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The True Face of Courage  by FirstMate 107 Review(s)
Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
Oh, dear! I guess I'll have to queue up to smack Estel, huh?

This is a great story! The cave was suitably creepy *shivers* and Estel's teenage behavior -- well, it makes me want to put my hands over my eyes and pray that, though I was an insufferable know-it-all then, I hope I wasn't that oblivious to causing pain to others... *feeling guilty*

Can't wait to hear the story -- I think! *shivers at what could possibly make an Elf so phobic of rats*

- Barbara

Author Reply: Yes my dear, get in line, please. Lots of folks want their chance to tell Estel he's behaving badly. I hope I wasn't a boorish teenager either. I don't remember being one, but I have a feeling I'd better not ask my Mom that question! I'm just about to let you see the first part of what could make an elf hate rats...hope you enjoy it!

ElentarielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
This is a great story and please keep adding to it! Estel is such an idiot! (THAT'S NOT A COMPLAINT)

Author Reply: Can't argue with you there...Estel is definitely being an idiot! Life lessons are seldom easy, though, and he's learning things the hard way.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
I'm very glad they've gotten Elladan out of there. How horrible for him to be lying in the dark like that. But it seems as if Estel still has a way to go to achieve some understanding. I like the idea that one of the things he'll learn is to look for people's motives, their reasons. That will stand him in good stead some day when he looks at Boromir, for instance.

Author Reply: I didn't really say much about Elladan's thoughts while he was stuck in the dark, but I've planned to use that later when he tries to help Elrohir deal with everything. Your point about looking for reasons and motives and how it'll affect Estel later is a great one. Maybe I'll have to flesh those sections out more than I'd been planning. Hmmm....

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
Obviously I'm not the only one who wants to slap Estel. How can he be so cruel to Elrohir? I feel so sorry for poor Elrohir after all he's been through! It is about time someone tells this all-too self-righteous youngling (and us poor readers!) what had happened earlier and why Elrohir reacts so badly to caves and rats. And I truly hope Estel will be ashamed and apologise to Elrohir soon. Although it may seem quite appropriate to hand him over to Elladan, it is not so wise because of his injuries. It was amazing he was able to attack Estel at all, considering his state. He must have been very enraged, and not without reason. At least he is rescued and safe - the only consolation in this chapter!
Can't wait for Legolas' story and hope you're able to update soon!

Author Reply: Yes, there seems to be a whole group of folks ready to give Estel a good slap. I know he's upset, disappointed, and embarrassed, but he really should have had more compassion for Elrohir. Well, he's getting the start of the story in the chapter I'm posting later today. It'll still take some convincing, though, before he's ready to apologize. And Elladan really shouldn't have been up, but he's very protective of those he loves and was furious with Estel's words, knowing how Elrohir would take them.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
Good story, I imagine estel is acting like many teenagers do when handling disappointment. It was easy to feel angry at him and sad for him. All your characters are nicely developed. Looking forward to the next update.


Author Reply: Yes, Estel is very disappointed and that makes him harsher than he might have been if it had been someone other than his brother in that cave. It's always hard when someone you love disappoints you. He's going to have to do some real growing up to see the bigger picture. Glad you're enjoying the character development!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
Can I slap Estel? Hard? Please??

Right, having got that out of my system: Great chapter! I'm so pleased that Elladan is safe and relatively well, and back with his twin. I liked his anger and protection of Elrohir even though he's injured!

Poor Elrohir, though. He's still tense and exhausted, and covered in rat bites. And rat bites can carry very nasty diseases - I hope Elrohir's human blood isn't going to affect him :( And now his little brother has told him he's a coward. Yes, Estel nees to be told the back story (and so do we!) and learn that 'courage' isn't about not being afraid, it's doing what you must even if you are terrified. Thankfully, Legolas and Elladan are queuing up to teach him that lesson!

Author Reply: You can join the "Slap Estel" line. It seems like you have a lot of company. I enjoyed writing the "fierce Elladan" sections, actually. Elrohir has always been my favorite, for whatever reason, but I find myself liking Elladan more and more as I look into his character, too. He'd make a wonderful brother, I think. Hadn't really thought about the diseases a rat's bite might carry. Hmmm....

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2005
I still want to slap Estel. He is overcome with the arrogant, know-it-all attitude of youth. How dare he assume that he is better able to judge courage and sacrifice than those centuries older than he is? I'm only surprised that Elladan managed to control his urge to thump him. It was probably those broken ribs - he just couldn't muster the muscle. He hasn't even noticed all the work and effort and bleeding that Elrohir has put into the effort to retrieve his brother. He's too busy congratulating himself on his own untried nerve.

He's managing to make me seethe in the way that teenagers are so good at doing.

In one way I look forward to hearing Legolas's telling of the story behind Elrohir's dread of rats. But in another way, I'm dreading it. It's bound to be icky and require nerves of steel.

Author Reply: Seems like a lot of folks want to slap Estel. He is behaving in a very teenagerish manner (uh...sorry to any teenagers reading this)--old enough to think he is wise, but too young to actually have a good understanding of the world. And you're right--it must be even harder for the elves to deal with that since they are SO much older. All in all, it's a good thing youth is temporary! Uhm, getting ready to post the next chapter later today. It's a bit icky, but hopefully not too bad!

LaurelinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/25/2005
Wow what a great author you are,iv'e just finished reading Lost it was such a fantasic story i could't stop reading it and now you are writing another for us to read i just hope i can keep sane waiting for the updates LOL.
Thanx Laurelin.

Author Reply: Gee, gosh, thanks! I'm so glad you like my writing. I get a lot of joy from it and especially from hearing from readers, so I appreciate your review very much. I'm not the quickest of writers ("Lost" took over a year to finish), since I tend to make my chapters long, so please hang in there with me. I promise no matter how long it takes, I WILL finish my story.


lmwReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/20/2005
I can't wait to see how this develops. Elrohir is upset enough at his reactions, what will happen when Estel calls him on it - because I'm sure it will happen! Hero-worship and all that. Nicely written.

Author Reply: You're right...Estel will confront Elrohir in the next chapter (well, sort of...he makes his feelings known in a rather bratty way) and Elrohir definitely will be upset by it. I'm glad you like the story so far. Thanks for the review!


perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/20/2005
Welcome back! To me that part of "Lost" when Aragorn reminds a depressed Elrohir that he taught him the true face of courage was one of the most touching moments of the story, and I always wondered what had happened in that I'm glad you chose this part to make your comeback! I hope we'll get to learn of what lies behind this fear, for it seems there are some painful memories, too, tied to dark caves... I'm looking forward to the rest of the story, no matter how long it takes you!

Author Reply: Hi! When I wrote that scene in "Lost," I did have a vague idea about this story and always wanted to flesh it out, so I'm glad I'm finally getting around to it. I'm glad you enjoyed that scene from the old story, though--it's one I liked, too. A lot of the rest of the story will be things that happened in the past (ie, why Elrohir hates caves/rats). It may take awhile to write, so I'm glad you're have the patience to stick it out with me!


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