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New beginnings  by perelleth 79 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/11/2005
Oh, my, the tsuris of being a young King, respected by precisely no one, with a million things to do, and a formal dinner awaiting. Poor old Ereinion is not having a fun day here, is he?

The dinner was wonderful. Half the guests are so determined not to hurt anyone's feelings that they can't do a thing, and the other half are equally determined to provoke everyone around them. Sounds like a family get-together at my house.

And good ol' Galadriel. Always knows just what to do with her Celeborn, doesn't she. Finarfin would be horrified.

Author Reply: YOur family, too? :-) I thought I was writing about mine!
YEp, respected by precisely not one. The deeper I got involved in the story, the more I dreaded Ereinion's job. I wouldn't be in his shoes for anything! Who needs the enemy, with friends and realtives like his? But he somehow succeeded, so I'm optimistic about the outcome...

LEt's hope the guards never think of informing the High King of the Noldor, or he would have a fit!!!!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/11/2005
I am ROFLOL at Elves (and Peredhel) behaving badly! Between Elros's lack of good sense and Ereinion's bad mood and all the Noldor and Sindar and Vanyar and Teleri politicial bickering....oh my, they were funny.

Ah, to be a guard....they must absolutely feed the gossip machine.

Author Reply: I'm so glad to read that the chapter made you laugh, NIlmandra, you surely may need it, taking into account what you are supposedly writing at this time... :-) I, too, had great fun writing it. The deeper I got into this story, the more nightmarish Ereinion's role looked to me. Trying to make that camp, city, kngdom work was an extraoridnary achievement indeed!

Poor guards, indeed.Who would ever believe them?

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/11/2005
Ereinion is such a great character. He's so young for the responsibility of being king. You show him acting like a kid (running through the camp) but also with real leadership, someone people want to follow.

Ah! but Finarfin had not taken into account the doom of the Noldor
I laughed out loud at that. Cirdan is so wicked! Poor Finarfin.

And drunk Elros is a hoot. It's like dinner theater!

But what a stroke of brilliance to show the Galadriel & Celeborn conversation from the POV of the guards.

Author Reply: WEll, yes, I suppose that at 140 he's quite young, and even younger if you compare him with all those around him. Taking into account how the age ends, I guessed he must have had some good qualities as a leader..
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I had great fun writing it, especially the poor guards, but it was Círdan's wicked, experienced view what made me laugh. HE's wicked indeed! :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/6/2005
I've been away - and am delighted to come back and find this. It's such a gorgeous tale of frustration and decisions - and hurt and incomprehension - with a fantastic cast of characters! Such an interesting time. I feel for them all. Well apart from Oropher here - arrogant big-head. And Ingil - perhaps he should just get back on the boat and brush the dust of Middle Earth from his shiny Vanyar boots.

Delightful. I'm looking forward to the next instalment of cross-purposes!

Author Reply: Hope you enjoyed your holiday! And glad that you're enjoying this tale. YOu see, the cast increased at an almost unbelievable pace, but the setting called for it, and yes, misunderstandings, frustrations, decisions, grudges and silliness are part of everybody's everyday's life...

I must confess that I even grew to like Oropher by the end of the tale, and I so much hope that you shall end up liking Ingil! poor one, he's completely out of his element! :-)

Chapter four will be posted as soon as I'm able to locate a computer with a USB connection... :-/

Thanks again for your kind words! :-)

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/3/2005
Sorry it took me so long to review. I'm buried at work as usual this summer.

This was a great chapter. I howled when I realised Celeborn, Galadriel and Finarfin were witnessing Oropher and Gil-galad's fight. Oh, that was bad timing wasn't it, with Finarfin worried about Galadriel's safety and unimpressed with the Sindarin! That was great!

And I liked Galadriel's conversation with Ingil and her open anger that he was trying to persuade her to come back to Valinor. I doubt Galadriel would miss what was happening and she did not.

But my favorite part of this was Celeborn and Finarfin's conversation and how Celeborn saw Finarfin's point of view and the Noldo's point of view. That was really well done.

Great chapter. :-)

Author Reply: Don't worry, I can understand you only to well. It is a little comfort to know that I'm not the only one buried at work while the rest of the Northern hemisphere is enjoying a hot summer...:-)

Empathy is an interesting feeling, ins't it? Watching an elf who had just lost four children, and relating that to the pain he had seen Elu endure finally made the trick, or almost, for Celeborn. Even if Lúthien had been lost forever, losing four to Mandos' doom was not a good deal, either, I'd say...I, too, would be trying to secure what was left of that mess, although charging Ingil with the mission wasn't very useful...Galadriel's still Galadriel! :-)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/3/2005
He sighed deeply, knowing that love hurt deeper than any sword, and crouched beside the king.

This line struck me the most, out of all of these conversation among mighty and powerful elves. No matter their differenes, they are all alike at the core with the need to love and be loved, and the grief they experience when love is sundered temporarily or permanently is the same regardless of which kindred one belongs too. Celeborn and Finarfin have reached an understanding, I think, that will undergird their relationship for all time, no matter how rocky it might be when they are all together finally.

I also liked the Vanyarin thoughts of strange they must have found Men who willingly gave of their short lives? I do hope in reality they were better prepared for war than what his raging recollections showed though!

Author Reply:
Well…thankfully, the War of Wrath ended well, didn’t it? But I’m sure their plans needed some adjustment upon arrival. Too often hi-tech, carefully planned expeditions and projects founder in contact with harsh reality, and home made solutions and in-field adaptations are needed before plans made in one place are ready to actually work in a different environment, and before teams from different cultures can cooperate…at least in my experience! :- ) Yes, Ingil was somewhat bewildered still...too many new things for them! :-)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/2/2005
I would say that anyone who tries to "manage" Galadriel deserves what they get. One of Celeborn's great strengths is that he's willing to take her as she is. And in my opinion, she's lucky to have him!

Author Reply: Yep, it is an interesting relationship, isn't it? I suppose they managed to complement each other's strengths and weakenesses, not an easy task, anyway! Celeborn must have been laughing just imagining the scoldings everyone was receiving!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/2/2005
Boy, Finarfin & Co. are really aiming high if they want to get Galadriel to do something she does not want to do! No matter how much they wheedle, bargain, cajole, threaten, or guilt-trip her, she will do what she will do.

“we felt their mood change many times, didn’t we, Arta…Galad…daughter?”

I loved that line. It was just perfect.

And I loved the mention of all the problems the Vanyar host encountered due to poor planning. Mistaking Men for Orcs! Forgetting to bring horses! I love it!

Author Reply: Yes, I'd say that two or three Valar must be needed to cause Galadriel just to budge...Finarfin wasn't kind to charge Ingil with trying where he had failed...

And I'm sure that the "War of Wrath" secret files must be a useful handbook of Murphy's law, Valinorean style. Such expeditions always are, and things are never as they are supposed to be... :-)

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/30/2005
I've gotten behind in reading and reviewing and by the time I saw this story, you were on chapter two!

But what a delightful story. I love the 'young' feel of the characters. You captured that 'age' for them very well. We know these characters in Tolkien's work after they've been around for an age or two, so it's interesting to see them before they become the characters he wrote. You created believable and interesting 'younger' versions.

Poor Ereinion had quite a headache. Even if Oropher outsmarted him, Oropher got outsmarted too. LOL! What goes around, comes around. And Oropher was rather less than welcoming to the dwarf. That's the problem with living so long; you were there when things went to pot.

Elrond and Elros were interesting to see as well. It must be a tough time for them now that they've made their decisions.

I'm looking forward to following along with this story. Very good, Perelleth.


Author Reply: Hi Karen, welcome and thanks! The story is already written and I had the misconception that summer was a time when there were fewer stories to read,that's why I posted two chapters in so short a time, but I've seen that I'm sorely mistaken! I'm too, quite behind with my own r&r! (blame it to HP, too...)

I'm glad that you found them interesting! As you say, we have glimpses of these characters at the end of the second age and some of then go through the the third, but all these powerful kings and kingdoms and lords and lordships must have started from somewhere, and this camp in what would later become the Grey Havens seemed a very promising madhouse sceneario to me. ;-)

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/30/2005
Oh you are evil in this chapter! ;-) Oropher was just a nightmare, and frankly I imagine this close to the Dwarves' invasion of Menegroth and the kinslayings, he (and a lot of other Sindar) would react exactly like this to a dwarf (messenger or not) and a Noldor king. But poor Gil-galad--he is not having an easy beginning.

And if the actual encounter isn't bad enough, to have Elros bring more messengers with dinner invitations while the poor king is so 'indisposed.' Oh I really felt for him.

And I like how you are playing with the names in this--both Gil-galad's in this chapter and Galadriel's in the last. I think I forgot to mention that, last time.

You are doing a great job showing the conflicts these characters would be experiencing at this point in history. It would be an absolutely fascinating time (assuming you were one of the kings--then it would be just as you are showing it ;-) )

Great chapter!

Author Reply: Thanks, elliska!
I suppose that "normal" people would be busy settling down, and helping each other, and assuming daily tasks, but leave it to their leaders to overreact over one single messenger, or to provoke an incident with an oversensitive Sinda... I think this time was a difficult training for all of them... thankfully their people were more than used to manage on their own, and they still had Círdan!

I am not too familar with Oropher, and I unconsciously assumed what most fics portray as his personality. NOw that I'm done with the story I suppose that I see him as quickly angered but well intentioned, and I came to sympathize with him. And we must concede that he has a talent for mocking nicknames! :-) I'm glad you liked it, it was a sily joke, but I found it appropriately offensive for the situation and the character....

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