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Yule Fictions Past and Present  by Grey Wonderer 99 Review(s)
GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/5/2008
Hehehe. I loved seeing Merry being put upon for once. Frodo learned his lesson last year, but it seems Merry didn’t think twice about it. I enjoy that Merry’s always so worried that Pippin’s older sisters are going to ruin him, first teaching how to fight wrong and now teaching him how to unwrap presents without ripping the pretty paper. *grin*

Author Reply: I really owed Frodo a story in which he got the best of those two. This time I let Merry wind up on the losing side. I think Frodo needed to win so that was my Yule gift to him.
I do think that Pippin might have picked up a few lass-type habits after all that time on the farm with those sisters! I can also see it annoying Merry since he isn't bothered with sisters. My mom does that gentle un-wrapping of gifts to save pretty bows and paper. Imagine Yule at Pip's smial with each gift taking forever to open!
Thanks for reading! Good to see you on line and I hope you're back in your place before long.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/5/2008
*snerk* That Pippin! First teasing Merry about the hazards of wearing footwear (and Daffy Duck! LOL!) and then he goes and gets addicted to them. His letter to Éowyn was hilarious. He has no shame does he? But Merry’s letter looks to be more interesting. You have to write a follow-up to this!

Author Reply: I could just see Merry having the nerve to wear the slippers and not caring what others might say. I decided to let Pippin be the one worrying about his image for a change. I actually used a canon fact in Pippin's sneaky letter to Eowyn! Per the Professor, Pippin's feet were smaller! Hah! I wrote canon!
A follow-up just might be an idea. That letter to Pippin's sisters does leave things rather open, doesn't it? Personally, I think someone should gift Sam with one of those hairless cats! Can you imagine the Gaffer's reaction to that?

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/29/2007
I never heard of this tradition and I share Pippin’s sentiments of putting a flame into a flammable sack! That’s just not very practical at all. Of course, neither is trying to light the candle without first weighing down the sacks! LOL! But Pippin has never been particularly practical. It looks like neither of the lads will be trusted with the Yule lights again.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/29/2007
Snow is nice to look at, but I wouldn’t want to live in it! *brrr* Glad the lads are enjoying it though. Clever Frodo, to let the others play about until they’re cold and exhausted. Pippin shows his own special brand of cleverness when he shows Frodo what stars to look at.

Author Reply: See I love snow! We used to get tons of it but now we hardly ever get any at all. Global warming at work! Glad you enjoyed the story and good to see you back on posting again! Any new stories in the works? (Looks hopeful.)

GoldenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/28/2007
This is so very cute! Love every single word of it!
Oh and I just found out that "Errol" means Wanderer, so it has the same meaning as Peregrin. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!*light goes on* I did not know that before! *g*

Author Reply: So glad you enjoyed it. Funny how that worked out with Errol's name isn't it. No one has noticed this before. You, my clever friend, are the first! I've never mentioned it anywhere. Also, Errol is a sir name from a Scottish place! How's that for interesting? That kind of makes Errol a Scottish wanderer which is actually perfect. LOL

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/26/2007
Beautifully adorable! I love how Frodo can see the expressions on Errol's face.

Really, Merry needs to get a life . . .

Thank you so much, GW! :-)

Author Reply: Thank you! Hope you had a lovely holiday!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/26/2007
Poor Pippin! He didn't tell on Merry to folks who would tease him unmercifully.

A very cute story :-)

Author Reply: Ah, but when Merry tells then Pippin will tell and so Merry is actually risking his own reputation by writing the letter. The question is, will he send it or will he just pretend to do so? LOL

pathvain_aelienReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/26/2007
“Merry,” Pippin said patiently. “Stuffed rabbits don’t have any money. Errol doesn’t give Yule gifts. He’s a stuffed rabbit.” Pippin sighed and gave Frodo a knowing look. Ah, I love the duo of Pippin and Errol. :)

Author Reply: Pippin and Errol are quite a force when they want to be. So glad you enjoyed it and thank you for reviewing!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/25/2007
This is priceless! I love that Frodo comes out on top for once - usually Merry and Pip tie him up in knots but he was prepared this time. He was certainly enjoying watching Merry sqirm on this occasion!

Merry Christmas, GW!

Author Reply: I did think it was Frodo's turn to win one of these encounters. I owed him in a very big way. Besides I like letting Merry have a turn in the hot seat. LOL
Hope you had a lovely holiday and Happy New Year to you!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/24/2007
Ah, our beloved Errol and his preferences--and Merry's ability to think on his feet! Silly Merry--he ought to know that Errol doesn't eat jam! Heh! Excellent save on all sides.

Author Reply: Yes, Errol's love of jam is a misconception in this case. On the other hand one can hardly blame Merry since Errol, through no fault of his own, seems to wind up with jam in his fur quite often. hehehe

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