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Hobbit Tales  by PIppinfan1988 79 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/7/2008
A truly wonderful story, Pippinfan, and I love that it comes from your own life. I could see it all so clearly.

Beautiful. MEWD!!!

Author Reply: Hello, Mentor! Sorry about my tardy reply. :-(

I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :-) I don't know why, but the memory niggled at the back of my head all day Saturday, and now you've read the results. I wrote this in one sitting, and we both know that rarely happens with me.

Your encouragement means the world to me, so thank you, Pearl -- and thank you for reading!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 14 on 1/7/2008
A very beautiful story, Pippinfan!! I don't know that I've ever seen a story about this point in their lives. And I love that you have Pippin being an intelligent lad who is interested in studies.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/7/2008
A wonderful job of exploring what each hobbit might have been thinking on that last night in the Shire. Even to Freddy feeling so relieved that he was staying put.


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/7/2008
Bravo! How wonderful of dear Gandalf to give Pippin a Dragon-fly of his very own.

A smile on a gloomy day :-)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/6/2008
My grandmother had a button box or two also! I can see those in my mind now after reading your story. Thank you. I loved this one. And this line, (Winter’s chill was never a respecter of persons; when it left the Shire, it would take many elderly, young children, and the feeble along with it.) was so interesting. I really enjoyed the way you worded that. Anyway, thank you for brightening my day and bringing back a few memories!

Author Reply: How cool! To know some of us share the same bits of childhood like this is great. :-) I certainly didn't think that my great-grandmother was the only one to possess such a box, but I'm pleasantly surprised nonetheless.

I'm glad that I was finally able to brighten *your* day. You've done it so many times for me through your storytelling. Wow -- thank you for the lovely compliments! And thank you for stopping by to read. :-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/6/2008
What a dear, sweet story. My mom had a button "jar", which I never tired of exploring.

Author Reply: So then you understand the story behind the story! Splendid! Jar, box, sack...the memories would be the same. :-)

Thank you for the kind review, and thank you for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/6/2008
How sweet! And it is just the sort of old-fashioned and family-oriented sort of evening I could imagine hobbits enjoying! It's sad to imagine Eglantine getting old and passing, but that is, of course, the way of things--and she still seems pretty spry in this story!

And I love this glimpse of Pippin and Diamond as fond parents!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm so glad you think so! I'd be lying if I had said that you have not inspired me in some fashion over the years. So, I do thank you for that! :-)

Yes, it will be very sad when that day comes and Pippin finds himself the head of the family. Right now, Eglantine is still a bit spry, but many elderly folk decline in health quite fast after becoming ill. Then again...Eglantine just may surprise us all and give Bilbo and the Old Took a run for their money!

Thank you for stopping by to read!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/19/2007
Ah, the loneliness of the displaced youngest child--and how well Frodo Baggins understands being overlooked and ignored--or too much of the wrong type of attention lavished on him!

Lovely indeed.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/17/2007
It was a momentous question to contemplate, and a necessary one.

But I never thought to wonder WHY Isembold's descendants were ignored. I know Dreamflower's story of a disaffection causing them to build their own family home elsewhere; but that his like would take precedence over Adalgrim's son just never struck me. Interesting.

Thanks for giving me more to think about.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/16/2007
It may mot have mattered too much to the Quest if Pal had decided otherwise but we would have lost one of the wonderful complexities that the Prof wove into his book. I have always loved the idea that Pippin is the heir to the Thain of the Shire who keeps it in Stewardship 'until the King comes back' and is the one who ends up in service to Gondor and her King.

What a wonderful father figure you paint PF. Concerned to take into account the thoughts and feelings of his children.

Author Reply: Thanks, harrowcat! I so agree with you on your first point!

I do like to put those two together, and because I imaging them so close, it would be hard for Paladin *not* to know how his children feel. :-)

Thanks for reading!

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