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A Spring of Joy  by daw the minstrel 62 Review(s)
FirstMateReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/8/2005
How sad for the family to lose yet another loved one. At least Sinnarn didn't suffer long. And I'm glad Elian didn't really blame himself too much. I suppose it's a sign of his maturity that he realized that he really couldn't have done anything. Still, it must have been so hard to carry him back to Ithilden. Sigh. Well, I am anxious to see what the muses are sending you next. Clearly, bad things are happening that Thranduil and his people will have to face and I'm sure you'll spin another wonderful story!

Author Reply: I think facing Ithilden over the body of Sinnarn must have been horribly hard for Eilian. But the Quest is only 60 years away, and then things will start to get better.

I have a short story planned, and then I think I'll take some time to try to turn one of my stories into an original young adult fantasy novel. Then I can write happy elfling tales to cheer myself up while hundreds of agents and publishers reject me. :-)

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/8/2005
Forgive me for not reading/reviewing until now. I'm packing to move to another state, and that has kept me overwhelmed. How do we manage to collect so much stuff?

On to the review. You killed off Sinnarn?? I am truly stunned. That came completely out of left field. I guess, considering the Shadow is returning, it would be unrealistic to think everyone in the royal family could escape death. And to be honest, if one had to go, I'd prefer it be him. Not that I didn't like him, but.... His funeral was very sad, but you didn’t overdo it, which, to me, gave it more of an impact. I know it is only a temporary end, since he will be back when you write earlier timeline stories. (Maybe he, Galelas, Tynd and Turgon can have a round-table discussion regarding that concept.) :o)

You really had me fooled. When I saw the title, I thought we were in for a happy story.

I was glad to see Eilian had a child. She is adorable. I knew he would be a great ada. Too bad he and his family can't go back to the forest to live. They really were happy there.

I was also glad to see that Legolas finally made Captain. I’m certainly not surprised he’s a good one.

I want to ask you a question. Who in your stories is your favorite character and why? If different, who is your favorite canon character? Just curious.

Author Reply: Every time we've moved, I've sworn I'd never do it again because it's such a pain.

This story's title comes from the end of The Hobbit, in which Tolkien says that the wood elves looked forward to a spring of joy after long winter. So this is that time period. And it might have been a spring of joy, but it didn't last too long, sad to say.

I too thought that Eilian would be a great ada. He was always a loving big brother to Legolas after all. I've sometimes wondered what he would do when the battles were over, and I finally concluded that the life in the settlement is one he would enjoy.

Eilian is my favorite character. I like his mixture of strengths and flaws. I like the way he has to struggle to live up to what's best in him. In canon, my favorite character is Faramir. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive PJ for what he did to him.

EffigyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/3/2005
It took me forever to read this story. (Blame Compaq)

Ok, let's rewind for a second.

Sinnarn is married?? To Annael's daughter none the less. I must have missed that story for I do not remember it. That's cute though.

And Eilian has a daughter now. Awwww, he's grown up so much. You showed the transition so well.

Now, back to the end.

You killed Sinnarn?!?! I never liked him that much, but I didn't want him to die. Drats. That was so sad. And then those people are sailing. I feel the despair with them. Even with the inspirational message at the end, you can't help but to feel that it's a little helpless. Poor elves. I can't believe he's dead. I miss him already. I will also miss him in future stories. Alas.

Wonderful story, I enjoyed it very much.

Author Reply: Sinnarn and Emmelin were in love in "Tangled Web," the story I did that told the elves' POV of the events of The Hobbit. Annael was a little worried about Sinnarn, but he warmed up to him gradually. And this is the first time Eilian's daughter has appeared.

One of the joys of writing fiction is that in the future, Sinnarn could appear in the stories because I can jump back in time if I want to. Thank goodness!

Thanks for the kind words, Effigy.

caz-bazReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/3/2005
even though Sinnarn died I really liked this story I've probably said this before but your writing is so captivating and as the saying goes "no tears for the writer no tears for the reader" etc. I bet it took a fair bit to actually kill him off.

Author Reply: Thank you, caz-baz. I did have to screw up my courage to kill him, but it seemed realistic that someone was going to die here.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2005
Wow. OK; well, I was sad thinking about Sinnarn on my way to work today, but there is definitely no way I can top that review! I was awestruck enough by Dot's poem!

So I guess what I take away from this chapter, being a mercenary, analytical type who kinda guessed where you were headed and was willing to shove you off the end of the high board if you started to back away, is the phenomenal power of what you've created here. You are the maestro! I can't be the only one who feels like I've known these characters my entire life - who feels like I've watched Sinnarn grow up in real time. I had to stop and remind myself that I've been reading your stories for less than two years. You built an entire world up around Legolas, populated it with engaging, lovable people, and made us fall in love with them. You played on our heart-strings like a virtuoso, and we loved you for it! We knew Sinnarn as the dark-haired sprite, the wonderfully sullen adolescent, the hilariously challenging son of a father who had been so sure he could do a better job than his own father did, the maverick with a cynical streak, and finally, the warrior who accepted his duty. And knowing him so well, and knowing those who loved him, made us all feel like we've all lost a beloved family member. There must be no greater triumph for an author than to mercilessly crush her readers' emotions. Admit it. Pass the Kleenex! And my hat is off to you, Professor.

Author Reply: I feel bad that people are still sad. You all do know that Sinnarn isn't real, right?

I appreciated your support in going ahead with this. I was suprised by the strength of the protests I got at the end of chapter 7, and I wavered just a little, but I did think it was unrealistic to believe that none of those warriors in the king's family would die.

I think what I really am is awestruck about people's reactions. I can't believe I evoked that. It's a little scary. I think readers' reactions really come from exposure to Sinnarn over the course of many stories, not just this one, so it's cumulative.

Anyway, no more character deaths for a while. Enough!

ScarlettPendragonReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2005
Hi Daw!!

But.. But.. But.. This was supposed to be a happy story!! Remember we talked about how this was going to be a nice change of pace from the unrelenting angst of the last story, remember?!

And then!! Sinnarn!! And Tynd!! And Annael's Naneth and daughter both leaving for the Grey Havens!! And Thranduil's far too many losses!! And Angry!Legolas!!

Aaarrgh!! You have torn my still beating heart from my chest and stomped on it!! You are an EBIL, EBIL WOMAN!! ;>)

OK, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I have to complement you on yet another fantastic story (even if you're EBIL! LOL!) You are truly a great author, and I always look forward to seeing a new story from you!!

I am also writing you to thank you - and I think you'll get a kick out of my day!!

I have been doing documentation on a huge software rollout (which is why I haven't had much of a chance to review lately, btw), and we finished up on Monday (Canadian here, so no long weekend), so I've been catching up on my admin stuff and doing some surfing.
So at lunch today I was merrily reading away your story, and I started to get a bit worried, but then I thought "No, Daw said this would be a happy story (see rant above!)!" and I get into the final chapter. At first I didn't understand what was wrong with Emmelin, and if I'd been a little quicker I would have stopped reading then and there and waited till I got home!! But No, I kept on reading **facepalm**!! And then I thought "This will be a false alarm, and Sinnarn will be wounded but recover!" and I still kept reading!!

Well, of course the inevitable happens, and tears start running down my face, so I grab a bunch of tissues trying to stem the tide and I keep reading!! (Occasionally I'm an idiot!! LOL!)
Pretty soon I'm a complete mess and trying to hide my face and take deep breaths to keep from sobbing out loud, when my Project Manager walks by my cubicle - fortunately I had my email program running so I was able to bring that screen up. So she stops and asks me what's wrong, and the first thing I can think to blurt out is "I just heard that a friend died." She was very sympathetic (and I just kept getting more and more mortified), and wanted to know if there was anything she could do for me, and I said "No, it was more just the shock of finding out than anything." So she insisted I take the rest of the day off!! So I pulled myself together and spent half an hour in the Ladies room redoing my makeup (which I had managed to utterly ruin - no wonder the poor woman thought something was wrong!), and then I went out and had a lovely afternoon of shopping and bought a floaty blouse and some funky sandals!! And I thought "I have to tell Daw what happened today!!" So I do thank you for a great afternoon off, and for such a terribly wonderful poignent story!!

Thank you,

Author Reply: Oh my god, that is one of the funniest stories I have ever read. Your project manager is a very nice person, and I hope she never finds out who the friend was. The blouse sounds very pretty. I need new sandals too.

I'm sorry the story was so sad, but it seemed realistic that one of Thranduil's family might die. I promise there will be no more character deaths for a long while.

I have a single chapter story in mind to do, and then I think I'll spend some time turning one of my stories into a fantasy novel for young adults. Then I can write fanfic while a million agents and publishers send me kiss off letters.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2005
*sniff, sniff* Oh gawd! I knew something horrible was going to happen, but I didn't know something this horrible would happen! Poor Sinnarn and Ithilden and Emmelin and Legolas and Thranduil and...and...well, just poor everyone! *sob* Their peace coming to an end. How horrible to just have to stand by and watch it happen. 'Cause we all know, no matter how hard they fight and how many of them die, there is no holding back this darkness. This was so sad! I have this huge lump in my throat now and an ache in my chest. I'm beyond coherent words now, so I think I'll stop here.

I look forward to another of your stories. *crawls off to quietly cry in the corner*

Author Reply: When I started counting up all the people who would be affected by Sinnarn's death, I realized it was a long list. The long life of the elves must have been a curse sometimes as they saw evil go and come again. But really, only 60 years down the road, Sauron will be gone, and things will be much better in ME.

Feel better, Firnsarnien. Sinnarn is happy in Valinor.

caz-bazReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2005
oh my god! you killed Sinnarn you *******! Sorry been watching too much South Park. I can't believe you did that though he was ace. I was crying my eyes out - still am. gotta run and clean up theres someone at the door oh dear this is going to be embarrassing.

Author Reply: I know. It was bad of me. He was just coming into his own. But that's life in Mirkwood.

Legolas4meReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2005
What a sad, sad chapter. I had a lump in my throat the entire time. I hate death. It is so frightening. I hate to see it come to these good woodland elves who are battling the Shadow. But I really did enjoy reading this story.

I am sorry to see Sinnarn go. I think you are right when you said that he tends to get lost in many stories. It must be very difficult to pay adequate attention when you have such a large cast of characters. I liked him better as an elfling. He was so cute. It struck me odd to see him married. I am sure there will be references to him in other stories. I am going to miss his comic relief and humor. I enjoyed this character.

I often marvel that these elves have such a bond with those they love. It is really neat to see how they know when something is wrong with their loved one when they sense a distrubance with the bond.

I really liked how you wrote Thranduil in this chapter. I love how you make him a very fierce warrior and give him such an intense personality. However, you make him very realistic. I really do believe that Thranduil, no matter how strong that he is, is going to feel weary with the grief and sorrow he feels over losing his father, wife, grandson, comrades, and fighting his never ending battle with Shadow. This was a really nice touch.

I will also be sad to see Elowen go. She has sort of been like surrogate mother to Legolas. Poor Annael will be losinghis mother and daughter when they sail...though it is not nearly the same as death. I wonder if Thranduil would have chosen to do so if he was not king. I think that his duties nad resposibilites prevent him from doing so if he wished.

What an excellent story you have written for us. As always, thank you for sharing it. Do you know what you might write about next?

Until next time
~Legolas4me :-)

Author Reply: I felt bad about Sinnarn too, but it seemed to me to be realistic that at least one member of Thranduil's family would die. I can always go back and write about him as a kid, and in the meantime, he's going to be happy in Valinor.

I think I made up some of that bond between Elven loved ones. There's probably a canon basis for it but I blew it up. And sometimes it's a pain to work with. You can't have surprises. But in this case, it was useful to have Emmelin anticipate Sinnarn's death.

I love Thranduil. He's so tough but devoted to his people. He held that realm with no ring, and in the long term, defeated Sauron's forces in the Battle Under the Trees.

You have to wonder what led various elves to go or stay. Thranduil seems really linked to the woods, but the time of the elves is over and he could have gone.

I have a single chapter fic in mind to do next, and then I was thinking about taking some time to see if I could turn one of my stories into an original young adult novel. Then I can write fan fic while I get turned down by a jillion agents and publishers.

AliceReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2005
I think a fluffy elfling story is a very good idea. Man, two character death stories right in a row. It's interesting on how different the two stories dealt with death though. The other one was sad because of Legolas's reaction and this one was sad more through it being a beloved character that died. I think we were all a tad bit more fond of Sinnarn than we realized. I like this story better though. I think it may my favorite one that you've written. The scenes are tied together a lot better and the pacing is better too. Also, the suspense and stuff was a lot of fun and really well done. There was definitely building tension through the entire thing that worked really well. I love this story. It all ties together so nicely and it's a very effective gap filler.

So this chapter, oh my god was it sad. I freaked out my brother who was in the room while I was reading it. He got a little concerned until I told him why I was crying at which point he rolled his eyes and had yet another " God my sister's weird" moment. It was just so moving. It really hit home how bad the darkness coming back was. They were all so hopeful and they only got ten years! Sinnarn didn't even get to have kids. It makes me really sad now to think that Legolas started the counting game with Sinnarn who's now dead.

I liked the funeral scene. Beliond was awesome. The old grouch came through. I loved the scene with Elowen. Legolas was sort of adopted by her and he's going to miss her. I feel bad for Annael though because both his mother and his daughter are leaving. Just him and Beliniel now. Poor woodelves. I reread this chapter and get all sad again. They put up with so much.

So excellent, excellent chapter and story. I love it even if it's going to be a while before I reread it, it's so upsetting. I look forward to your next story greatly. Even if it is another tear-jerker.

Author Reply: Yeah, I think we reacted to Tuilinn because of Legolas's pain. But here it turned out readers (and I) were attached to Sinnarn. When I think about him as a child, for instance, I get really sad. But I like to think of him happy in Valinor. I'm comforted by the thought of Elowen and Emmelin being with one another. Elowen will understand what Emmelin is going through.

Pacing is hard for me. I tend to hurry because I'm impatient. My beta helps me but there's only so much she can do.

I thought of Beliond fooling around with Sinnarn, teasing him, and I decided that he needed to be one to speak.

Thanks, Alice. The next story should be a bit lighter.

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