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A Matter of Heart  by daw the minstrel 167 Review(s)
BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
Several people of Royal Mirkwood Home are asking you to write a fic about Eilian and Ithilden's childhoods. I agree with them! It doesn't matter there will be no Legolas! There will be Thranduil there...
On the chapter: poor Alfirin... she is really confused. No wonder! She saw that belonging to the royal family is more than bond with Thranduil's heir... I hope she wakes up and thinks she is able...
I loved when Thranduil checked Legolas' glass!!!

Author Reply: I think those childhood fics are a good idea. I don't know when I'll do them, but sometime. Why not?

Alfirin is a smart girl. She sees what she's getting into and she knows that once she bonds with Ithilden, it's forever. So she's taking her time and making sure she's up to it, even though she does like looking at his body!

Thranduil knows what adolescent sons are like with wine and he keeps close tabs! Smart Ada.

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
I really, really enjoyed this chapter,Daw.The nervousness that Alfirin felt when geting ready for Ithilden was captured so well--I was nervous for her! I have to commend you on your original characters for they all seem so real and they all have their virtues to be admired, their flaws that make them realistic---I am really impressed.

I do worry for Legolas in all this.He badly needs someone to talk to but he just doesn't realise it yet.I feel for Thranduil and Ithilden who only want to help him but I think, maybe, that Alfirin will somehow break through his grief.I hope so because I like her so much.Ithilden will be lucky to have her in years to come.I love your stories I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it, Alison. I like writing about basically good but flawed characters. I think that's how most of us see ourselves, and so it feels realistic to me too. I know I have a lot of OCs. I pity readers who look at these stories for the first time because I know they have a lot to remember if they're going to choose to keep reading.

Legolas does need to talk to someone he trusts. We'll see how that comes about. :-)

esamenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
Oh, thank you. This just keeps getting better. I really like this tale of Alfirin. So many women must deal with these exact same feelings, and are called to this exact same challenge in life. I am so identifying with her! This is the story she deserves.

And Ithilden is so gorgeous in his green leggings with gold embroidery. Sigh.

What a fine job of describing the inside of the palace! I never could get a real grip on that. This helps me quite a bit.

Please hurry and update again. I can't wait to read the next chapter. I MEAN that. Happy holiday typing,


Author Reply: It's been interesting to think about Alfirin joining the king's household and how that would have looked to her. I can see now how much of a challenge it must have been. Ithilden is gorgeous but he's a little full of himself. She'll need to be brave enough to make her voice heard too.

This was also the first time I've thought about what that hallway looked like. But because she comes into it as a stranger, I had to really picture it myself too.

I'm glad you liked it, Esamen. I have to work early this week and then the EE of ROTK comes out, but a new chapter will be along eventually. :-)

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
What a delightful chapter! When I was reading about Alfirin getting dressed for the big date, it dawned on me that we do not get many "girly scenes" in these stories as the main characters are all male. How often do we get to read about pinning flowers in one's hair?

It was interesting seeing the King's household through Alfirin's eyes. So she's already worrying about running the royal household? I don't blame her for being intimidated but we all know she's pretty efficient at slapping some sense into these stubborn males when her time comes.

The little dinner scene with the two servants was hiliarious with Legolas being hysterical and Thranduil trying hard not to be. "Has he no command over his wife?" Uh-oh, wrong words, Ithilden if you value your life. But I suppose he'll come to his senses soon enough once he's bonded.

Author Reply: I think this may be the first scene I've written entirely from Alfirin's POV. And you're right. I don't do too many girly one. This particular girl is considering joining a very male household too, poor thing. She will have her work cut out for her. But she turns out to be really good at it. It might take her a couple of hundred years to get it right, but she does it!

Ithilden needs to step back a little and think about what he's saying. And Thranduil is just afraid he'll never have grandchildren.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
I have to admit that this is one of my favorite chapters in any of your stories. I think its absolutely brilliant! I love the discriptions of the palace from Alfirin point of view and the way her parents are not bothered by having the King's oldest son inviting their daughter for dinner.
Ithilden needs to lighten up more, and Alfirin, of course, is the perfect one to do it. although she doesn't see it yet.

Author Reply: You know, Sofia, as I was writing this, I was thinking that it's a kind of chapter I never could have written a year ago. It's purely domestic. I spend a whole chapter on Alfirin going to dinner at the palace! And I truly enjoyed it. I had fun trying to convey all the emotions of everyone there while staying in her POV. Ithilden definitely needs to lighten up. Truer words were never spoken.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
Oh my! I knew there was going to be fun!!!! Poor Ithilden, he definitely lacks this particular skill…or maybe he skipped those pages in the handbook!!

I'm sure Thranduil is going to have the time of his life in this story, were it not for Legolas’ suffering. Poor child, difficult age, fighting for his independence and at the same time so deeply hurt by such a hard experience… and in such need of comfort he doesn't even know how to ask for it...that’s surely a challenge for Thranduil’s parental skills… (Not to mention he will surely have to play mummy’s role too with such a fool of an eldest son!What a busy time for the King of Mirkwood!)

I loved Alfirin’s point of view, and mostly the way you describe their physical awareness of each other; I think that’s a sign for Alfirin: to be so acutely aware of Ithilden’s nearness can only mean that she is already lost! No matter how hard the job seems to be or how frightened she becomes of it all!

I wonder, does Ithilden even suspect he’s acquiring a bride who is almost as bossy as he is? I laughed out while reading her perceptions of the family chambers, the servants, the managing of such a household…. Mmm... I’d pay money to be let inside Thranduil’s mind… Ithilden is going to find his match in more aspects than he expects…

And wow! Such timing! I ask and then you update! I could hardly believe it! ;-)
I expect to get immersed in “Legolas’ begetting day” next weekend… I’m looking forward to it!

Author Reply: Ithilden is such a funny mixture. He is so competent and hard working at his job, that he is seldom wrong there. Thank goodness. But then in his personal life, he doesn't seem to realize that he might not be right all the time! Thranduil is probably deeply amused, except he would like grandchildren and it might look like he's going to have to depend on the stork to bring them if he doesn't straighten out his oldest son.

I don't think Ithilden has the faintest clue that Alfirin is assessing the situation for how she would take charge of it. He's not even terribly aware there's a situation to take charge of!

But she is really hot for him. :-) And he's really aware of her too. In his mind, she should wear her hair down all the time for one thing.

The EE of ROTK comes out in the States this week, so I'm going to spend time with that I hope. And it's final exam week at my university, so I have a bit to do there too, not to mention holiday stuff. Ack. Another chapter will come along eventually.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
I've been waiting for this new chapter! It was interesting to see it from Alfirin's POV, especially the description of the family quarters. I'm glad she chose the green dress - it seems more appropriate for dining with the Elvenking.

Legolas seemed very subdued at first, and if Alfirin noticed Thranduil's and Ithilden's concern, others will have as well. He cheered up later, though - the scene at dinner with the quarrelling servants was hilarious! I'm glad he laughed so much. Ithilden's comment was revealing, though: “Has he no command over his wife?” Watch out, Alfirin! I wonder if she's realised that if they marry, and anything was to happen to Thranduil, she would be Queen?

The courting of an ordinary girl by the monarch's son reminds me of the ill-fated marriage between Prince Charles and Princess Diana. At least we know Ithilden and Alfirin won't end in disaster.


Author Reply: Do you know, this was the first time I ever figured out for myself how the family quarters would look? Writing it from Alfirin's POV was interesting for that reason. I had to think of looking at it through the eyes of someone not accustomed to it.

I think that Legolas's distress is strongest when he has to deal with weapons himself or think about others doing so. The scene in the dining room must have been a nice relief for him.

Alfirin is realizing quite of lot of what would be expected of her if she married Ithilden and it's making her pause, even though she does admire his body. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
The head says 'beware', the mouth says 'yes'. She thinks he's just too plain gorgeous to let the difficulties daunt her for too long - and Thranduil's on her side, which is a Good Thing. She's currently at the humble stage of thinking she's too young, immature, inexperienced, etc, to be worthy of the glorious troop commander, but it won't last! She's already noted that he is rather too bossy. (Definitely inexperience on his part - Thranduil's knowing grin is that of a trained husband.) Everyone knows their fate - except, it would seem, Ithilden and Alfirin themselves. (When the would-be squeeze starts courting the younger sibling, you KNOW he's serious!)

Legolas did quite well as substitute host - it helps Alfirin feel at home to have someone Tonduil's age around. Poor wandering lad - his (well-earned) reputation is preventing him from having more of those nights under the stars that he loves so.

I liked the first sight of servants - it must be a job and a half to manage the royal household and the settling of ructions not the least part of it - and I loved the reactions to the spat. Poor Ithilden mortified - Legolas controlled himself well to keep his laughter in until after they had left the room. And Alfirin unable to believe that Thranduil was laughing.

A lovely chapter - including plenty of blushing, but also some coherent speech! And a fair bit of breathlessness and - shall we say - physical awareness. You know, they might actually be ready for that wedding.

Author Reply: You're hitting the nail right on the head, Bodkin! She's really reacting to Ithilden physically, which in Elves is pretty close to the emotions too. She's seeing what a big job she would be taking on in marrying him though. Managing the palace would be a real challenge and managing Ithilden might be tough too. She just needs to get some self-confidence.

I thought Legolas could probably manage social things rather well. He's been exposed to them a lot because of who he is and he knows what should be done.

I think the happy couple has made progress, actually. No one did anything too embarrassing, unless you count Ithilden's bonehead speech!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
Ah, I forgot to tell you I enjoyed the humor at the dinner table greatly. Ithilden has so much to learn....and because we have seen Alfirin years into the future from this scene, we know who does rule that household and dinner table!

They are smitten with each other too, and they are both very practical. Its a joy to see them lose that self restraint at times. :-)

Author Reply: LOL. Yes, she will definitely take charge eventually and they'll be glad to let her do it. But she's young and this all looks like a big challenge. Thanks for all your help with this.

AliceReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2004
Oy. Ithilden needs his mother. Or a fairy godmother or somebody! He needs guidance. Desperately. I can just see what Thranduil was thinking after the whole wife obedience crack. "I'm never going to have grandchildren." I have a feeling Thranduil is going to take Ithilden aside and explain to him that elves serious in their pursuit of a maiden do not abandon her to go and take care of some work business and do not make comments about wives being obedient. Like I said, Ithilden needs his mother. He's apparently forgotten that his mother was hardly absolutely obedient to his father. Also, I can just see her coralling Calith and asking him if he wanted her to not have grandchildren and preventing him from dragging Ithilden off to work.

I loved the scene with Alfirin getting ready. It's like the getting ready picture for prom. Hehe. She was so cute getting ready. Alfirin is really sensible. I love how she's baffled as to why her mother thinks her hair should be worn in a way that isn't practical and how she immedietly starts thinking about how things could be run better at the palace. That's our motherly girl!

I loved the line about Tonduil and his father just watching Ithilden and making him nervous. I can totally see them doing that. It was so cute how Tonduil went and showed Ithilden his treehouse. Good old Ithilden. Who later showed off by jumping out of the tree. At least he knows how to impress her.

I look forward to the next chapter. I'd be worried if I didn't know that they got together later. Poor Ithilden. Stop messing up, darn it. He'll change her mind on the walk though. Hopefully. Update soon!

Author Reply: Oh yeah, Lorelling would have been waiting for Ithilden to get back from walking Alfirin home and let him know just how stupid he was! I think Thranduil is mostly amused, although he'd probably be more so if he were sure this would all work out. The thing of it is though, that sometimes Ithilden does need to go to work at night. Anyone who marries him is going to have to know and accept that.

Everyone in that family would benefit by Ithilden marrying her, though. They all need her to take care of them. And Ithilden does love her.

At the moment, she seems most impressed by his body, which isn't so bad either!

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