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Filled with Light as with Water  by Larner 23 Review(s)
InklingReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/9/2005
So the end is near, it seems...I'm glad there was something left of Frodo to embrace Sam, and a voice, even if only in Sam's heart.
Find myself wanting to shout, "Nooo, don't go!" But then, death is always hardest on those left behind...

Author Reply: Yes, it is the hardest on us here. But as Dumbledore noted to Harry, for the well-ordered mind it is the proper sleep at the end of life; and for those of us who believe, it is the beginning to what comes next.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/8/2005
Oh dear. I was nervous about the title of this chapter, and my worries have proved justified: Frodo is…dematerializing? or Becoming, as you put it. Very beautiful, disturbing, and mysterious…and the idea of it happening to Eärendil, too, is inspired. While he was given the choice of the Half-Elven, and so theoretically could have remained mortal, that’s not to say he would have had much physical form left at that point. And really, how else could he have sailed the heavens—even an Elf couldn’t do that. Making him a spirit of Light is a good solution.

I didn’t recognize the word “fanes”—what does it mean?

Author Reply: "Fanes" is another word for "hallows"--a sacred place for prayer, meditation, and communion with the gods and powers. Am not certain of the etiology--I think I read it first in Sutcliff's works, but it may have been elsewhere. Probably old English in derivation. As the Isle of Eressea did not begin as part of Aman, I tend to see it as being somewhat less visited by the Valar themselves save at a special place, and so I postulated the Fanes as the place where those who wished to commune with them could or would go to do so.

The idea of the metamorphosis goes back to the foreseeing of Gandalf as Frodo wakens in Rivendell, thinking of Frodo becoming like a vessel as of glass filled with light as with water, for eyes to see that can. From this I took the titles of my first two fanfics.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/24/2005
A charming, poignant chapter.
So Frodo drew a picture of Turin and Glaurung…now THAT’s interesting! And we both see Frodo as an artist…it just seems to suit him, somehow.

Frodo’s nervousness makes me wonder if he doesn’t have a tiny crush on Livwen? Or is she too young? Hard to know, with Elves!

Am going out of town so won’t get back to this for a bit…but look forward to the rest when I return.

Author Reply: Perhaps he does have a crush on her--at least she is the first Elf born in the Undying Lands he has begun to develop any kind of relationship with.

I've always thought Frodo would be an artist of some sort; and with his connection to Bilbo and books I thought graphic artist, illustrator would fit him fine.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2005
I liked this chapter very much…Frodo’s keepsakes, the curiosity of the Elves…and Frodo dancing! So nice to see him enjoying himself at last!
As for the ending—well, like Frodo, I could bear it, but I’m afraid of what’s surely coming…

Author Reply: Frodo won't go before it's his time, not now.

He has still some adjustments to make. But he is finding enjoyment of life once more beyond mere study.

And I still believe the Elves who had been born in Aman would find mortals fascinating, for, unlike those who had been in Middle Earth, they'd not had the chance to see the effects of mortality.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/20/2005
the terror of mere joy…just beautiful, Larner. And very fitting as a mortal’s reaction to the Blessed Realm. A lot to mull over in this chapter…
One thing that puzzles me: how is the Way to the Halls of Mandos open to the Eldar? I know that they go there if they are slain, but otherwise isn’t that frowned upon? (I’m thinking of Feanor’s mother.)

Author Reply: Slain or if they die of the fading.

But I doubt that they face the same restrictions as mortals do. I always have felt they were more on the honor system, if you understand what I mean.

I did feel one who had been fighting just to try to live a normal life as Frodo had been doing would have found joy of the intensity known in Aman overwhelming, to say the least.

I obviously need to reread the Silmarillion again, as I frankly don't remember the situation surrounding Feanor's mother. Thanks for giving me the hint it is time to read it again.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/18/2005
Poor Frodo! I’m glad that everyone is caring for him so lovingly, but it’s not easy for him, is it? Also glad to see Gildor; I’ve always been fond of him.
Am wondering about the reference to what Bilbo felt at the fall of Dol Guldur…is that something detailed in one of your other stories?

Author Reply: The incident in Dol Guldur is related in For Eyes to See as Can.

Gildor doesn't get a lot of press, does he? Yet he was the first Elf Sam and Pippin met personally, and was said to ride with Frodo--felt he would have assisted on the ship.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/18/2005
A good beginning, Larner, and it does follow very well from “Colors,” with Frodo wanting to go through the gates. I liked that he could ignore Elrond, but not Bilbo. Old habits die hard…old hobbits, too!

Author Reply: I truly think Frodo needed for Bilbo to go along just to make the decision to go himself.

I'm so glad you are enjoying it so far.

InklingReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/18/2005
It’s considerably shorter than its predecessor, for which many will probably be glad.
LOL! Now now, length has its virtues…speaking of which, congratulations on the completion of your magnum opus! I admit that finding time to read it will take some doing, but I’ve sneaked enough peeks at it to know that it’s definitely staying on my “to read” list. I’d still like to know how authors like you and Lindelea manage to write so much, and so quickly…*sigh*
In any case am looking forward to this one. Although it’s a sequel to “For Eyes to See as Can,” which I haven’t yet read, it also seems to be a sequel to “The Colors of Passing,” which I enjoyed immensely. So on to the story!

Author Reply: Lindelea is one of the most prolific writers I've seen, and I don't know how she does so many works at once.

Yes, this is also a sequel to The Colors of Passing, although that one was written after this one. You will find Filled with Light to be quite a bit gentler in nature than Colors, I think.

IorhaelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/8/2004
Ah. You wrote so flowing and gently. Lovely.

And thanks again for reading mine, precious.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review. And I enjoy the work you've done as well.

Frodo_BReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/16/2004
As (movie) Frodo said to Bilbo in Rivendell when perusing the red book - "This is wonderful".

Author Reply: Thank you.

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