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A Spring of Joy  by daw the minstrel 270 Review(s)
Frodo3791Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
Eilian has a kid and doesn't live in the stronghold anymore? I might need a moment to shake off the shock of this chapter.

For a moment I was wondering if I was reading the wrong story, but I quickly fell back into the familiarity of Eilian and his thoughts. When you said that this was going to be an OC chapter, I had to remind myself that Eilian was an OC. Anyway, I loved hearing things from Eilian's POV again. It's strange seeing him as a father, but you definilty kept him the same Eilian as before. It's weird seeing him during a time of peace, though, but he's still not going to let his guard down as we've noted at the beginning and ending of this chapter. I wonder what is causing the upset...

I like Loriel. She sounds like an adorable kid and I bet she'll turn out to have a bit of Eilian's spirit in her as well. I really loved the bit where she's telling her grandfather that she's going to marry her adar. Not only was it a cute delivery, but my younger sister used to say that when she was a kid. It's ridiculous but funny.

Well, I can't wait to learn more about this particular story.

Author Reply: LOL. For a long time, I've tried to picture what Eilian would do if there was ever peace in the forest, and I've gradually decided that he'll need responsibility to keep him steady. He can have that more easily here in the settlement and be close to the woods too. So here he is, at least for now. This bit of peace doesn't last of course, so he's likely to have to go back to having responsibility of a different kind, but I think what he's doing now is a natural way for Wood-elves to live. And Celuwen likes it.

I missed writing from Eilian's POV in "Creature of Fire," so I was glad to get back to it here. I think he'll be a very loving father, just as he was a loving big brother for Legolas.

When my son was little, he used to say that what he wanted to be when he grew up was a daddy. I thought that was cute too. :-)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
I love seeing this side of Eilian- husband and ada, settler - who carries water for baths and waits on himself, and helps to grow his own food. He and Solith have not killed each other, and they have their daughter in the village and a granddaughter to boot, so he really has little legitimate to complain about. I somehow suspect that Maltanaur makes regular passes through the woods though :D

Author Reply: LOL. I've temporarily sent Maltanaur home to his wife. He has a daughter and grandchild too, as I recall. I think the grandchild is around Sinnarn's age.

Any way, the fact that Solith has little to complain about doesn't mean he refrains from complaining. But there's more or less a truce, I guess. We'll see how this goes in the long run.

ScarlettPendragonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
Hi Daw!!

Holy Cr@p!! Elian has a daughter?! Eilian and Celuwen are living in her father's settlement?! Eilian isn't a soldier, but a settler?! I am totally in shock - now I'm going to have to go back and read "A Tangled Web" (such a hardship, I'm sure **LOL**!)
I actually thought this story took place right after "A Creature of Fire", and I was submerged in confusion - thank goodness you updated your story list or I would be completely lost!! ;>)

I'm still a little weepy for Legolas from your last story, and I was thrown by the joyful vibe of this first chapter, but I am really looking forward to a (hopefully) happier story!!

I think I might have a small idea about the creature who is distressing the trees (coughcough**likesrawfishes**coughcough), and I can't for the life of me figure out what *it's* interest in Loriel might be!!

You will laugh, but I read your A/N that all of the characters in this first chapter were OCs, then I started reading the story I was indignant - I thought 'Daw is crazy, what about Eilian - he's not an OC'!! And it wasn't until I finished the chapter muttering under my breath that it actually occured to me that Eilian is in fact an OC!! **LOL**
I just love your stories and this universe you've created so much that to me it's canon that Ithilden and Eilian *are* Legolas' older brothers!!

Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Author Reply: I knew this story would be quite a change from "Creature of Fire"! It's about 200 years down the road. And after the Battle of Five Armies, Tolkien does say that there was peace in the woods for years. It turns out to be about 10 years. So one of the things I was wondering was what someone like Eilian would do then. He's been caught up in the excitement of defending his home, so now what? I thought that he might do better in the settlement than in the palace and Celuwen would like it. At least now he has work to do and he's close to the woods.

You can wait and I'll eventually have someone tell you what the sneaky critter's interest is in Loriel or you can take a look at what Gandalf says about him in Chapter 2 of FOTR. The sneaking is pretty dangerous actually.

I DID laugh when I read what you had to say about Eilian being a canon character. I worry that new readers must be totally lost when they find this complex set of OCs. Ah well. Too bad. I can't go back now.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
OMG, a new story by Daw! And Eilian is an ada! Two wonderful surprises in one shot!

The first thought that struck me was that how time flies and the second one was, Thranduil must be thrilled to bits by this new addition. It had to be a girl, of course, so that she can turn every male in the family into putty in her tiny hands and mold them as she pleases. Looks like Eilian and Celuwen will have their hands full with this little one.

The build-up in this chapter is pretty creepy, even though we know what creature is causing this disturbance, especially the part where Loriel left the cottage by herself. I actually skipped ahead paragraphs in my reading just to make sure that she was going to be all right.

Thank you for giving us another story so quickly. Really looking forward to more!

Author Reply: This story may be hard to place after the last one, I think. In that one, Smaugh had just arrived, but this one takes place about 10 years after "Tangled Web," so Smaug is dead and we're almost 200 years down the road from "A Creature of Fire."

I'm so glad you were surprised when Loriel popped up and started calling Eilian "Ada." I think you're absolutely right that every male in this very male family is going to be helpless in front of this little Lorellin look alike. It must kill Thranduil that she lives in the settlement instead of the palace, but I thought Eilian would be very restless in the palace if there was peace. He wouldn't have the hard work and contact with the woods that the settlement gives him. And the little one is a Wood-elf. She needs to be outside a lot.

Scary things are happening though, and little girls are not necessarily safe in the Woodland Realm. :-(

KarriReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
LOL! Eilian with a wee little girl of his own -- that is simply priceless!! I would imagine he can indeed sympathize with Solith much better now. ;-)

Author Reply: Eilian's heart is totally wrapped up with Flower Face and he'll never be the same. And if that drives him to sympathize with Solith, it's a sign of how deeply he's disturbed!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
Hi, it's me again!

Reading back through the earlier reviews, I was glad to not have been the first one to have made the connection...

Did I mention how much I adore the fact that Lorien has Eilian's sensitivity to the trees?

One of the things I wanted to do in this chapter was convey a sense of what settlement life was like compared to life in the palace or on patrol. I think Eilian loves this simple life with its hard work and closeness to the woods.

And you did that fabulously well. I really loved the sense of simplicity and peacefulness (despite the underlying currents of fear -- at first just a tiny frisson, then, at the end, much more developed *shiver*)...

Karen: 'Groggy from a nap' it is. I would no more think of accepting the 'dumber than a doorknob' excuse from you than Daw would. Not from the inventor of that brilliant scamp, Daeron. ;-D

Daw, I had copied that quote a long time ago, too... it was just too shocking to forget... and have now (finally!) added it to the Gollum bio at HASA Resources. Thanks for motivating me! (You wouldn't believe how many files I have with quotes that I intend to add to the Library 'someday'...)

I've thought of you often in the last few days as I planned out parts of this story. I keep going to HASA and checking out what you have in Resources about things like the Nazgul. It's so great to have a source that actually relies on Tolkien.

Oh, thank you so much, Daw! It means so much to see the Resources used! Would you mind if I shared your comment in the Resources Volunteers forum on HASA?

- Barbara

Author Reply: You may use the quote as you like, Barbara. I've benefitted so much from your hard work.

moonshine44Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
Hello again! I`m very happy to see this update. That was quick! Anyway, I`ll be reviewing on here from now on, because I think this review system is better.
I know you said you would write one with Eilian, Celuwen, and a child, but I`m still shocked by it. I have a feeling that this is going to be my favorite fic, even if you plan to kill someone off, lol.
I can see that Loriel is like both her parents, very wild and spirited. I wonder if Thranduil is taking this as revenge for the hard times Eilian gave him. Well, I`m glad to see Solith and Eilian are getting along oh so nicely!Lol. Quesiotns: Is Eilian living in the settlement? Or is that just a summer thing? How old is Loriel?
Anyway, I am now going to be checking my email everyday hoping for an update. I can`t get enough of your stories ; )Until the next chapter then.

Author Reply: It didn't seem quick to me! It seemed like a long time between stories, even though I knew it wasn't.

I hoped there would be some readers who'd be surprised when an elfling spots Eilian and starts shouting "Ada!" He'll be a very loving father, just as he was a loving big brother to Legolas. I think Celuwen may have to be the disciplinarian though.

I think Thranduil may indeed have some amusing moments as he watches Eilian try to keep charge of this little Wood-elf. But I'll also bet that Grandfather Thranduil is in Flower Face's train of admirers too. LOL

Eilian and Celuwen do live in the settlement. Thranduil's people had about 10 years of peace after the Battle of Five Armies, and of course, they didn't know it would end when it did. So Eilian plans to live here with his family.

Loriel is about 8 in human terms, so 3-ish in elf terms.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
That's right! I get the timelines confused. This is AFTER THE HOBBIT took place. But I did go and read the part you suggested. I DID NOT remember the part about the 'rumors' of what the 'ghost creature' ate. I'm sure I blocked that out! Y'all will just have to excuse me...I've been cooking, eating and napping. I'll use the 'still groggy from nap' excuse! I don't like the 'dumber than a doorknob' one. :>)


Author Reply: If there's one thing you're not, Karen, it's dumb. As a matter of fact, what you rather often are is a little too perceptive! LOL

That stuff about the ghost creature is scary, isn't it? I read it quite a while back and saved the quote. It always struck me as a potential story line.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
Oooooops, sorry. I just read several of the reviews before mine and realized that I shouldn't have blurted out the (most probably wrong! shouldn't pay any attention to it!) answer to the mystery.

Note to Karen: this unnamed creature doesn't have the you-know-what at this time: he's searching for you-know-who, who got the you-know-what from him by cheating outrageously...

Sorry, shutting up now...

- Barbara, who just loves obscure references in canon...

Author Reply: LOLOL. Well, as you can see, many people have guessed. I figured anyone who knew canon well would have a good sense of who it was. Your quoting that "baby eating" thing was great. I thought most folks might not remember that very sharply.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/8/2005
Aaaack! Aaaaack! Aaaaack! Aaaaack!

You realize, of course, that any violence that you allow to be visited on any one of Eilian's family -- even the beautiful toddler we just now met -- will be greeted with fury from your readers?

Daw, I somehow thought that this was going to be a peaceful story -- and you have Gollum, the baby-eater, stalking Eilian and Celuwen's daughter in the first chapter!

Er, sorry... got a bit carried away with the angst. I love seeing Eilian and Celuwen with a daughter! Have they been in big bad daddy-in-law's village since before the birth? Are they planning to stay there for many more years? How old is the child?

I think one of my (many) favorite spots was when Eilian *almost* felt some sympathy for Sólith, not wanting to see his precious baby grow up and leave home...

And I also like the up-close glimpses of settlement life and how it differs from the stronghold, and Eilian's pride that he is settling into it so well.

And I always enjoy being reminded about how the Thranduilions have an even closer connection to the trees than the other Wood-elves...

Must go re-read...

- Barbara

Author Reply: What is it Tolkien says about how times of peace are good to experience but short and not very interesting in the telling? I need some plot conflict here, ET!

I think Eilian and Celuwen moved to the village before Loriel was born, which in my head is two years after the Battle of Five Armies. I think they took a year to believe that there was mostly peace and then a year of pregnancy. So the little girl is 8 in human years, or I think about 3 in elf years. As I'm sure you know better than I do, it's hard to make that conversion directly, but I see her as like a three year old. I don't think they have plans to leave. This is a good place for Flower Face to grow up (they think).

One of the things I wanted to do in this chapter was convey a sense of what settlement life was like compared to life in the palace or on patrol. I think Eilian loves this simple life with its hard work and closeness to the woods. Shutting his daughter up in a cave, even if it's a palace, is not in his plans right now.

I've thought of you often in the last few days as I planned out parts of this story. I keep going to HASA and checking out what you have in Resources about things like the Nazgul. It's so great to have a source that actually relies on Tolkien.

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