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Tangled Web  by daw the minstrel 436 Review(s)
JebbReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/2/2004
Have been away and come back to the pleasure of not one but two stories and this one already fires the imagination I like Legolas' thoughts on Beliond it sums up theirrealtionship very well
Also Ithilden and Celuwyn working in tandem against Thranduil to get what they think is needed only for the king to be one step ahead as usual and agree to his heri going to the council I am getting a bad feeling about that journeyalready
lovely to see a new story to look forward to thank you for sharing your writing

Author Reply: You have to be pretty sharp to fool Thranduil. And rightly so. He's experienced and wise. But he may also be bound by memories that no longer apply. It's fun to think about what might have happened at the White Council meeting. I have plans both for the folks away from home and the ones who stay there.

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/1/2004
Another fic, yay! This plot sounds very intriguing... I am very curious to at least read a hint of the danger that is supposed to be growing while Legolas is on Patrol. Something is going to happen, how exciting. I am glad you (finally) wrote a fic with the White Council as your setting. You've already explored most everything before the beginning of LOTR, except the Council. Now that should be interesting...Good thing Ithilden is going though. I can imagine Mithrandir rolling his eyes in exasperation at Thranduil's obstinacy. I do believe he would tax even Galadriel's diplomacy. I wasn't aware that Sinnarn had a lady friend, how sweet! Poor Annael! But he'll accept it soon. I believe it was Eilian himself who put the black squirrel meat in Maltanuar's plate. Trust him to think of something to keep everybody amused. This fic has started out very nicely, and I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Estel. The White Council is an interesting body. I'm glad to be writing about them too. I don't think anyone would accuse Thranduil of being a diplomat! You are sure right about that.

tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/1/2004
Oh my. Is Sinnarn really old enough to be courting? Wow. I am very eager to read more of this story! Lily

Author Reply: It is hard to believe, isn't it? I think I need to go back and write about him as an elfling again. He was a lot of fun.

Glad you like the chapter, Lily.

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/1/2004
LOL Sinnarn is sweet on Emmelin? Poor Annael! *giggling*

I'm glad to see Celuwen is fitting in so well, in the family and among the advisors of the King. *vbg* Very nice! :)

Author Reply: Poor Annael, indeed. On the other hand, when you think about it, there's something sort of nice about thinking that Annael's daughter will be married to Ithilden's heir, and that Ithilden is himself the heir to the throne. Of course that means less to Elves who don't expect to die, but in a time of war, you never know.

EsamenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/1/2004
Ithilden had been skeptical when Thranduil first appointed Celuwen to serve as his adviser on matters having to do with the small Elven settlements scattered through the woods, but he had found that he enjoyed having her at these meetings because he knew they shared a mutual understanding of the king. And then he could talk to her afterwards about what had happened in a way he never would have done with someone not in the family.

This is great. So insightful . . . Thranduil could have had others counsel him about the settlements, but only someone in his immediate family could give Ithilden this kind of support. What a great new vector for new kinds of insights, dialogues, and plots! I can't wait to see what Celuwen does in the king's council! She's becoming my favorite character . . . after Legolas . . . and Elian . . . and Thranduil . . . and Ithiden . . . thanks for the OC list; it was good to get everybody straightened out. Someday you should do a flow chart, and maybe a map . . . an Appendix, I guess. You'll have three volumes before you're done!

Author Reply: LOL. I'll leave the appendixes to Tolkien.

I'm sitting here looking at your very interesting speculations about what could be made of Celuwen's presence as one of Thranduil's advisers and I'm only hoping I can work it in. I'm working on the second chapter and this story is already starting to spin out of control. Ack! Ack! Ack!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/1/2004
Forgive me for being so slow on the reviews. Graduation of eldest son--I'm so proud.

Speaking of proud.... As I read, I was struck by how much Legolas has grown up. You have written him with the 'feel' or 'air' of a Legolas we could see going with the Fellowship. He remains Legolas, but he's a full adult now. I have to admit, I sort of mourn the loss of the teenager. I'm one of the few people in the world who actually likes these creatures of The Black Bog of Hormone Woods.

The prospect of Ithilden going to the White Council explains a lot. Why Thranduil was at the Battle of the Five Armies? I'm not sure that part was not an oversight on Tolkien's part when he didn't explain Thranduil's apparent absence, but then the good professor never had any idea that 50 years later people would be combing his work with a fine-toothed comb looking for where everyone was and what they were doing. Also the Elves of Mirkwood were more or less a footnote for him, I think. I don't think he spent much time on them after the Hobbit. They weren't necessary to advance his story...except to provide Legolas, of course. I really like your take that Ithilden went instead.

Love that Celuwen! Respectful, but fearless when approaching the king. Say what ya mean, girl. Every good ruler has trusted advisors who tell them the truth even when they don't want to hear it. I note that Thranduil's advisors pretty much leave that up to his son and daughter-in-law. Chickens!

Another point of the chapter I liked was the look into Sinnarn inner thoughts. His world view is different than the older generation of his relatives. He's never lived in a Mirkwood free of Shadow. Well, neither has Legolas. Still, they have different approaches to how they should react. Sinnarn has less hope for a solution and seems to only look to survival, while Legolas still nurtures a hope that it can be defeated.

Well, done, daw. A good set up for the show. I'm ready when you are. :>) Karen

Author Reply: Congratulations on your son's graduation, Karen! What a big moment. Is he going away in the fall? You might need to share some sympathetic moments with Thranduil.

It turns out to be very hard to reconcile parts of The Hobbit with LOTR. We'll see how I do!

Sinnarn surprised me when I went to write about him. I knew he had had years to grow up since I last wrote about him, and that he was like Eilian but of course not exactly like him. He had the influence of Ithilden, who is shrewd and also more open to new things than Thranduil is, and also of Alfirin, who is gentle and home loving. His father saw to it that he was able to be young for as long as he could but placing him in less demanding positions than he had to do with Eilian or even Legolas. So when I combined all that, it struck me that he might be seeing events "realistically," ie pessimistically. And if he's also falling in love, his need to protect those at home would be strong. Poor guy.

MollyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/31/2004
I was thrilled to come back home from out of town to see a new story. I'm eager to see your take on the Battle of Five Armies. I was just rereading The Hobbit the other day and Tolkien said hardly anyone came out of the battle unscathed, so it will be interesting to see how the Elves cope. I had to laugh when I saw Sinnarn was courting Emmelin. In my head I've often imagined them married! It will be fun to see more of both of them, and I was glad to see Annael. I enjoy his friendship with Legolas a lot.

Author Reply: Isn't "The Hobbit" funny? I reread it last year and was surprised by how funny it was. I had forgotten that. And my favorite line is where Bilbo gets to Rivendell and says something like "Hm. Smells like elves." I wonder what elves smell like?

If you have imagined Sinnarn and Emmelin married, then you must have prophetic dreams like Thranduil does sometimes. :-)

Glad you liked the chapter.

nessieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/31/2004
Yes! Finally, the story that includes the Battle of the Five Armies! Or at least I think it does... Ah, so Sinnarn is getting serious with the daughter of his uncle's best friend? How sweet! And now Tonduil's getting married! Everybody's getting married except Legolas! And possibly Gelmir, I don't know what he's been doing lately. But anyhoo! I'm glad you posted this so quickly! Well, I think it's quick because some authors usually post another story months and months after they've finished one. I wonder how Ithilden will do at the White Council? I'm mad at Saruman for just telling Thranduil about the meeting a week before it happens. He deserves to get stabbed in the eye, the traitor. But yay! Mithrandir is on the Wood-elves side! And I'm assuming Radagast is too, but he's not as important as Gandalf. Well anyhoo, loved this so far and update asap!


Author Reply: You made me laugh about Gelmir, Nessie. I'm not sure what he's been doing lately either, except tormenting Maltanaur.

Saruman is indeed a traitor, a lying, sneaky one too. But Mithrandir is, as always, the best. I'm afraid I see Radagast as a little flakey, but at least he's good hearted.

I'm glad you like the story. I'm working on the next chapter now.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/31/2004
It's great to see another story so soon.

The spider battle was nicely done. It's also nice to see Legolas and Annael together again.

It's going to be interesting to see a romance develop between Sinnarn and Annael's daughter.

I think the White Council is in for a big surprise when Ithilden shows up.

Author Reply: Thank you, White Wolf. I love seeing Legolas and Annael together. They are relaxed with one another in the way you can only be with a life-long friend.

I've just been trying to write about the White Council meeting, and yes, I'd say the others are surprised. :-)

Tapetum LucidumReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/30/2004
Yay! A new one! Character list? I guess you have some rookies who don't know the ropes in your version of Mirkwood. I feel like most of them are old friends. Ok, I didn't know where Rhosgobel was so I guess I can't brag.

Good start with a quick review of Who's Who and some spider action. It brought back memories of his recent trip with Ithilden. Legolas was much more successful dealing with the arachnids this time. Your description of the spider spinning to it's death and spraying blood everywhere was very "Kill Bill." Quite gruesome. I don't blame him for not putting that nasty arrow back into his quiver.

I guess the realm is somewhat depleted from battling the shadow for so long. I'm glad you remembered some economics to give Thranduil something to fret over. It seems Celuwen and Ithilden's relationship is coming along well. They will definitely be allies when trying to manipulate poor Thranduil. I think Celuwen is a worthy opponent.

Thranduil's frustration over the inaction of the White Council is very human. It would be aggravating to attend time after time with no aide from his allies. Sending Ithilden is a great idea. He is much more diplomatic than his father but certainly not more forceful. Better bring some ear plugs so as not to be swayed by Curunir's hand gestures and suggestions.

Alfirin is in her element planning her little brother's wedding. In Paths Taken you mentioned you might have Alfirin make the first move on Ithilden. It would be a little out of character for the very traditional, formal elleth unless she involves the younger siblings. Setting up an outing for the Young Ones would be appropriate and a good way to bring the pair together. She is such a good organizer... At least she is forgiving of Ithilden's little trip.

Legolas put out a fire?! He is a sly one. Apparently his tactical skills have improved with age. Poor Maltanaur - only Men would eat black squirrels fed to them by wild elflings in the forest. I would fear the old warrior's revenge.

Sinnarn and Legolas have something in common - many pleasant hours in Annael's cottage. I think Legolas had quite a crush on Annael's Nana. If I were Annael and if Sinnarn is like Eilian, I would be very worried too. It is sad that Sinnarn is growing up without hope of defeating the shadow. He has never seen the wood without it so it would be hard to imagine it any other way. Maybe love will brighten his outlook.
Great start!

Author Reply: When I start a new story, I do try to write the first chapter so that a new reader could read it. So I have to say "Ithilden, his oldest brother" and stuff like that. I wind up feeling that the first chapter is all reminder and set up, but that's ok. It gets me rolling again.

I absolutely HATE meetings where nothing happens, so much so that I am occasionally rude at them, so my sympathies are with Thranduil all the way. It worked out ok anyway to send Ithilden because I have plans for him there and plans for Thranduil at home. Heck, I have plans all the way around! :-)

Sinnarn was tricky to write about. We haven't seen him in a couple of hundred years so I had to allow for some growth. Poor guy turned out to be sharp enough to see that the battle was going badly.

You know, that's a good idea about Alfirin and Ithilden. I'd like to write about their courtship sometime and you suggest a good tactic.

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