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Legolas's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 31 Review(s)
LauraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
Oh, I was so excited when I saw this story! Daw, your twentieth story is about Legolas's twentieth begetting day, how fitting.

Those mice are going to be into everything aren't they? I remember when my 7th grade science teacher tried to catch a mouse that was living in the storage room. It took awhile, but eventually he fed it to the class snake. *g*

Can't wait to read more. ~Laura

Author Reply: Have I really written 20 stories? Good lord. No wonder I feel like I'm not getting any work done! But who cares?

I suspect that the mice will not let a towel and some loose rocks stop them for long, no. :-) Several people have now told me about feeding mice to snakes. What is with you people????? Blue-y and Green-y are NOT going to any nasty old snake.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
Ah yes, this is why hamsters were invented. It is only marginally harder to lose a hamster than a mouse, which I suspect the elflings will do before this story is out. If they need help, I know a good way to trap pet rodents. We used to have hamsters, and those critters love to try to escape. But for now, the trio seems to have thought of everything, from what kind of house the mice would like to how to divvy up four mice between three friends to what the mice would want to eat. They are certainly smart little things. Tee hee hee.

Oh boy, an eight-year-old with a sword! Have you ever seen really small children learning fencing? They are so funny. The weapons are nearly as big as they are, and they're just absolutely swimming in the jackets and masks, and they're so earnest about it. Watching Legolas learn to use a real grownup sword will be much fun.

I don't think that I would like Legolas's bed very much. If it's big enough to sleep three wiggly elflings comfortably, then it's too big for me.

A smile spread slowly over Eilian’s face. “Is this the kind of nothing it is better for Adar not to know about?”

Yup. That's Eilian all over. Glad to know the Pod People haven't taken him over. Speaking of Eilian, already he's in the Southern Patrol? Was he ever not in the Southern Patrol?

He is grown up, but not all the way, my ada says.

I giggled when I read this. My aunt said the exact same thing about me to my little cousin a few years ago. I suspect that, if he pressed her again, she'd still say the same thing.

Besides, we are not doing anything wrong. Nobody told us not to bring the mice in here.

Classic little kid logic. It's always easier to get forgiveness than permission.

Author Reply: You are the second person who has offered advice on trapping an escaped rodent. It's hard for me to believe that so many people actually have them in their house as pets (actually, Elena Tiriel didn't have them as pets. She had them to feed the snake that was the pet). They're RODENTS, for god's sake. A dog is the only decent pet. Cats would be ok but my kid is allergic.

The trio at least thinks they've thought of everything. Of course, they're wood-elves, so maybe they're better at this kind of stuff.

I've never seen little ones fencing. It's actually hard for me to imagine raising kids in a world where there are weapons, fire, and all manner of dangerous thing lying around. How did any of them every survive?

Eilian spent 6 months in the Home Guard when he first became a warrior and then got shipped south. He begged to go and he was a disciplinary problem at home, so Ithilden let him. Hard to believe, isn't it? :-)

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
Horray! Another story! At last I can actually read something without already having read it;-) Am been re-reading all of your stories.. This time all in a row:-D But since you messed it up again, I shall have to go back once this story is finished and begin all again! :-D What fun!:-P I think I will never tire of your stories Daw.. So please continue!

Author Reply: LOL, Faith. I'm glad you continue to enjoy the stories. I am glad to be writing about elflings again. I've missed the little guys.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
Yes, what in arda *are* the elflings up to? Can't wait to find out! ;-D

Cute little mice are so furry and cuddly and... cute. But they can escape from *anywhere*. I know. I used to raise them to feed to my snakes... (Ooops, did I just admit that out loud? *Claps hand over her mouth*)

Do you know how to catch a mouse that's gotten loose and run behind the refrigerator? You've got to put yourself into the mouse's, um, shoes, er, paws. You block up the kitchen door with books, except you put a waste basket on its side among the books, so they have a safe "cave" to run into and hide. Then you use a broom to get them to scurry out from behind the refrigerator and -- hopefully -- towards the door. Prayer helps, and if not, cursing sometimes works, too.

Great start, Daw!

- Barbara

Author Reply: I am NOT going to tell little Legolas and his friends about the snake. Now the information on catching escaped mice could come in handy, I think. :-)

Books would make a much better barrier than rocks, at least temporarily. I assume that mice chew paper stuff after a while. But the real question is, why were you keeping a snake? Ick.

vicReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004

Huh, Thranduil is amused? I thought he was a smart elf! Previous experience should have told him otherwise. :-) I am SO glad that you decided to write this particular story, as I have wanted to find out the details of Legolas's birth for ages. I assume that the brat, as always, will be a handful of trouble, sweet, but trouble nonetheless for poor Ada and brothers.


Author Reply: I'm going to weave the story of his birth in with this story of the overnight visit by Turgon and Annael. I hope it all works out. I am SO glad to be writing about elflings again.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
What a great beginning to a story that I've always wanted to read - the story of Legolas' birth. And it was so full of little laughs and giggles (from me). The best line I thought was concerning Eilien "He is grown up, but not all the way." What a perfect description! And Thranduil's explanation of the meaning of begetting, as opposed to what I can only imagine to be Turgon's understanding of the word.

Mice in the bedroom and no one will notice? I really don't think so. If I were Nimloth and the one to discover them, I would be eeek!ing all the way home. Never was fond of rodennts of any kind.

Whether it's a warrior Legolas or elfling Legolas, you really do draw us into your stories immediately, for which I can only be grateful. Thank you!

Author Reply: In this story, Eilian would be about 80 too (and 60 in the flashbacks to the day of Legolas's birth), so he really is a very young adult in elf terms. Tolkien says some of them don't reach their full adult stature until they're 100.

You think Nimloth might notice?? Me too. But the elflings are eternally optimistic.

nanethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
I can just picture those elflings tucking away pieces of food to take to their pets. Better yet, I can picture Thranduil's eyebrows as he notices their antics!

Oh, the question that every parent dreads. Poor Thranduil. He did handle the whole thing well, despite his older sons.

I am happy to be back with younger Legolas. Thanks for another story about this wonderful time in his life!

Author Reply: Thranduil was really pretty cool, considering the provocation. Of course, he was busy, called away to deal with the Men. Let's leave everything in Eilian's capable hands. Nothing untoward would happen with him in charge! *snerk*

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
I loved the little part about Thranduil seeing Legolas and his friends snatching little bits of food in their tunics or something else. I thought that was funny. Good beginning for the story. This should be a funny enjoyable story to read. Dont keep us waiting for too long.

Author Reply: Thank you, Sofia. The kids thought they were being so subtle! But it's hard to fool the Elvenking. And really, when three kids innocently announce that they're doing "nothing," you know you have to be suspicious!

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
*giggle fit* Oh I can't wait till Thranduil find out what the Elflings are doing! LOL This is going to be funny isn't it? I hope so! *vbg*

Well my fun is over for a couple of days, I'm off to the coast to see my Grandmother who is in the hospital. Gotta go pack now... *yawn*

Author Reply: I hope it will be funny! I also hope there will be some more serious and exciting parts, but you never know.

I'm sorry about your Grandmother. I hope she's better soon.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/20/2004
I can tell I'm going to like this new story - in fact, I already do! Little Legolas and his friends are sweet, and I love the mouse house. Poor Turgon, though - it seems sad to see him here. It's good to see Eilian and Ithilden again too.


Author Reply: I'm enjoying just writing about the basic family again. All the OCs in the last story made for a harder thing to write. The kids are sweet -- trouble makers, but sweet!

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