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This and That  by Lindelea 237 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/16/2005
This is most likely from Sam, but could be from any of them, I suppose.

And you say you don't like Grey Havens segments?


Author Reply: You're right, this was Sam's, though the first part could have been any or all.

No, I really don't like Grey Havens segments. I've always regretted that Frodo had to leave the Shire, you see. I even wrote an AU where he stayed, and lived happily ever after!

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/15/2005
Brava! brilliant job. Very clever, it works!

Author Reply: Thanks! I appreciate your taking time to leave a review.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/26/2005
Ah, the teaching of Frodo Baggins to dance. Lovely!

Author Reply: Much belated thanks!

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/26/2005
Brava!!! They're all delightful, but I like the one about the pigsty best. Gotta love that Pippin, what? LOLOL

Author Reply: A very belated thank you. And yes, I do indeed love the lad. Such a character!

MaidenofValinorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/25/2005
A highly amusing addition to my day. I must say that Bilbo does come up with some wonderful ideas. The first one reminded me strongly of Dumbo, I cannot imagine why. :) Anyway, I am glad that Frodo has found a way to please the lasses, or at least his Uncle Bilbo.

Author Reply: Thanks!

Gee, I wonder if Bilbo heard the story of Dumbo in his youth...

Na-a-a-ah. Perhaps it had something to do with the video going on in the other room at the time this was in the works... *g*

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/9/2005
I do like Boromir and the hobbits. Even post-mortem Boromir. All the touches like Pippin growing less substantial to Boromir's touch as he returned closer to the living world are excellent.

And I'm glad to see Denethor's madness leaving him in death, so that he can be reconciled with his son - and that he honours Beregond for his actions.

It's lovely picturing Boromir fighting to keep life in Pippin until Gimli finds him and Aragorn and later Merry can anchor him.

Author Reply: "even post-mortem Boromir"

Hmmm. Bet you don't hear that every day.

Glad the "touch" detail came through clear, that Boromir and Pippin were existing on separate planes and that they could only touch when Pippin was crossing from one to the other, and that when he pulled back into the world of the living, he became less substantial on the "other side".

It is satisfying to give Denethor his healing. I seem to remember someone (Gandalf?) telling Pippin that Denethor is a "great man" but I forget the context.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/6/2005
Oh, I LOVE this one--so love this one--Boromir supporting Pippin until Merry could get there.

Thank you so much for this story--it is a definite keeper!

Author Reply: You are very welcome!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/17/2005
Oh, I can so appreciate the exhausted Pippin who finds the pig sty fascinating. Poor, poor Merry.

Author Reply: Poor Merry. It's the sort of thing to laugh about, sitting around and sipping brandy, years later.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/17/2005
Aha, Frodo the party crasher! What a birthday surprise indeed!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/17/2005
Been a while since I read this one. Still love it. And perching in a tree might make it easier to sing such a sont.

Author Reply: Hm. Was it perching in the tree that spawned the song, or the song that led to the perching?

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