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The Courtship of Peregrin Took  by PIppinfan1988 134 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 26 on 10/9/2005
Aha--someone who is not accustomed to the naming practices of Dwarves--and is SHE mistaken.

Good advice from Merry to Pippin, and it sounds indeed as if Diamond has done precisely what Pippin accused her of--she caught it!

Author Reply: LOL, you got *that* right! I just thought that bit would be funny. Yes, she did...and I'd tell you more but I'd ruin it for you! Thanks for reading!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 26 on 10/9/2005
Oh sheesh! Poor Pip!

Diamond just has to jump to conclusions, doesn't she?

"Trouble in Paradise" indeed. Forgive me if I grin, 'cause that means the story will last just a wee bit longer...

Author Reply: LOL, you and G.W. are terrible! I don't know what happened, but this "last" chapter just kept on going like the Energizer Bunny. I do intend this next one to be the last...we'll see if I've lied again.

"Diamond just has to jump to conclusions, doesn't she?"
This is where email is two dimensional--I can't tell by this comment if you liked it or not, but I'm guessing you didn't. So sorry--I just thought it would be funny if Diamond thought Dori was a lass...this storyline is actually quite light-hearted. Besides, that's what she gets for looking in someone's personal tablet, right? ;-) Thanks for reading!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 26 on 10/9/2005
First, let me just say that I am THRILLED that you broke your word and extended the story! That made my day. I love these two stubborn hobbits! I liked Pimpernel's efforts to cover for Pip and most of her logic was very convincing. I also thought that Merry did a good job with his talk with Pippin. I loved this line:

(“That a lie from the pits of Mordor, and you know it,” said Merry)

I wonder if anyone will be able to get Diamond out of her room before Pippin's return now that she is thinking the worst? I wonder if Pimpernel will wind up giving away the secret? I wonder if Diamond will tell anyone about the note? In other words, I wonder how soon there will be more of this? LOL

Fantastic job and again, I am so glad that this story got longer.

Author Reply: I didn't mean to break it--but the chapter took on a life of its own. They are stubborn aren't they?? :-) Oh, there'll be more...but it will also be the last. All good things must come to an end. ;-) Thanks for reading!


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 10/9/2005
Oy! Oy is right. I knew as soon as she walked into his room that she was going to see something that would lead her to some sort of false conclusion. I was a little surprised that it would be that she thinks he's two-timing her.

You sure threw in a last-minute plot twist there.:) Of course the course of love never runs smooth.

It is wonderful that both Pippin and Diamond have people around them who can calmly and lovingly remind them of the differences and simularities in their personalities, and the need for understanding each other's point of view in a relationship. I wish all of us had that.

Now I'm looking forward to how this all resolves itself.:)


Connie B.

Author Reply: LOL, I didn't mean for that wee plot to happen--the ending sort of took on a life of its own. It *is* near the end, trust me.

I wasn't too surprised at Diamond's supposition. Its not so much that she is not confident in *Pippin's* love for her, she's just not that confident in herself yet. I imagine Merry & Estella's and Pimpernel & Hilfred's road to marriage wasn't all smiles and roses, either, so they're able to lend a bit of sage advice.

I'm looking forward to writing it, too! :-) Talk to ya soon, take care.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/27/2005
That was lovely. I liked their trip to Whitwell. I wish that Pippin and Diamond had lived their after they were married instead of in the Great Smials. I love the idea of the little farm. I laughed at Pippin having to sit next to his father so that he wouldn't misbehave during the meals. Are you sure that there is only one more chapter? LOL

Author Reply: :-) Yes, there is only one more chapter..but I *am* taking a little extra time for TLC, so it may run longer than normal. Like you, I love the idea of the little farm in Whitwell being occupied. You have Pearl and her family in it, and I *had* Pimpernel and her family in it until the Occupation. Have no fear--she's going back. ;-) Pippin mentioned "the big move" after he played "minder" to Diamond some chapters ago. I have plans for Pimmie. :-)

Oy, I guess I tend to write my wee Pippin as a sweet, little pistol, and since the lasses melt like butter in his hands, it falls to his papa to keep the laddie in order. That child knows no bounds when it comes to mischief! Thanks for reading and take care!


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/27/2005
What a lovely day they had. Just seeing them go to Pippin's childhood home, and sharing all those memories was sweet. Diamond's wish that she had known that type of life was kind of sad: but she has it now.

Diamond and the frond was so typical of something in a young couple's relationship. That was a very nice touch.

The last part with Pippin baring his soul about the Quest was handle to perfection. You hit it so well with his feeling that few if any people believed him, and the way he and Merry hid their scars. Wow.

I'm both excited and sad to see this wrapping up next chapter. It's been fun.


Connie B.

Author Reply: I didn't want Pippin and Diamond to go from Long Cleeve straight to betrothal; that wouldn't be fun, nor plausible. I used this chapter to have them get better acquainted, for Diamond to grow up a bit and warm up to Pippin.

LOL, I confess that the frond thing was a bit cliche, but I had fun including it.

I imagined that the scars are a daily reminder to Pippin and Merry of what they went through--that it was not a year-long dream. I view their scars as badges of courage; I thought if folks don't value their journey, then how would they judge, or value the scars/courage? There's much more to "scars" that I wanted to convey, but it would just overwhelm the reader if I did--and it would sort of warp my purpose for the chapter. Thank you so much for the lovely compliment! :-)

I, too, am both excited and sad to see it end, but really it isn't. We both have some wild imaginations, so you may always continue your version in your dreams. ;-) Thank you for reading!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/27/2005
Yes, that impudence--that horrid impudence! Am so glad he's told at last! And, yes, this is the one!

Author Reply: LOL, are you a Frodo fan? I like that moment when Pippin really shines while defending his older cousin, so I used it in the scene when he's talking about his journey. Thank you for reading Courtship!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/27/2005
Ahhhh, Pippinfan, I am *so* grinning right now!

This chapter was incredibly sweet, romantic, tender, just a tad angsty from the fearsome memories, yet beautifully comforting as well. I could just *see* Diamond watching Pippin and teasing him with the frond.

*sigh* I'm now officially a puddle of goo.

Author Reply: LOL, you know, Dreamflower, you really made my day with your sweet and lovely comment. :-) You mentioned everything I was trying my best to convey in this chapter. It was a day for these two love birds to get better acquainted, a sort of "set up" for the next chapter.

These last two chapters are special, so I am taking extra TLC with them--which explains the late update. Thank you for all your encouragement--and thank you for reading Courtship.


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/27/2005
Aw, sealed with a kiss :) It would mean a lot to Pippin to be believed :) Looking forward to the last chapter, though sorry to see this end, it's been so wonderful :) :)

Author Reply: I guess I'm a romantic at heart after all. Pippin and I have a wee bit in common with that. ;-) I am sorry to see it end, too, but life does go on--hehehe, *their* the form of our limitless imaginations! :-)

Thank you for reading!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/20/2005
What a marvelous and wonderful chapter, so very sweet. I am glad that Pippin got to see Sapphira. Her mother almost ruined *her* chances at happiness as well, for if it had not been her insistence on such a mercenary contract, Sapphira would never have bolted in the first place.

Of course, then Pippin would never have met his lovely Diamond, either.

An excellent example of what Gandalf said: "Oft evil will doth evil mar." And a good use of JRRT's theme of even evil being ultimately turned to good.

I will be sending you an email very shortly.

Author Reply: Yes, that was the whole purpose of Sapphira bolting--so that her little sister could come on the scene at a later time.

You know, I was doing research in JRRT's Letters for the "future" story, and very much observed that theme. The subject came up more than once in various letters he wrote. Some may not interpret his themes the way I do, but two such themes I read about was Grace and Mercy. The more I read into this, the more I admire the good Professor.

Again, thank you so much for taking time out to review. :-)


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