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Time's Turnings by daw the minstrel | 27 Review(s) |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2005 |
OK, I should still be working, but it's 8 pm and I want to wallow in a world of elves. I love it when Eilian and Legolas get together - they are the two who are best at just being brothers, although Eilian does have moments of getting all protective and maternal. (Does he realise? I'd have thought he would have been horrified.) I'm glad to see Legolas has absorbed the need for cleanliness. It's a very important element of warriorhood. That and enduring Tinar. I'll bet Beliond is as sick as a pig. How can he keep his charge safe when surrounded by MEN. It will do him a lot of good to have some conversations with Maltanaur on the skills involved in keepering. I sense a touch of renegotiating of the L/B relationship. I hope it comes with Legolas being brave, sensible and open-minded - and maybe inserting a tiny wedge in Beliond's prejudices - rather than an equine-inspired disaster. Love Maltanaur's reminder of the dangwath incident. It's about time that Legolas and he got to know each other a little. (There seem to be a lot of stories here asking to be told.) Poor Sinnarn. What an unthinking, headstrong, impulsive wood-elf he is. He must drive his adar absolutely insane. After all, why would he ASK if he could go to see the eagles? Where would be the fun in that? Hasn't the elfling realised yet that when your adar is in charge of all the troops, you have no chance of getting away with stupid behaviour? Legolas would recognise the scenario. Lessons, training and confined to his room. And lucky to escape so easily. I don't think he'd have enjoyed being on the receiving end of one of those arrows. Of course, neither would the men - who would have quickly resembled porcupines. An incident that would definitely have worsened man/elf relations. Good thing Legolas was able to pass on the toy sellers worried to Eilian and back up Educ's words. “I am one of the guards here,” Legolas said dryly. “I am supposed to be insuring your safety, not the other way around.” Note it, big brother. The brat is there to look after you. And, hopefully, the keepers will have lots of interesting chats. Author Reply: If it's 8 pm, then your employer has gotten all they deserve from you and undoubtedly all they've paid for. Wallow in elves, that's what I say! I think that Eilian is indeed maternal, and whether that would horrify him or not I'm not sure. He seems to me to be pretty sure of his masculinity. He must have been startled when Todith announced that Legolas and Beliond would be his guards. LOL. There are indeed a lot of stories asking to be told here, and I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to work them all in. But maybe I can keep some of them in mind for a future story. The Legolas/Beliond relationship is certainly in need of examination. Beliond is probably ready to spit (just like the men in Dale--ooh, have to go add that to the chapter). But Maltanaur/Beliond and Maltanaur/Legolas would also be very interesting. The warriors keeping an eye on the toy merchants must have about fainted when the king's grandson jumped into the line of fire. How'd you like to have to explain that one back at headquarters??? Sinnarn nearly caused a very serious incident. He didn't mean to. He never does. | |
The Karenator | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2005 |
“I was up keeping the realm safe all night,” Legolas grinned back. I love this line. So droll and to the point. Legolas is doing his job. I'm sure I'm not alone in looking forward to this trip to Dale. The thing I enjoyed most in this chapter was how well you drew the contrast of relationships that the youngest sons have with their keepers. Maltanaur seems to have an easier-going personality than Beliond to start with, and he and Eilian don't seem to have had as much trouble negotiating a companionable relationship as Legolas has had trying to settle in with Beliond. From my perch in the tree, Beliond and Legolas struggle more because of both their personalities. Legolas is more serious--and sensitive--in his make-up than Eilian, and Legolas is more inclined to be offended by Beliond than Eilian probably ever was with Maltanaur. And Legolas has something to prove. So, he and Beliond end up like two huffy goats butting heads. What we have here, ma'am, is a personality clash. Neither one of them helps the situation. They have negotiated a relationship, and it's much better than it was, but Beliond still rubs Legolas wrong, like a burr in his boot. Finding out a little more information about Beliond would be interesting. He's been as stingy with us as he's been with Legolas. Perhaps he'd like to lie down on my couch and tell me about his childhood. Sinnarn, Sinnarn, Sinnarn. A typical teenager. Long on excuses and short on common sense. Fortunately, most kids grow out of this, and we just have to weather the ever-changing storms of moods and stupidity until they stop acting like blockheads. In the meantime, they have no idea how their lives hang in the balance with angry parents. Can't you just hear Ithilden's thoughts? He's the commander of the troops, fer cryin' out loud; he's used to being obeyed, btw, and this kid wants to be warrior. Adar is wondering how HIS kid could be such a moron. Of course, Ithilden loves him more than his own life and is awfully relieved that the kid is safe. Sinnarn's not a bad guy, he's just at a hormonally-challenged age, but this is HIS kid and he's a moron...at the moment; he'll grow out of it. I feel for Ithilden's desire to bang his head against the wall. Kind of makes you wonder what you were thinking when you decided to procreate. Fortunately, this too shall pass. Thranduil tried to warn him that boys were a great source of joy...and irritation. The king is smiling into his Dorwinion. I just love it, too. Ithilden thought he knew so much... Bless his heart. The commander is adorable. I'm sorry we didn't get to hear more of Ithilden and Alfirin's discussion. Ah, parenting the child with more bravado than brains. As the mother of a son past this age, reassure me that everyone survives, and the kid turns out to be more wonderful than you ever dreamed. And say it loud enough for Ithilden to hear. He's beginning to wonder. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Dale. The big Elves can find out what's behind the rumors and hopefully, we'll get a chance to glimpse a little more of Beliond and his past, or at least, come to understand him better. An exciting trip, I'm sure it will be. Great chapter, Karen Author Reply: Legolas has gotten good at routine warrior stuff, but his family mostly hasn't seen that, except for in reports that Ithilden has gotten. That's why I thought that Todith might be more willing to send Legolas on this mission that Eilian was. Todith sees Legolas doing well on a daily basis. I really liked your analysis of the relationships of the brothers and their keepers. I'll bet Eilian let most criticism roll off his back and Maltanaur may have been less inclined to criticize anyway, more willing to be amused. But Legolas is serious and sensitive (as you say) and he's the youngest son -- the one his family still sees as a baby. Beliond needs to lighten up. But maybe if Legolas manages to stand up to him, he'll be better off than he would be with someone sympathetic and supportive. Ithilden must be just frantic. He knows how close Sinnarn came to being killed. And his kid's actions could have upset a delicate situation that he knows about (while Sinnarn's friends' parents don't). And the warriors who serve under Ithilden were the ones hauling his kid home. Argh! It's true that everyone does survive this age (usually). As to whether "the kid turns out to be more wonderful than you ever dreamed," well, sort of. He turns out to be his own person, not exactly the one you would have tailor made, but one that's interesting to get to know and one you have to accept. I'm looking forward to writing about Dale. I have some outline for this part (I outlined this whole story in a fair amount of detail while I was on vacation), but I've decided it's a little sketchy so I'll have to do some more thinking before I start drafting. | |
thechevin | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2005 |
Hope my half finished review does not post I blame my cat who sat on the computer mouse, the cat's name is Orlando by the way guess who he is named after As I was saying I am glad I guessed right but have to agree with Maltanaur that Thranduil will not be pleased to learn that both Eilian and Legolas are on their way to Dale It was interesting to see the different ways the two keeper's interact with their charges I think Maltanaur's ease has as much to do with his character and Eilian's as much as the extra time they have been together As for Legolas one more thing to remind him of his comparative youth but at leasr he is not in Sinnarn's boots he is really in trouble it seems and all for the best of reasons and of course the two travellers reappeared I really do not like them at all and hope our elves do not run into them in Dale although I guess they very well might thank you for another lovely update Judy Author Reply: Your cat apparently didn't hit the right key. My beta's cat and her bird are always sending me IM messages too. Maybe Thranduil doesn't have to find out about the trip to Dale? LOL. Oh, who am I kidding? He probably already knows. I agree about Maltanaur's and Eilian's characters both being more relaxed than Beliond's and Legolas's. I don't think the latter two are ever going to have the same kind of relationship that Maltanaur and Eilian do. But it can get a little easier, and should I think. Legolas has earned some trust. Sinnarn never means to get in trouble and always does. Poor kid! The two men were headed west, so they should be gone. But there are plenty more where they came from! | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2005 |
This isn't a review, because I don't have time to do it justice right now. It's just a passing thought. If Beliond (and other elves) dislike men because of Isildur's weakness in retaining the One Ring, how do they balance that against Feanor and his sons and their possessive greed for the Silmarils? All men bad / all elves good? Doesn't quite work. As generalisations never do. Author Reply: LOL. Elves are no more consistent than Men are. I think you should be the one to point that out to Beliond, Bodkin. | |
Elemmíre | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/24/2005 |
Thank you for another wonderful chapter! I've been re-reading all your stories, a few a night. They are all quite good, of course, but I can see the improvement between the first few & your latest! And your stories often provoke tasty dreams... ;) Now if only Eilian would stop running away from me... & I can't believe you almost killed him off! I'd forgotten about that. Then he had to go & get married. Maybe I should go back to adoring Legolas. That got a little off-track...anyways, I may not be much of a reviewer, but I never miss a chapter! I find myself constantly hopping on to see if you've updated...very bad habit. I am looking forward to the next chapter...Legolas & Eilian! I like Maltanaur & Beliond too–your OCs are exceptionally good. I can picture them so vividly! You capture each personality so well in words. Enough rambling. Keep writing. ;) One of your many adoring fans, Elemmíre Author Reply: You're making me blush here, Elemmire! I'm glad you can see the stories getting better. I think they do, but it's all sort of pulling myself up by my own bootstraps and the advice of my beta. She's made a huge difference to me. I wish I could dream about my characters, but I never do. I lie awake thinking about a story sometimes, but I've never had them come easily to me in my dreams. And Eilian had hundreds of years of bachelorhood. You could fit your whole lifetime in there somewhere. I think he'd be a little wearing though! I love my OCs. It's shameless really. We'll see how they do in Dale. Thank you for letting me know you're reading. daw | |
French Pony | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/23/2005 |
From somewhere nearby, a robin warbled a three part song. A real robin, Legolas thought, That struck me as a potentially great opportunity for comedy -- maybe not in this particular story, but an opportunity nevertheless. Two Elf patrols, sneaking sneakily through the woods, both patrols are expecting a robin signal for something completely different, a real robin sings, and wacky hijinks ensue. I see Thranduil's army does have some small perks, like letting people sleep till they wake up. That probably leads to better soldiers in the long run, anyhow. Legolas seemed to require more sleep, a need that probably arose from the fact that he was still growing, Oh, you are such a mom. My mom always used to say that to me, generally on nights when something interesting was going on past my bedtime. although he rolled his eyes in annoyance whenever Beliond smugly pointed that out. Which is, of course, the traditional reply. And then the instant that Legolas is an inch taller than Beliond, he'll start rubbing that in Beliond's face. He stripped and waded in, flinching slightly at the temperature of the water, still frigid from the spring melt of snow in the mountains of Mirkwood. Bleh! I suppose that this little bit of unpleasantness is the price to pay for the privilege of sleeping in? I wonder why Elves always bathe directly in the rivers. It's a pretty vulnerable position to be in, not to mention with sharp rocks on the riverbed. Bucket baths would be safer, because you could have them in the camouflage of your flet, and one could still have one's nekkid-Elf-writing jollies anyway. “I grant you it has been a while,” Beliond said with a faint smile. “Let us keep it that way.” I bet Beliond is the kind of person who also says things like, "It could be worse. . . it could be raining." And then the heavens open. Legolas 'n' Eilian 'n' Beliond 'n' Maltanaur. Somehow, I don't think that's quite what Thranduil had in mind for this particular outing. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. The trick, of course, is a) making sure that there's nothing to know or, since a) is highly unlikely, b) making sure that Thranduil doesn't find out about whatever will happen. Too late for poor Sinnarn, of course. He does have a case -- a weak one, but a case. There was no way he could know about the issues that the Men and the Elves have been having because Ithilden has inherited Thranduil's habit of not communicating with his offspring and hasn't told him anything. I just realized. . . way back a few chapters ago, I was going to tell Alfirin how to cook parsnips real tasty, and I forgot. So, here goes: The Carol Parsnips. Peel and chop some parsnips into bite-size chunks. Put them in vegetable broth to which you have added some rosemary leaves and a bay leaf. Simmer either until tender or until you are done with three pages of research paper and remember that you have parsnips cooking, whichever comes first. Drain the parsnips and set them aside. Heat some olive oil with more rosemary and another bay leaf until it is warm but not smoking. Pour it over the parsnips (the hot oil will hiss, but don't let that stop you), salt and pepper them puppies, and toss so that the parsnips are dressed. Turn the whole mess out into a serving dish and make a nice wreath of bay and rosemary around it. This dish is in honor of The Parsnip Carol, which is the vegetarian (or kosher) version of The Boar's Head Carol, which begins, "The boar's head (or parsnip) in hand bear I / Bedecked with bays and rosemary." Author Reply: Wacky hijinks with the bird calls?! I think not. Wood-elves would die of embarassment! But maybe that's a reason to do it. Yeah, I am a Mom. I can't help myself. Actually, I think Legolas is taller than Beliond even now. All of Thranduil's sons are tall. But he's still filling out. I used to teach in a small engineering college and sometimes I'd have the same male students as freshmen and then again as seniors, and they'd still be the same height but they'd look quite a lot more grown up as seniors than as skinny freshmen. So I think Legolas is in that stage. Bucket baths? For nature-boy Wood elves? Well, I grant you it would be safer. But this was much more fun. :-) Fortunately for all concerned, none of the four elves on their way to Dale is likely to go blabbling to Thranduil. Inconvenient information can always be kept out of the report. But poor Sinnarn. He means so well. He's just curious, and then he's surprised to find himself in trouble again. He has a lot of Uncle Eilian and Grandma Lorellin in him. Thank you for the parsnip recipe. I'll try it next week maybe. Tonight we're having leftover home made pizza. I made the dough and put dried cherries and blue cheese on it. Yum! | |
esamen | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/23/2005 |
Oh, I am happy. Keeper action times TWO! This is great! I saw the contrast in relationships coming right away (aren't you proud of me, your clever reader) and I was in heaven the whole time I read it. "Legolas could hear Maltanaur chuckling softly as he started back to meet Eilian, leading their two horses. Clamping his mouth shut to avoid saying something he would regret, Legolas threw his pack across Tavor’s back and started after Maltanaur." Oh, yes. Legolas has a lot of growing up to do. Still pretty insecure, huh? "Legolas listened attentively as Maltanaur described Dale, but part of his mind was busy noticing the easy relationship between Eilian and his keeper. Beliond had told Legolas almost nothing about himself, and Legolas could not imagine his keeper saying he would take his cue from Legolas. He wondered how long it had taken before Maltanaur began treating Eilian as a friend, as an equal. And he wondered if he would ever be able to get Beliond to do that." Too funny. Legolas is trying to "get Beliond to do" something? Does that boy EVER have a long way to go. It seems to me that there's a long road for these two to travel before they get to the relationship they have in A Question of Duty. I am going to enjoy every chapter of the trip. And Sinnarn -- too cute -- oh, that boy is trouble on the run. Leads right into your Sinnarn of Tangled Web. You really have this universe organized! Do you keep it locked up in your closet, and take it out at night to play with? Or do you go look at it to see what your characters have done while you were gone? I just watched the film Troy, and I have to say that I have a really good idea now of what young Legolas looks like in leggings (heh). Happy travels with your warriors, Esamen Author Reply: Legolas and Beliond have some things to work out, but I suspect they're never going to be on the same terms that Eilian and Maltanaur are. Neither one of them has the personality for it. I'll bet Eilian let criticism roll off his back from day one and I'll be Maltanaur was less inclined to criticize anyway. He just kept an eye on his charge and hoped they'd both survive. He probably recognized the inevitability of Eilian's actions, whereas Beliond sees Legolas as trainable. On the other hand, Beliond is probably NOT trainable, so Legolas should give up all thoughts of trying to "get Beliond to do" anything. Poor Sinnarn. He never means to get into trouble. He's just curious and eager to meet the world head on. I think it's the Grandma Lorellin in him. My characters do surprise me sometimes, mostly when I ask them what they're feeling now. But because I've written these stories out of order, I have to keep pretty close track of things too. I liked "Troy." It was fun to watch, leggings, short skirts, and all. | |
Karri | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/23/2005 |
Oi! Two Thranduilion on their way to Dale! I can't wait to see what comes of this. :-) Author Reply: Yes, I thought two sons of Thranduil and two keepers would be twice as good as one of each. :-) | |
sofia | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/23/2005 |
In a way I'm glad it was Ithilden who saw Sinnarn with the guard rather than Alfirin. Shock Legolas' tender ears... I love that line! Author Reply: I think Ithilden would take a warrior's presence in stride better than Alfirin would. And he'd understand the situation much more quickly. He must have about fainted at the thought of his son being in the line of fire. Legolas's tender ears. Yes. ;-) I wonder what Maltanaur did? I'll have to think up that story sometime. | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/23/2005 |
My favorite part of this chapter really was the contrast in relationships between the brothers and their keepers. Maltanaur and Eilian have fallen into an easy comraderie, with Maltanaur not forgetting his position but respecting Eilian's abilities. Beliond is more elusive than Maltanaur - less friendly, mabye, and less likely to fall into friendship with you charge. Legolas does want what Eilian has, and wonders if he will get it. I do like the addition of the comment...poor Legolas, to be reminded of that, and yet it was also a great thought about the elves...in our lives, we would hope he would have retired by now, but no, they watch each other grow up and only physical death separates them! How different..not sure I would like that. Author Reply: Maltanaur has had an easier life that Beliond in a way. He's married and has a married daughter and a grandchild. Eilian is like a son to him. And I think he's a more relaxed person to start with. Thank goodness. Beliond and Eilian would not have done well together. Beliond is probably never going to be like Maltanaur, but he could certainly give Legolas a little more credit that he currently seems to do. Or maybe Legolas is just too sensitive. We'll see how things go. I was glad you reminded me of the dangwath incident. Incorporating the memory was a good idea. | |