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The Steward's Coup  by Shireling 63 Review(s)
AcaceaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/4/2004
Hi Shireling,

I just caught up with this story and thought I'd tell you I'm enjoying it very much. It carries on nicely from Cloaks and Memories and you do tackle the post-war situation in Minas Tirith very well.

Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Acacea,
Thank you for your comments. I'm pleased that you are enjoying it.

Look for an update next weekend (RL permitting!)


LindorienReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/3/2004
Hi Helen,

I read through chapter 7 and I did it a little oddly. I went backwards. The reason because I wanted to see how well you were supporting your characterizations by what had gone before.

You've taken a very 'unsafe' view of Faramir here, one I find interesting. I can see the battle fatigue, but I was under the impression PTSD manifests at a later time, sometimes years. Although, I suppose the onset could be pretty quick.

Since I've written a lengthy 'Faramir after the War' fic, I find this one of particular interest and I'll be interested in seeing how you handle the situation. So far, I am with you on what you are doing and I appreciate the row you chose to hoe.

One item really struck me, though, as I read: Faramir's apparent ignorance of his family's wealth. I don't see that as being possible. I LOVED how you had him order all of Dad's stuff removed. I could so appreciate his desire to not be confronted by it and his wish to start fresh. I also appreciated that Faramir is picking up the 'underwhisperings' of people comparing him to his father and to Boromir, further serving to undermine a mental state perhaps more fragile than he might want others to see.

I do not find Aragorn's anger at Faramir incongrous in chapter 7, I do find, given the politics which surround governing a kingdom after such a war and walking in after as a near complete stranger, that Aragorn would choose to do his berating in public a bit odd. I would expect him to draw Faramir aside, sit him down and pull no punches.

Politics is a dirty business. If there is a crack in the resolve to be found, those who would seek to take advantage will take advantage- so these aspects of your fic are compelling to me.

In short - I am interested in seeing how you resolve this. I've a feeling you are going to pull it off. Lindorien

Author Reply: Lindorien
Welcome and thank you, you have given me a lot to think about.

With regards to the inheritance my assumption was that Faramir had been pretty much isolated from the business of the Steward for most of his adult and adolescent years because of his army training/duty- I don't think he was ignorant of the wealth so much as he had no reason to think of it...only the rich don't have to think about money!!!

Boromir would have been aprised of all the necessary details but Faramir didn't 'need to know'and was kept out of the loop and circumstances at the end of the war conspired to keep him in the dark.

Aragorn and Faramir are circling round each other, both insecure and defensive, both wanting to establish a positive relationship.



Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/3/2004
I really wanted to like this story; as I liked your other work. But the premise that Faramir can't trust Aragorn enough to apprise him of the situation and what he is doing about it just doesn't work for me...Particularly after all that Aragorn did for Faramir in the past, getting Elrond to help him heal, being so kind to Faramir when Faramir was at his lowest point...

I will continue to read, and hope for a resolution to the impasse between Faramir and Aragorn. This chapter was particularly hard to read, and did not seem credible, given the relationship you established between them before this story began.

Author Reply: Rashka,
Thank you for taking to time to leave me your thoughs.
I'm disappointed that you are not enjoying the story. Faramir and Aragorn have yet to establish a working relationship and are both dealing with new situations that are beyond their experience.

I do hope that you will stick with the story and I hope by the end to have redeemed myself!


fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/2/2004
You don't make things easy for Faramir. First his disability, then his need to conceil his ability in council thus attracting the wrath of the King, and now he has caught that Summer Fever, above all else. I only hope that he will fare better than those he tended in Henneth Annûn. I also hope that he does not spread the illness around, though Aragorn, given his recent flares of temper, would well deserve it;) But I like Arwen's reaction to his outbursts. It leaves open the question as to who really rules Gondor.


Author Reply: Thank you,
I think at this point Aragorn is struggling and a little out of his depth. Arwen , with all of her long years in the presence of both Elrond and Galadriel probably has a far greater understanding of the subtleties of ruling but is wise enough to know that she must let him grow into his Kingship. That's not to say she won't nudge him in the right direction!


nijijinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/2/2004
Ahhhh...shireling...this is just such a wonderfully satisfying tale. I just about jump up and down when I see a new chapter. Yes! Your Aragorn is not a perfect being. Again, I like that he has his flaws. You do Faramir h/c so beautifully. And still I'm dying to know what Faramir will discover. Tamir a great character as well. Please...please...don't keep us waiting too long for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you, nijijin.
I'm glad you like Tamir...I'm very fond of him myself.
Poor Faramir, I do put him through the wringer don't I?

Update due next week.


fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/27/2004
I am glad that Faramir managed to rule out a participation of the King in the whole affair. Though I fear that his tactic of appearing incompetent worked far too well. I fear the best way for Faramir to persuade the King of his capabilities is to uncover the conspiracy as soon as possible (there might be other ways, but this one is sure the one that would leave the most lasting impression).

As a last remark: I marvel at Faramir's strength to return to the King and say what he had to say after having to listen to Aragorn's (understandable, but untimely) outburst.


Author Reply: thank you
I'm glad you are enjoying the story.

I'm really pleased that Faramir's strength of character comes through in this chapter, although he is playing up his lack of experience I didn't want him to come over as he just has to find a way to sort out the mess.


Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/25/2004
Poor Faramir. I'm sure Aragorn will feel even more awful than he already does when he learns the whole story!

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/20/2004
Faramir's "punishment" for Legolas' inconsiderate jest was quite original ... and effective;) I am glad that Faramir has found new friends in the Elf and Dwarf, as he seems to be rather isolated in Minas Tirith. I wonder how long it will take until friends become allies.


websteransReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/20/2004
A fitting "punishment" indeed! I'm seriously liking this.

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/17/2004
This is most intriguing. I wonder what's going on?

Author Reply: Lots of chaos and confusion!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

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