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A Matter of Heart  by daw the minstrel 25 Review(s)
Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
Way to go, Alfirin! Woohoo!

And Thranduil did a wonderful job of handling Legolas' problem, though Ithilden has a lot to learn...

I agree with the two parents: Alfirin is just exactly what Ithilden needs...

- Barbar

Author Reply: Alfirin surprised them all and the parents were quite pleased about it. I thought that they probably believed these two were heading for marriage in any case and were worried about his dominating her and what that would mean for the happiness of both of them.

Thranduil used all his wily skills and coaxed his youngest son along with kindness. If he'd scolded, I think Legolas would have been defiant, but as it was, the kid couldn't resist. You have to love the Elvenking!

ponypetterReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
I liked this chapter, especially how Thranduil is so understanding of the trouble Legolas is having. I alos love how Ithilden is learning that Thranduil is not going to be the only person he answers to!

Author Reply: LOL. I hadn't thought of it that way, but you may be right, ponypetter.

And Legolas was all ready to be defiant and then Thranduil fooled him with kindness, which, it turned out, was what he really needed and responded to.

Thanks for the review.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
That was brilliant, Daw. I was howling at the quarreling couple's despondent outpourings and their parents' amused relief. I love the ambiguity and the complexity of your characters' interpersonal conflicts. You always portray a disagreement in such a way that it's possible to empathize with both sides. Ithilden indeed was being too hard on Legolas, considering he knows what's wrong with him. On the other hand Alfirin was being too easy considering she doesn't. And their parents are just relieved she stood up to Ithilden. I loved Thranduil's line- we thought you were too much for her. LOL!

Too bad about the picnic, though. Especially the pastries.

Author Reply: I thought the parents might all find this funny. They're probably holed up together someplace with some Dorwinion laughing their butts off.

It's tempting to write fights so that one person is in the right and my first draft usually reads that way. Then I go back and consciously put in the other person's reasoning. I figure they all think they're right, just like we do, so they have to have reasons. And they're good people and not fools.

Did the pastries sound a little....familiar? :-)

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
Oh, a lovers' first spat! And it was totally enjoyable, for me as a reader anyway. I love it when a woman stands up to a man and puts him in his place with a few well-chosen words, though I am sure Ithilden would highly disagree that he's been put in his place. I love how you are fleshing out Alfirin. She is definitely a real person now. I can see her as someone who can stand up to Thranduil (which she does of course as we know). She is already protective toward Legolas which wins her big Brownie points as far as I am concerned.

I find it amusing how both her mother and Thranduil were thrilled that she stood up to Ithilden. I guess they know more about Ithilden's pig-headedness than she does at this point. Poor Ithilden - something always goes wrong each time he wants to get intimate with Alfirin (a flaming shawl comes to mind).

Thanduil shows himself as a wise and understanding father once again. He may be autocratic, but his sons are lucky to have him for a father.

Author Reply: I think Alfirin is someone who likes to nurture, and Thranduil's family needs that. And I'm getting to know her better too. It's one of those POV tricks, which you should recognize!

I've put this poor couple through a lot. Luckily we know they do eventually manage to get married. I wonder how much of this Sinnarn knows about?

And yes, Thranduil is a good father. He knew enough to be gentle with Legolas rather than scold him. Ithilden should have been watching!

AliceReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
Well I'm glad that Thranduil has better sense than Ithilden when it comes to Legolas, though it doesn't surprise me. He is after all, the Ada. I'm also glad that Alfirin is willing to go to bat for Legolas. It's nice seeing Alfirin courting Legolas like Ithilden does to Tonduil. I'm enjoying seeing the friendship between Legolas and Alfrin. Legolas has good relationships with his sisters-in-law.

I love how Thranduil and Alfirin's Naneth are all, " You go girl!" Heh. They know Ithilden well. I was all "You go girl!" too. Especially after reading that Ithilden thought Alfirin was infuriating. He needs to not get his way every so often, nice as he is. Builds character. It is nice seeing Alfirin not be gentle. People tend to underestimate what she can handle. I think one of these days she's going to surprise Legolas with an ability to handle a weapon. Gentle does not mean pushover. Which Ithilden is learning. :)

So, good chapter. I love the friendship between Turgon and Legolas. I kind of think that Ithilden doesn't understand why Thranduil hasn't seperated them because he doesn't really understand what it's like having a best friend. Poor Ithilden. I can't imagine my life without my best friends. And they're really important right now for Legolas, who is just a little sick of his family. Turgon's affection for him, if not his lack of good sense, is good for Legolas. It's good that Ithilden is seeing someone socially. He needed to get out of his office. Desperately. Which I think Calith knew and had no intention of interrupting him short of an invasion. Oh, I love how the servants are all supportive of Alfirin, though the whole dinner servant quarrell was indictative of that. They want the crown prince to settle down. Me thinks that perhaps they miss having elflings charm cookies out of them? I have this image of them debating what they should put in the basket, whether Alfirin would be made uncomfortable, what dishes she would prefer, etc. Knowing Ithilden, he could use a little help in winning her. I love the boy dearly, but his social skills need work.

I look forward to the next chapter immensly. Making up is fun. As Ithilden and Alfrin are about to discover. Write fast.

Author Reply: I hadn't thought about the fact that Alfirin is courting Legolas like Ithilden does Tonduil, but you are absolutely right! That's what's happening. And also, she feels for him. Her tendency is to sympathize rather than discipline, and Ithilden's is the opposite.

And Ithilden is, indeed, learning. I think in the long run he'll be proud of her. She'll be a helpmate and not someone he has to take care of.

I think I've written somewhere else that Ithilden had trouble having simple friendships. He must have had them when he was little though. I think I may need to write about that sometime. I feel too sorry for him otherwise.

And it seems as if everyone is cheering on this romance. It must be exciting for the palace staff and for Ithilden's aide to think of them getting married. And for them too, of course. :-)

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
Yeah! Go Alfirin! For someone who is 500 years younger than Ithilden, she has a much better grasp on how to be a big sibling. Ithilden has always had this problem of trying to usurp more parental authority than he has. He may be big and strong and 600 years old, but both Eilian and Legolas are smart enough to tell the difference between him and Thranduil. And no kid will ever mind a big sibling as much as they'll mind a parent. Things are slightly different during those time when he's the commanding officer and not the big brother, but surprise! The little sibs are smart enough to pick up on precisely when those times are. And this wasn't one of them. So, yes, Ithilden was completely out of line there.

Perhaps the reason that Eilian is so skilled at being a big brother is because he's had such a thumping example of how not to go about big brothering from Ithilden? If I had ever treated my sister that way, she would have just laughed me off. Or, when she was really little, she would have run straight to our mother crying, "Mom! Pony's being mean to me!" and then I'd get punished for whatever the fight was about, regardless.

It also looks like Alfirin has decided that, rather than try to mother Legolas, she should try to big sister him instead, which is a wise choice. The poor kid just isn't responding to anyone, and it's really getting serious. I think if I were Thranduil, I might have recalled Eilian. He's always had a good relationship with Legolas, and nothing else seems to be working right now. Legolas is slowly sliding over the edge into real psychological problems, and Eilian is a resource who has been known to help when nothing else can. I forget what Eilian is doing right now (commanding the Southern Patrol, maybe?) but really, anyone can do that for a few weeks. Anyone can't help Legolas, though. Best allocation of resources for the safety of the Woodland Realm would have been to sacrifice a few weeks of Eilian in whatever his job is to get Legolas back on his feet and back into warrior training. . . which ultimately would have saved Turgon's life as well.

But even Thranduil makes mistakes. And they'll all be paying for this mistake for a long time.

Chicken, bread, fruit, wine. . . and the good dishes! I know what this adds up to:

From: Kitchen Staff
To: Ithilden
Subject: Alfirin

Hint, hint!

Now they've had a quarrel. Of course, it was inevitable. An oldest brother marrying an older sister -- alpha male matched with alpha female. Sparks fly when that happens, oh yes they do. It does good for Ithilden to be taken down a peg or two. I suspect that, by the time this story is over, he will have been thoroughly disabused of any notion that he could command his wife. He'd sooner be able to command his father, I think.

Author Reply: LOL. I think you're right, Pony. Eilian and Legolas can both tell the difference between Ithilden and Thranduil. I did feel some sympathy for Ithilden though. If he stayed with Alfirin and sent Legolas on alone, he looked like he didn't want to be interrupted (which he didn't), but if he accompanied Legolas, he looked like he didn't trust him (which he also didn't). He should have been more sympathetic though. That's what Eilian would have done.

I also laughed at the idea that Thranduil would be more tractable than Alfirin would. I'll bet that Alfirin is the kind of wife who gives way to Ithilden most of the time until they hit something important to her and then she's immovable.

Your little sister calls you "Pony"? Cool!

DotReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
*g* I think Gwaleniel and Thranduil are nearly the best part of this tale. They’re gas.

And the day started off so well for both Legolas and Ithilden… Legolas’ very physical reaction to the prospect of training with knives was rather overwhelming. He obviously has a long way to go yet. I was actually quite glad that Turgon was there. In a way he’s exactly what Legolas needs at the moment because as helpful as Annael is, he’d probably need at least some explanation to skip class. Turgon is so full of spirits too that he’d distract Legolas more easily.

A picnic! How lovely. LOL at Calith giving him an “indulgent smile”. It must be rather amusing to him to see Ithilden falling in love. Especially as this is the guy who made completely sure that he could be found when he took Legolas camping when supposedly on leave and would now eat anyone alive if they interrupted a picnic in the middle of a work day. I loved that he thought of the place where he went as an elfling and it’s a wonderful notion that Thranduil and Lorellin used to take their son for a picnic. That place sounds familiar. It’s not Thranduil and Lorellin’s little make-out spot is it??

That’s some array of food. I suppose he can be forgiven for not thinking of packing it himself because the poor thing really is clueless. It sounds like the cooks are trying to help this romance along a little. Although, I do suspect Thranduil’s hand in this… I love the suggestion too that Ithilden’s parents never left the contents of the picnic up to the kitchen staff.

I was actually really moved at the thought of Ithilden in his bedroom, going over and over what she’d said and the things that worried her. He obviously doesn’t have Eilian’s tendency to think about things later. I like that Alfirin is helping him see things in a different way. That Nyndir might resent it is definitely a possibility, even though it sounds as though he might actually welcome the help.

I almost couldn’t bear to keep reading once Ithilden came across Legolas and Turgon. I didn’t know who I should feel worse for – Legolas for being treated as in incompetent child, Ithilden because his picnic is ruined and he just keeps unwittingly walking himself into deeper trouble, or Alfirin because the elf she loves displays a shocking lack of awareness and yet another date with him has ended badly… These people need a break, daw! What an awkward situation. I cringed as Ithilden continually misread all of Alfirin’s clues. She’s great with Legolas and Turgon. And I was glad Legolas thanked Turgon in front of Ithilden so that it might have some hope of registering with him that it wasn’t Turgon’s idea. Yay that Alfirin got riled up enough to yell at him! He needed that, even if it does take a while to sink in, and at least Alfirin and everyone around her now knows that she is more than a match for him. But… what really got me was the line “And he needed to have company, to feel that someone cared enough about whether he got home to go with him.” Yes, he went about it in completely the wrong way but Ithilden obviously cares and thinks he’s doing the right thing. I suppose that’s what makes it so hard for Alfirin. He was certainly wrong in how he handled Legolas but she knows that he’s really just misguided and his actions, no matter how hurtful, do stem from love.

Gwaleniel was great. She’s so thrilled that her daughter stood up to Ithilden! Alfirin’s shock that her mother would presume she and Ithilden would ever make up was too funny. I wouldn’t worry if I were her, if he’s come back after every other disaster he’ll be back after this one too.

Now, Thranduil did a much better job with Legolas. As the father, of course, he will have the advantage of Legolas having to tell him some things that he doesn’t have to tell his brother. But Thranduil’s calm faith in him and acknowledgement that it might take time is definitely the way to go. I hadn’t thought before that Thranduil must also be wondering if Legolas would have to do something other than become a warrior. That startled me for a moment! I think that while it is sad to see Legolas think that way in moments of despair, Thranduil thinking this really drives home the seriousness of Legolas’ problem. And, of course, Thranduil himself would have to come to terms with the fact that one of his sons would not be fighting for the realm. He’s always given the impression that he would never ask anyone to do more than he asks of himself and his family so that wouldn’t be easy for him either. I think Thranduil is managing both sons quite well, actually! He just has to remember to continue to tread carefully with Legolas.

Ithilden, on the other hand seems to need a more blunt approach. He’s so funny. He marches in to his father and tells him that he should forbid Legolas from seeing Turgon but is somehow astonished that Alfirin would criticise anything. Thranduil’s amusement still has me laughing. He’s clearly getting a kick out of his eldest son’s confusion and the rather uncomfortable lessons in love that he’s learning. By the sounds of it, Thranduil and Lorellin had some rather fiery moments so he must know what he’s talking about it. And he seems to think along the same lines as Alfirin’s mother about the sweetness of making up! At least Gwaleniel can chat with her husband about all this. Thranduil needs a buddy. This could be much more fun for him if he could have a laugh with someone.

So, when are they going to make up?? I feel a little guilty for being so fascinated by their utter incompetence to establish much of a relationship but I suppose the first fight is out of the way now so the awkward politeness should be gone and things can improve… Although I don’t entirely trust you! Great chapter. Will we see any more before Christmas? Roll on the holidays. Two more days of work and then nearly a full week off. Not that I'm counting... :-)

Author Reply: Turgon amused me too. He just feels that he and Legolas need a little vacation -- sort of like Ferris Bueller. And the thing is that probably IS what Legolas needs.

You're very observant, Dot. This is indeed the spot where Legolas was conceived. ;-) I went back and looked at the description of the route to that and then dropped the hint that they all used to picnic there. Gold star for you!

I thought that Ithilden might be the kind of guy who would go over every minute of the evening in his head. And he does love her, so when he thought about what she had said, he got anxious. He could see why she was worried and wanted to try to alleviate those fears, but fate (and Legolas and Turgon) just hadn't read the same play book.

I thought about what Ithilden would do once he had seen Legolas. He could have just sent him home. I considered that. But then I wondered how that would look to Legolas: Ithilden was so intent on his picnic that he wouldn't take the time to take Legolas home. Even though on another level, Legolas didn't want to be taken home! So I thought Ithilden would go with him, but they'd both be mad. Ithilden's mood must have been particularly sour because he was in the middle of kissing Alfirin and hoping to do it a lot more when the boys came along.

And the parents amused me, just as their young lovers amused them. They can look at this serious and outraged pair, and see perfectly well that the fact that she stands up to him is a GOOD sign. I think that Gwaleniel and Thranduil need to laugh it up for a while over a bottle of Dorwinion. Alfirin's father (whose name I'd have to look up) can come too.

Legolas was all ready to defy Thranduil and then Thranduil turned out to be gentle and understanding, taking the wind right out of his adolescent sails. He needed that. He needed the hug and he needed his father to say that everything was fine. Poor kid.

I think there might be a chapter by Friday. It depends on how much my husband bugs me. Tomorrow is his last day of work this week. Will the library be closed?

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
Just when he thought he might be regaining a little of his balance/nerve, they bring out the knives! I can't blame him a bit for bolting, and bless Turgon for standing with his friend (tho' I'm sure he'd always prefer fishing!).

Ithilden's Romantic Interlude - or How To Tick Off Your Brother and Your Girlfriend in One Afternoon! I know he was disappointed that he couldn't canoodle with Alfirin a little more, but to take out his frustrations on Legolas (even Alfirin caught Legolas' reference to Turgon going with HIM) was a major error in judgment, in more ways than one! I'm glad Alfirin stood up to Ithilden and defended Legolas, and I'm really glad Legolas went straight to his father.

Thranduil handled his very fragile youngster just right - being very careful to not push him into retreating, but finally draw him into a much needed hug (the boy needs reassurance and love - lots of it!)

I especially liked the reaction to "The Argument" from both Alfirin's naneth and Ithilden's adar...both noting that Alfirin stood up to Ithilden at his most overbearing worst...and both assuring their kids that "making up" is the best part of fighting. Well done, daw! BTW, have a blessed Christmas (if you celebrate) and a wonderful New Year!


Author Reply: Turgon must be a godsend to Legolas in some ways. He's endlessly supportive of his friends, who are very important to Turgon I think.

Ithilden is just so clueless, which is not a common experience for him. And Legolas's timing here was just so bad! The age gap between Ithilden and Legolas makes it very hard for Ithilden to see him as just a brother, I think.

I like the word you use for Legolas: "fragile." That's right, I think. And Thranduil was very careful with him. I think Thranduil is so aware that Legolas is having a hard time that he doesn't fall into bad habits very easily.

Both sets of parents thought Ithilden and Alfirin were funny, which given how upset the lovers were was a shock. :-)

You have a good Christmas too, Linda. Thank you for being such a supportive reader.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
I think Thranduil handed the situation with Legolas very well. I would think a relationship where no one argued or disagreed would be boring and I can't wait for them to get back together.

Author Reply: Thranduil was a good ada for Legolas. Legolas was ready to be defiant if Thranduil scolded him and instead his father gave him kindness and understanding. Fooled the kid completely!

Alfirin and Ithilden are gradually figuring one another out, but it's not easy.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/21/2004
Note to Ithilden: Engage brain before opening mouth.

Oh, dear. He's done it again. I can understand that he was worried when Legolas suddenly took himself off from training like that, but he handled the situation disastrously. Having his romantic picnic interrupted didn't help his mood.

Well done to Alirin for standing up to him, though - confronting the King's son and Army Commander can't be easy. I liked Thranduil's amusement over the row.

But poor Legolas :( Two steps forward; one step back. Just when he thinks he's getting better he has to use knives again. *Sigh* Have the weapons masters all been warned about his problems?

Author Reply: Ithilden is wonderfully dense, isn't he? LOL. He's the troop commander to his core. And besides, he was counting on a pleasant hour or two with Alfirin and then not only do Legolas and Turgon wander by but also they somehow get him wrongfooted with Alfirin.

I thought both sets of parents would be amused by how outraged their serious young lovers were.

The weapons masters do know about Legolas's problem, but my theory was that the blade master thought that long knives were like swords and Legolas had managed one of them ok.

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