. I am very glad you have enjoyed so far. There are only a few (depnding on how I divide them, 3-5 chapters in this story) and then I will be on to the next one, which is one of the darker stories in the series.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/25/2007
Ouch, why do I have a feeling that Dolgailon is soon to have a very very bad day_ Galithil and mAidhen mean disaster, and despite all his energy, Galithil knows better than what he has been doing... I cannot think of way for him to espace lifelong confinement ig his father gets word of his disobedience and his arguments! Poor creature. Now I am looking forward to the next installment, yet still crossing my fingers, for Galithil has tragedy written on his face...

perellethReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/25/2007
Galithil is a hoot! Poor kid, so full of energy that he cannot remain a moment without getting into trouble! And I love kingly, commanding THrnaduil, and how he puts his commander in place! Aradunnonīs distrust of TUlus is only undesrtandable, but I think that THranudil is right there...I fear I see disaster looming.

And I loved the way LEgolas tries to get out of the tangled mze in wich he is presently, and how Hallion helps him find the right way of telling witout betraying.... YOu have such a way with showing kidīs conflicts and views!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/25/2007
I was sure that I had reviewed this, but I see that I had only read it... Thranduil is great here with Tulus, I thnk, and his conversations parent to parent was a total... failure almost. HE did manage to instill some uncertainties but also showed a weaker flank.. as it happens again with good actions. And poor Legolas has run into something he would have been happier ignoring. I must say that I am really enjoying the childrenīs toils in this tale with the backdrop of adultīs politics. Life is so complicated most of the times! Poor Tulus. He has a dumb log of a son!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/14/2007
Sorry I'm late. I've been letting my reading slide, but I'm getting back in the groove now.

Amoeba tag! I remember playing that at circus camp! That's a fun game. And then we'd sing the "Piccolomini" song, or the alligator song, or the clown song, and then we'd go off and practice our acts.

I like the observation of child omertá here. From the grownup perspective, Legolas did do the right thing by telling, but there's always the fact that no one likes a tattler. So many grownups just don't understand that. Perhaps it's something that happens when you have kids, you lose your ability to think like one.

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