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A Creature of Fire  by daw the minstrel 39 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
Damn! And this is what you crank out for a chapter that you did not even intend to write! Holy cow! I couldn't even write a review of this the first time I read it. I had to come back when I could be more composed. Everyone grieves differently so people will see the grieving process differently but for me you have hit it exactly perfectly. Poor Legolas is so numb he is barely functional by the time he gets to this chapter and then adding Tuilinn's parents and friends' grief on top of his...I was so glad to see him finally able to cry. It's not better then. But it puts one on the road to better.

There are so many little touches in this: I liked the discordant song around him. I liked how he hardly says anything but finally cries out how he wished there had been at least time to exchange rings (that must be a hell of a thought for an elf for whom time ordinarily means nothing and the fact that it is really the first thing he's said without being prompted to speak makes it even more powerful). Of course I loved the ring. God, that made me bawl. And you wonder why Belion has so many fans! You created him--everything about this story has been perfectly in character for him! What is not to love! But the thing that got me personally about this chapter was Legolas's thoughts about having difficulty letting her go / seeing and touching her for the last time. That is something I can identify with in my own experience so it really hit me.

I was soooo glad to see Thranduil arrive in the end. Unfortunately, as Legolas could identify with the little lost child, Thranduil can identify with Legolas's loss all too well.

I'm very glad you wrote this chapter. And I am very much looking forward to the next one. I hope you reference this in a future story (Spring Awakenings has quite a story arc now, doesn't it? I loved that story). Maybe seeing Legolas with her parents and seeing him able to cherish what he did have.

Anyway. Love it! Great job!

Author Reply: It's been tricky to edge Legolas out of numbness and into tears, but now he's there and I think things can start to get a little better. He's in pain, but that's OK. At least that tells him what's really going on here. Denying it and trying to go back to his patrol was not going to work. But being home will give him a chance to face his loss and learn what it has to teach him about what's important in life.

The ring was my beta's idea. She's good! And it turned out to be a nice symbol of the real love between Legolas and Tuilinn.

I really did hesitate to do this. Legomances are not my thing, but I've learned some writerly stuff from doing it.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
Three heart-breaking chapters in a row. How do you do it without falling into a depression yourself, Daw?

Another wonderful chapter and so stirring! The funeral was nicely done - brief and simple but no less moving than something long and elaborate. And that ring gesture - really enough to bring tears to even the most hardened. How much more thoughtful can Beliond be? I don't think Thranduil could have done more for Legolas in the circumstances. All the same, it was with great relief to see Thranduil there at the end. Legolas is in good hands now, but I think the grief will go on for quite some time.

Thank you, Daw, for another beautiful chapter in this sad tale.

Author Reply: I WAS depressed! I'm feeling better now because the worst is over and Legolas can start to heal. My beta thought of the idea of the silver ring, and it was a good one. It shows how serious Legolas is here. Beliond can and does take care of Legolas, but I think, emotionally, he 's only going to open up to Thranduil or Eilian.

BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
Wonderful chapter! Again you managed grief too well for me. A gift of a chapter to me (who had a bad morning due to a bloody test!).
Really, really touching scene when Legolas' tears had the effect on Tuilinn's parents. Very touching also when he dropped the silver ring over her body.
Well, you will have to take this: Beliond was too much like a nana!!! I just love him for this! Each time he asked Legolas to eat and took good care of him was so nice! He is awsome.
Thank Eilian for me. I was so glad the handsome Thranduil appeared to comfort his son! Just what I needed to lighten up my day: Beliond, Legolas and Thranduil!!! I love this chapter Daw. You are doing a wonderful job with this fic!

Author Reply: Beliond is indeed a nana, but we won't tell him. :-)

I hadn't intended to write about Legolas's interaction with Tuilinn's parents but when I thought about it, I could see it was necessary. They needed to understand about him, given that in Valinor it's possible he would be their son in law.

I will pass your thanks on to Eilian. He was concerned about Little Brother and sent in the rescue squad.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
That was aanother brillant chapter.
I wanted to cry with relief when Thranduil turned up at the end.
It is becomng more obvious to see that Beliond truly considers Legolas has his son to.

Will be checking every day for another chapter!!

Author Reply: I was so glad to see Thranduil! He was just what Legolas needed. But you're right about Beliond. He sees Legolas as his substitute son. I'll bet he went to Ithilien with Legolas after the Quest.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
This is so weird. I was just thinking about this story, and here is another chapter. YAY! But the chapter again is so sad. More tears... Daw you got to stop doing that! Tuilinn's parents seem very nice, if only Legolas could of met them in joy. I liked how you added Legolas putting the silver ring on her body- I think that was a nice touch.
Go Thranduil! That's just what Legolas needs. I really can't wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: This chapter was quick to do for some reason. Believe me, you can't be any more tired of the tears than I am! I want some happy chapters now.

The silver ring was my beta's idea. She's very good on that kind of stuff and it fit in well. Legolas did think of himself as making a pledge.

Thranduil in on the case. Legolas's recovery will take time but in the meantime he has the support of people who love him.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
Ok... I literally had to stop reading the chapter or else I would have been crying all over my keyboard, and in front of my dad. My throat was choked up and I could barely even read after the first few paragraphs. I am glad that Beliond is taking matters into his hands and forcing Legolas to go home.

Author Reply: Oh my goodness. I think I need to write a happier story after this one! Enough is enough! Beliond did the right thing, and it's what he and Eilian had planned he would do. They let Legolas take the body back and then they knew exactly where he needed to be.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
And snap goes Legolas's rope. When he's more himself again, he'll be able to look back at all this and realize that he did the right things during the whole visit, relentlessly difficult and grim though it was. He'll also be able to look back and see just how much Beliond loves him. I don't think Beliond just carries silver betrothal rings around on his person just for ha-has. The ring he gave Legolas must have had some very personal meaning, and he just forked it over like that. It's one of those Batman moments.

All in all, the parents took the news of what Legolas had been to Tuilinn fairly well, though I suppose that he could have told them that UFOs had landed and Tuilinn had been betrothed to a Little Green Elf and they wouldn't really have cared. And seed cakes! Legolas's favorite. Betcha Alfirin's been talking.

Speaking of whom, she is just going to have kittens when he gets back. He needs some serious mothering, and that, as we all know, is right up her alley. But first, Thranduil. He won't be able to make things all better -- no one can really do that -- but he'll have wisdom and guidance and love and a nice broad chest to cry on.

One thing is nagging at me, though. I know it's uncharitable to speak ill of the dead, but the semester is steaming to a close and I'm feeling uncharitable. I'm wondering why Tuilinn never chose to tell Legolas where she lived. Clearly she wanted to see him again, even expected him to come visit. Even if she was aware that he didn't know where she lived, she knows where he lives. He's a public figure, not that hard to find. Sending him a message, any inane little thing -- "I appreciate your assistance in the late unpleasantness in Anyr's settlement," for instance -- and sending it from her home village, would have been enough to tell him where she lived. But she didn't do that. Perhaps she assumed he knew already? She can't have thought that Anyr would remember to mention it.

Author Reply: I intended for Beliond to get the ring from Fyndil who went and begged it off a neighbor but maybe I was wrong! I figured Beliond's would be back in the chest on his flet with the patrol.

The parents were indeed out of it, but I think that elves know love when they see it. He was upset and he spoke honestly, and supposedly it's hard to fool an elf.

Here's what I thought about Tuilinn. She and Legolas spent some time together and she anticipated spending more while they were at Anyr's settlement. Then she got called home unexpectedly. I think she thought Anyr knew where she lived. She must have told him. So she was expecting Legolas to show up and he didn't. She read that as a message that he didn't want to see her again, and it felt intrusive to write to the king's son. Sigh. That's what I thought anyway.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
'I also need to work, unfortunately.

Work?!!!! Can't they get their priorities straight? There's been a death in the family!

Author Reply: Apparently they don't care! LOL

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
I was half way through reading this chapter before I realised I had tears pouring down my face, I was so caught up in the whole emotional trauma that I hadn't noticed
This was so wonderful and so tragic, I was pleased Tuilinn's parents realised how much Legolas cared for their daughter and allowed him to share in their grief, they would have made very good parents in law I think.
As for Beliond the rock, what a wonderful thing to think of so Legolas could pledge his love properly
The aftermath of the funeral was also heartbreaking again Beliond was needed to at least keep his charge anchored in this wrold
and Legolas' assertion that he was in charge when he hadn't even noticed the direction they were travelling was so sad.
Then finally someone that Legolas doesn't have to pretend with Adar arrives and even echoes Nana Beliond's words
poor poor Legolas
But a wonderful read!
Thank you

Author Reply: I seem to be making a lot of people cry. Is it wrong of me to be glad?

I think that Elves recognize love when they see it. Tuilinn's parents would have seen it in her and now they see it in Legolas, which is good because I didn't want them thinking he was a jerk who had ignored her.

Adar is not going to put up with any of this nonsense about being in charge and going back to the patrol. He's Legolas's only parent and he knows him through and through. This will take time though.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/19/2005
May I say that I deeply sympathize with Legolas, but, above all, with you? Being in his head has to be truly difficult! we have had three chapters on a row of that numbing feeling, and four days have passed and she's not yet buried... that's devastating and exhausting. It was wonderfully done, anyway, I liked Beliond's support, the ring detail was simply perfect, and yes, how right Eilian was, Legolas does have a problem eating when he's upset.. or should I say distraught?

"He would weep for Tuilinn. He would weep for himself" To me, this is the key. I was having a bit of trouble with Legolas' behaviour. Please, understand me, I do believe it's been greatly done, his pov is amazingly constructed to convey the dizziness and disorientation and I was simply having trouble with him, not with the way you're portraying him. I feel that, understandable as his grief is, it has, too, that quality of self-pity that's preventing him from coming our from the fog. It is HIS shattered dream, I think, and the "might have beens" that he is mourning too, and that little sentence made it clear for me. He does need to go home, I think, and he does need to get a hold of himself. I think his Atar will be the best for him here.

I'm not sure that I've made myself clear, so let me tell you again that it was wonderfully done, and that I'm looking forward to seeing him -and you- coming out from this pit! ;-)

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your sympathy! I'm getting numb myself. Legolas needs to move along here!

Legolas's grief has been very self-centered but I think that's what grief often does for us. We have no energy for anyone else. He has had a quick thought about Beliond losing a child and now he sees Tuilinn's parents. And I think that both of those things are tiny nudges toward sympathy for others, especially since her parents invited him to be with them.

He'll be out of the pit soon if I have to write a self-insert to drag him out! Enough is enough!

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