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Avoidance  by Stefania 92 Review(s)
IreneReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/25/2005
Although I am no fan of the Faramir/Éowyn-marriage I like your story very much and read it with pleasure. You write very well.
One question yet: why have you turned Faramir into a grimy stinking guy who loathes physical cleansing? Neither in the books nor on the movies is any hint of this, on the contrary. There must be some reason for your strange idea?

Looking forward to your next chapters!


Author Reply: Hi Irene -

Thanks for checking out my story. Rest assured, I already know how my story ends, and it's gonna happen LONG before Faramir and Eowyn ever marry.

You asked:

"why have you turned Faramir into a grimy stinking guy who loathes physical cleansing?"

Ooops. I hope I didn't overdo Faramir's indifference to personal hygiene in the "bath" story. I confess that I wanted to have a little fun with Faramir without making him a wimp--which isn't going to happen in the Steffverse, if I can help it.

There are a few matters that inspired me to think that film Faramir might need a bit of a cleaning up. (1) In some of the Henneth Anun shots, David Wenham looks like he is having a BAD wig day, with hair sticking to his head, looking really greasy. Which, from a fanfic point of view, you might presume he is in deep need of a shampoo. (2) Faramir's rangers have a literally dirty job to do and, in fact, look kinda grimy to me. (3) Ranger Faramir's living conditions (book and film) are only slightly more comfy than Ranger Strider. We all know how filthy poor Aragorn can become, particularly in the film "Two Towers."

Besides, my hygiene indifferent Faramir would have been quite in line with the prevailing belief in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Queen Elizabeth of England supposedly bathed about twice a year and considered baths unhealthy. By contrast, the Muslims of those times bathed because the Koran encouraged them to wash before praying.

I'm glad I didn't live in those times :) .

Thanks for reading my tale.

- Steff

elanor_dhReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/25/2005
Oh, another excellent chapter. I love how you described the effects of the Black Breath that still is holding our dear Steward in its grip. I was really moved with Beregond's reaction toward his new Lord. And something else. I love your portraying of Faramir. He is weak because of his wounds, yet he is still strong in spirit. I can't wait to read more :) Greetings :)

Author Reply: Hi Elanor -

Thanks for your kind words. The effects of Black Breath on both Faramir and Eowyn has become a theme in the more recent chapters that I've written.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/25/2005
I love this chapter - wonderful description of the hamam and Faramir's various injuries are also reasonably detailed. Wouldn't Faramir offer some help to Beregond, though, since the latter lost his job trying to save our hero?

I liked Faramir's recollection of killing various Nazgul's mounts; and using fire to repel the wraiths, not to mention playing 'Tag' with the WiKi.

Author Reply: Hi Raksha -

No worries. Beregond receives his promotion in the next chapter.

- Steff

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/16/2005
Aw, poor Faramir. I'm not surprised that he found it a bit difficult to eat, between the pain of his wound and the knowledge that Daddy Dearest burnt himself to a crisp and did his best to also immolate Faramir as an expression of love. Faramir really needs a distraction - say, a shapely blond distraction. In the meantime, he's right to start looking to the needs of the living, the other wounded men, future Stewardship, etc.

I liked young Hyer's enthusiasm for meeting Faramir. Imrahil was wonderful; especially his reminding Faramir to take some care of his appearance.

More soon, I hope.

Author Reply: Thanks, Raksha. Glad you like Imrahil. If i ever finish Avoidance, I have some plot bunnies to pursue, involving ol' Im and his family. Imrahil is too cool for me to leave as a minor character.

- Steff

elanor_dhReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/16/2005
I love your story, actually I love everything about it, and I can't wait for your next update. :)

Author Reply: Hi Elanor -

Great to see you here and thanks for the good words. I'm almost finished with the next chapter so keep your fingers crossed. See you on TORC.

- Steff

IthilrandeReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/15/2005
Thank you for bringing in Prince Imrahil. And remembering the raven hair as well! I too am very fond the him, and have always been deeply moved by his love for his nephew Faramir.

I am interested in the way you carry the movie verse back to canon, although I also find it quite disconcerting. (For I know the books well, and the movies seem more like hearsay that has become confused and muddled.)

I look forward to the continuation of your story, expecailly with the promise of the return of Imrahil! Thank you.

Author Reply: Hi Ithilrande -

Thanks for peaking in. I'm a huge fan of Tolkien, too, as you can imagine, and in fact, am reading LOTR for time six (I think :) ) prior to going to the Tolkien 2005 event in Birmingham, UK. I loved the films, personally, though like most book-firsters, I have my issues with various aspects of the adaptation.

I can understand how you can feel disconcerted by "Avoidance," even by small moments of book/film combining, such as when raven haired Imrahil kisses his wounded nephew on the brow and calls him "Red." My faithful Beta reviewer is a well-known author here and she sometimes has to remember that I'm doing Movieverse.

I appreciate that you are following along and beg you to think my story as really the AU "Steffverse". And Imrahil is scheduled to show up later on, tentatively to help Faramir on affairs of the heart and most likely to give poor Faramir even more advice. Such an uncle :) .

- Steff

BKBReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/15/2005
I like your story very much. I'm glad to see that you are continuing to work on it. I'm looking forward to the next installment, either new or revised.

Author Reply: Thanks for the encouragement, BKB. I've been inactive the past two months because I moved. The good news is, I've only migrated about half of "Avoidance" onto Stories of Arda. I've got more on LiveJournal. I hope to copy another chapter here today or tomorrow. I'm also about to finish Chapter 13. So there is definetly more "Avoidance" coming. Thanks again.

- Steff

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/30/2005
I loved your writing of Faramir and Eowyn together, snuggling as husband and wife. And Faramir's appreciation of Eowyn's pregnancy-enlarged breasts was cute.

I'm not sure that Faramir "hated" war. He didn't love it, or enjoy it; but it's never said that he hated it. It seemed, in both book and movie, to be a job he had to do and did expertly, but didn't particularly like. But "hated" is a stronger adjective than I would apply to Faramir's attitude toward war, especially since the war he had known did protect Gondor. He would hate the waste of life on both sides, the sorrow of people who lost their men, but I don't think he'd have that strong a dislike of "war" as a concept - that's a more modern attitude.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/30/2005
I'm enjoying the story very much, and can't wait for more!

I liked Eowyn's dream, very right for her at this point.

"Gertrudis" seems like a Rohirric name, not one for a woman of Gondor. Of course, she could have Rohirrim in her family...Just a minor point.

Shieldmaiden of RohanReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/7/2005
Yay, it's up! And did I mention that Faramir is absolutely adorable when he's jealous? I love how defensive he gets when he says he's taller than Aragorn and Eomer.

Anyway, you already know my thoughts on the other things in this chapter, but just wanted to drop a note to say that I'm glad it's getting up here now.

Author Reply: Hi SMOR -

I'm glad to see that you've got "The Best Laid Plans" up, too. I have a technical question for you. I noticed that you got italics to work for you in one of the chapters of "The Best Laid Plans." I tried to use the italics icon offered in the Stories of Arda interface. All worked well in the window where I input the text. But when I viewed the published text before submission, the italics were gone. I tried putting in raw HTML code [I]jkljlj[/I] but that didn't work. Did you have to do something special to get italics.

Probably better to respond to my email address than Stories of Arda.

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