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A Journey Of Discovery  by Jay of Lasgalen 57 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/29/2005
I was so excited when I realized what was going to happen just before Elrohir did! The sensation you described for him was great. He must have been so surprised. I'm hoping Draug will come to his aid now. I'm a little worried that Elrond won't get there in time.

Author Reply: Elrohir had no idea at all that he would be or could be a healer like his father. It came as a huge surprise to him. It won't be quite such a surprise for Elrond - he suspected that this might happen one day.

The question now is, will Draug do a 'Lassie' and bring help? Wait and see! Thanks for the review, Daw.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/26/2005
Given the nature of the two boys in question, Elrond might have had an easier time getting an eye kept on them if he had offered to accompany them on a tour of Bree. No one likes being spied on. But, of course, Elrond and Celebrian need to explore the inn. I loved Celebrian's joy at the novelty of staying there. I understand how she feels -- I stay at hotels so rarely that it always seems that much more exciting than I do.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals, and it looks like the boys have firmly entered the ranks of Good People.

Author Reply: I'm glad you made that point about how Elrond sent the guard after E2. That was the part they didn't like - they felt they weren't trusted.

I thought about what we know of Celebrían so far - it's very unlikely she'd have been in an inn before, so it was just as much an adventure for her. As for the twins, I've always written them as Good People (if a little reckless at times) - I don't write idiot prankster twins who sound like Fred and George Weasley from Harry Potter. The trouble they're in now comes from righteous indignation and good motives.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/26/2005
I'm glad Elrond had enough experience of his sons to make sure they had an escort. Just a shame he didn't tie them together. He was resigned, though, when the guard came back without them - and probably appreciated the descriptive manner of explaining what had happened. They didn't mean any trouble (they never do!) but they are chin-deep in it anyway. Well, Naneth and Adar might be accepting of the idea of saving the poor dog - but E2 will be lucky to get out on their own again before they hit their majority. Once they've got out of this, which they haven't yet.

I love Celebrian's excitement. It probably would have been enough fun for Elrond just to have her along on the trip, whilst leaving the terrible twins to drive Glorfindel and Erestor insane in Imladris.

But I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next!

Author Reply: Elrond was only partly right about the guard. By asking him to follow them, E2 think their father doesn't trust them - so it's OK to dump the guard! The trouble they're in now come from the best of motives (they'd never stand by while an animal was hurt) but it's still trouble.

You're right, it would have been more peaceful for Elrond and Celebrian to leave their sons at home - but then there wouldn't be a story!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/26/2005
Well, trust them to slip their guard and then find they needed him. I find the older I get the less sympathy I have for stupidity. Empathy yes, having been and occasionally still being, stupid myself. So, they have done the right thing, but they're still gonna get it from their parents. :D

Author Reply: It wasn't very sensible to lose the guard - but Elrond handled it badly. He should have told his sons that Eilenach was there, and why. Now E2 have broken two of their promises, which won't go down well.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/26/2005
Ok Jay, now that was really sad. Poor dog! Good for E2 for standing up to those nasty boys. But absolutely nothing good is going to come of the twins splitting up like that (which, of course, is the point and is going to allow you to show what you want to show). But this one actually scares me. Those boys are vicious and I fear to see whar Elrohir is going to learn. And I also fear Elladan is going to have trouble getting back into the city since the gates will be closed so Elrohir will be in trouble for a while. Boy, Elrond and Celebrian are going to freak. Don't be too scary, Jay. I've got a thin skin. :)

Author Reply: Beating the poor dog was actually the nastiest scene in this story, so don't worry too much. And they're still inside Bree (the gate they climbed over led to the timber yard, not outside), so that won't be a problem, either.

You'll have to wait and see what I have got planned, though!

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/25/2005
Brindley is so great. I was grinning through his whole speech. Elrond’s probably not quite used to people spouting at him and then not waiting for an answer!

Celebrían’s excitement is so endearing! Although, she could be in for a bit more excitement than she thought…

“The little buggers gave me the slip!” LOL!! It’s a good thing Elrond knows his sons well enough not to take offence at people calling them names!

I loved your descriptions of Bree and the people who live there. It’s all so vibrant and alive. The children were so cute and I like the feeling that the people are as curious about the twins as they are about the folk of Bree. And the habit they have of speaking at the same time and repeating old arguments seems to be amusing everyone greatly! I had to laugh at how cross Elladan and Elrohir get when they accidentally answer as one voice.

They certainly seemed to meet some friendly people. But I suppose there are always the bad ones too. I just love how Elladan and Elrohir immediately went for the youth with no thought to their own safety because the poor dog was being harmed. Elladan was very impressive. And strong! I was so relieved when the boys left. Not that it means we won’t see them again but at least they’re gone for now.

It’s so touching to see how gentle Elrohir is with the dog. I’m glad he seems to be winning at least the tentative trust of the dog. And it’s good that the twins realise they’re in over their heads and need help. But I don’t like the thought of them splitting up. In fact, I’m quite worried about that…;-)

Author Reply: Brindley has a strong resemblance to his distant descendant, of course. I'll have to give him another scene in the next chapter!

Elrond wasn't supposed to overhear the guard's comment about the twins, or he'd never have said it. He knows what they're like, anyway.

I'm glad you liked the descriptions of Bree. That part of the story seemed very bland at first, so I went back and re-wrote it, trying to think of the things the twins would find most interesting. Most of the people are nice - the boys are an exception, thankfully. I didn't like hurting the poor dog, but needed a convincing reason for the twins to break their promise to their parents. And the dog still has a very important role in this story ... I think needless cruelty like that would be guaranteed to enrage the twins - anyone, really.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/25/2005
Oh dear. I'm worried now. The boys said that someone whose name I forget would be unhappy with them for beating the dog. How's he going to know Elrohir didn't do it? I can just see all kinds of trouble coming here.

Author Reply: I hadn't actually thought of that. No, the owner of the yard has gone home for the night. There are going to be other consequences, though.

Thanks for the review!

paranoidangelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/19/2005
I made the mistake of reading this when I didn't have enough time/brain to review and now I can't remember what I wanted to say about it. But it looks interesting so far.

Author Reply: Thanks, Nic. You probably won't be able to catch the next few chapters, but have a great time in Oz!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/17/2005
Elrond and Celebrían let them explore Bree alone? Hm ... I wonder if this is brave or foolish ...
Anyway, it is a promising start. Loved how the twins helped eagerly with everything they would have seen as horrible at home, and how they went fishing with their mother and discovered her abilities in fishing and swearing!

Author Reply: As you'll see from tonight's chapter, it may not have been a good idea.

I think the skills the twins are learning on this journey will be very useful to them in later life - but of course it's not work, and they're not learning anything!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/16/2005
Hi Jay! This is going to be short and possibly incoherent. Sorry. I'll write a better review for the next chapter. :-)

I'm glad to see you with a new E2 story. :) And you have a lot in this chapter too. I loved seeing them learn the wilderness tricks--all of them but especially Celebrian's lessons. It's fun to learn new things about your mother...I mean from your mother. :) But them running around Bree...can't be good. This one looks like a lot of fun!

Author Reply: I'm glad to be starting a new story, too. I love posting the first chapter! I hope the camping and wilderness stuff sounds authentic, as it's entirely made up!

I like to show Celebrían in a less - ladylike - role. She did and said things here she'd never have done at home!

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