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Blizzard!  by Nilmandra 42 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/27/2005
What a good moment for Mithrandir to turn up. Legolas was very fortunate to end up in a snow cave with Tinania and Gandalf - with food, companionship and a heated staff. Not to mention a trail leading to them.

I'll bet Thranduil was a little relieved to find them safe and sound. Cross is usually the next parental reaction.

I'm glad they remembered to show their thanks to the tree - but they would! They're wood elves.

“You look like a big ripe berry,” What a picture!

And Thranduil is just a perfect Adar.

“Well, that proves to me that Abronwë does not know what he is speaking of, for I am glad that every time I look at you I see your naneth. I loved her very much, and I love you very much. You are a nice reminder.”

I love the idea of little Legolas wanting Tinania to wait for him so that he can marry her when he grows up! (And I'm with Tinania in thinking that Lathron would make her a very good beau.)

Author Reply: I just can't torture my elflings - when I considered it, how far could Legolas really go? How likely is it that no one would notice he was gone? He got a good scare, but then everything was okay.

I like the idea of Tinania and Lathron too. It fits her family as well - her motehr is a warrior and her father a diplomat/advisor. She sees Lathron as being like her own father.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/27/2005
Thank goodness for Tinania. What a star she is!

I love the tree making the effort to protect Legolas - and his attempt to recall the wisdom of big brother. And Tinania's answers to Legolas's worries were very sensible and totally convincing.

'“I think anyone who tried to prevent Tathiel from caring for you would have quite a fight on their hands,” answered Tinánia with a smile.' So true! Motherhood is more than giving birth to a child - and Tathiel is Legolas's mother in ways that go far beyond simple genetics.

Author Reply: I am glad Tinania was beleivable - and I thought that was very nice of the old oak tree! He knew the woodland king would be looking for that little one.

Legolas knows that Tathiel is his 'naneth' - he has just never had to consider that she was not, or that the situation was not 'normal'. He is fortunate, though.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/27/2005
Go Bregolas and Lathron! (Not that you'll find yourselves able to kick 17 year old elfling ass when you find him.)

Those first tentative steps into the wider world are proving an alarming experience for poor little Legolas - and Abronwe is the big kid who says there is no Santa Claus.

Running off into the forest does not seem a good plan. I hope he's OK.

Author Reply: LOL! You're funny. No, they would not be able to at all, and like their father, once they cool down they will start looking for the rest of the story.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/27/2005
Kids are so mean to each other. They just have no idea of tact.

It's good to see little Legolas expanding his horizons to include friends, but I think it'll take a while for this trio to settle down together. Abronwe seems to be an elfling with issues.

(Emlin is a seriously cute little elleth, though. Tathiel must have her hands full between the two of them.)

Author Reply: Tathiel has two very rambunctious, cute as can be, elflings on her hands. Discipline must be hard!

And yeah, kids can be terribly mean, unfortunately. Welcome to the real world, Legolas.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/26/2005
What a sweet story. There was excitement, and I admit that I got teary eyed a few times. This is one of those stories where you need to put a tissue warning on it. Little Legolas's hurt feelings was so realistic. My heart ached for the little guy. He simply couldn't understand why anyone would be so cruel, especially when all he had wanted was to be friends. Oh my...just broke my heart! Actually, I was glad in the end when Abronwë turned out to be good kid at heart. His sadness was understandable and he dealt with it inappropriately, but in a childlike manner. The scene between Thranduil and the kid's families was nice. Thranduil handled it well when I'm sure he wanted to jerk a knot in the tail of anyone who had hurt his child.

Mirthrandir was a pleasant surprise. I'd like him and his 40 watt staff to show up if I were stuck out in a blizzard and covered over with snow.

So there might some love brewing in the palace for Lathron? This would be nice to see. I like the old boy and would like to see him have a little excitement in his life. He's too calm. He needs a nice feisty elleth to shake his world up a little.

I really enjoyed this, Nilmandra.


Author Reply: Ah, I am glad I made you cry. I am glad Legolas was realistic - he just had no idea that he was different or that people could be mean. His life is quite normal to him.

And Mithrandir, well, things are always interesting when he shows up. A big gruff santa claus, bringing his sack of magic fireworks. I wouldnt' wake him up though, either.

And doesn't Lathron deserve a nice elleth like Tinania?

AmleeReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/26/2005
I was starting to have withdraws!! I kept looking to see if you had added a new story and I wasn't getting an update.

I loved this story, but that is nothing new to you. I can't wait for your next stories. Keep up the great work!

Author Reply: I am glad you liked it - its fluff mostly, but its fun to develop the characters a little too.

Now I'm off to work on HLIII. Its mostly outlined and some scenes are sketched out.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/26/2005
“He only sounds like a bear, Lathron. I think he does not bite.” LOLOL! That is a very a wise observation on the part of Legolas. ;-) Thranduil was wonderful with Abronwë (course, your Thranduil is always wonderful. :-D) The lost bets was a nice touch, as were the fireworks. This was a wonderful follow-up to May the Valar... I enjoyed the many references to it as old memories and emotion resurfaced. I hope there will be another story, eventually. :-D Thank you very much for this one!

Author Reply: I am glad you liked it. It was fun to write, and fun to think of how these characters would think and act at this stage of their lives. I have had several Abronwe's in my life recently - and as easy as it is to get angry at them, when you look closer you see the sadness and pain and insecurity, and somehow it does change everythying. Not that these people were repentant like the child, but knowing why someone acts the way they do does help.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/26/2005
LOL! Mithrandir is in fine form is this chapter. It is too sweet that Legolas want Tinania to marry him when he gets older, and Tinania and Lathron, what an excellent couple they would make. :-D Wonderful! Must dash, though, another chapter to go...

Author Reply: I didn't see the Tinania - Lathron thing coming. Then she ran into him and he knew what poetry she liked...and bells went off in my head!

Glad you liked Mithrandir. I forgot to go back and read his speech mannerisms, unfortunatley, but hopefully my memory served me well.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/26/2005
Go, Tinania! She is very good with Legolas in this chapter. I do not think Tathiel or Adar could have done such a fine job of providing soothing answers. The oak tree is simply wonderful! :-D

Author Reply: Tinania was in a unique position to help Legolas. She is not family directly, so she is more objective. She also has learned what it means to be looked upon differently, and perhaps of them all, she had the hardest time returning to her place in their community. She is wise beyond her young years.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/26/2005
Everything started out so well. Cute little Emlin. Sweet, loving Tathiel. Legolas finding new friends. What's Abronwë's problem anyway? I had a strong urge to turn him over my knee. Children can be so cruel. I can't remember all the details of MTVPT, but were warriors lost during the hunt for Legolas? Abronwë's father, brother, second cousin on his mother's side? Or is his mother just a nasty gossip? Now I'm going to have to go back and reread MTVPT. :>) I can think of worse things to do! Maybe if I'm patient, I'll find out in the following chapters.

Very nice, Nilmandra. You've captured the world of a five year old (in human years) beautifully. I've been hoping we would see what you've been working on soon. I'm tickled pink to see this. On to the next chapter.


Author Reply: This is mostly fluffy stuff, but I guess more accurately a bit of a character study. Who are these people and how do they live and react to each other? How are they when something unexpected happens? But things are not as they seem, as in real life.

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