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Tangled Web by daw the minstrel | 25 Review(s) |
Ann | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/23/2004 |
I really like the conversation between Thranduil and Ithilden. Eilian? Is he coming back soon? I'm about as happy to hear about him as Celuwen is. Though with the way this chapter ended, he could be in the safest place for the time being. Oh, Bilbo. I wonder if he knows what trouble he's causing? Will the royal family ever find out what he did? I might be remembering wrong but isn't Dorwinion Thranduil's favorite wine? Oh dear, I do hope that Alfirin does not hear that they thought the sounds were caused by mice. "Go. Give him my love." And to think what was happening when Thranduil said that. Poor Sinnarn! Before this chapter, I all ways wanted to see more interaction between Sinnarn and Ithilden. Now I'm quite happy with them being in different places. Considering Ithilden's reaction to the news I'm wondering how long Sinnarn will live. I feel so bad for the guy, Legolas, Todith, Ithilden, Thranduil and Alfirin (and for that matter, Ithilden again as his father). Did I get everyone? Oh, and he'll have to face Annael and Emmelin. I would sure hate to be him right now. I really liked how Legolas handled the situation, taking Ithilden aside and suggesting that Alfirin return to the hall. The only positive thing for Sinnarn is that Eilian is no longer with the Home Guard. *Thinks about what Eilian said to Sinnarn about his behavior.* As worried as I am about Thranduil's reaction, I think Ithilden's might be the worst. After all, you've never had him stand like that for so long, that I can recall. I'm also feeling bad for Ithilden in this chapter, not only could this cause even more problems with for him with regards to his father and the Dwarves, he's going to tell Thranduil what happened and deal with his son. Poor guy. Any ways, great update! I don't review often but I look forward to each new chapter. Author Reply: Tolkien doesn't tell us very much about Thranduil, actually, but he does tell us that the wine that Galion and the head guard drank was Dorwinion, that it's unusually potent, and that it was intended for the king's table. I think it's that single scene that's had Dorwinion turning up as the wine of choice all through fanfic. I feel bad for Sinnarn. As you say, about the only person not mad at him right now is Eilian and that's becuase he's not home. He would not be happy with this either. Even Sinnarn's got to be appalled by what he did. I'm thinking through the next chapter right now, sorting out the people who are responsible for disciplining the warrior from those who will be trying to guide someone they love, but there's a lot of overlap (which in some ways makes things worse). Poor Sinnarn. Thank you for the review, Ann. | |
LKK | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
Oh dear. :( I might just have to stop reading. Furious!Thranduil in full disciplinary mode is not my idea of a fun time. Ah, who am I kidding? I'll read it no matter how painful it is. whine Why'd it have to be a regular character to guard the dwarves that fateful night??? Or if it had to be a regular, why couldn't it have been Tinar? He *deserves* what's coming more than anyone else. LKK PS: Sorry about all the chapters I've missed reviewing. But you know that I've been reading, don't you? Author Reply: From Sinnarn's POV, he has several levels of problems to get through before he even gets to Thranduil: Legolas and Todith in the Home Guard, Ithilden in both father and commander roles, and his mother. I don't even like to think about it! Tinar is doing messenger duty right now, so he couldn't be the guard. Beside, it's more interesting to have it be a regular character. :-) PS. Please enjoy reading and don't worry about reviewing. I love hearing from you but I know you're busy. | |
Ms. Whatsit | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
Oh, damn, poor Sinnarn! And poor Legolas--why is he always the bearer of bad news? It's *always* him. He even had to go tell Elrond about Gollum's escape. I like how you've done Thranduil's reaction to the Shadow being cast out. He's been fighting evil too long to believe that it's gone--and it's not, of course. He's perfectly right. Celuwen and Eilian will probably be the only members of the House of Thranduil to be happy at this time! Ithilden and Alfirin will be mortified and furious, Thranduil will be disappointed, Sinnarn will want to hide somewhere and never come out again, and Legolas will of course be caught in the middle of all this. Author Reply: I feel really bad about Sinnarn. You are so right that he'll just want to hide because he's going to feel guilty and ashamed. And everyone around him is going to be both angry and in pain for him. Geez. That sounds cheery to write. | |
White Wolf | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
And Sinnarn thought that missing the feast was going to be the worst thing that happened to him. I shudder to think what Thranduil will do, when he hears that not only have the dwarves escaped, but his grandson is mostly at fault. Sinnarn was Bilbo's dupe, but the hobbit can't be entirely to blame for the elf's faux pas. I applaud Legolas for not trying to cover for his nephew, no matter how much he may have wanted to. Author Reply: Sinnarn can't totally blame someone else, no, although he also wasn't just being careless. Sigh. He's guilty enough to really feel bad. I think that Legolas's first instinct was to cover for Sinnarn because they are close enough in age that they must have occasionally covered for one another at home or even when they were fellow warriors. But Legolas can't do that any more. He has an officer's responsibilities. | |
Estel_Mi_Olor | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
Oh yay, the escape! That was very well down! You did an exceptional job interweaving the facts of Tolkien with your own story. Poor Sinnarn! If only he hadn't indulged in the wine! Oh, but it was unfortunate enough for him to even be on duty. He should have been dancing with Emmelin. At least it was Legolas who discovered the cells empty. Sinnarn would have had a heart attack, and Legolas is not directly responsible. Poor Ithilden, what a blow. Thranduil will be livid, and if he Sinnarn wasn't his nepthew, the King might actually do something to him. Well, Alifrin and Ithilden will punish him for the rest of his life, and so will Todith, as if the shame wasn't enough. Poor Sinnarn! But that was brilliant of Bilbo, we must give him credit. Do the Elves ever realize how the Dwarves escaped? Well, they must sooner or later by process of elimination. I can't wait for the next chapter-and please don't hurt Sinnarn too badly, although he does deserve it...Keep writing! Author Reply: Sinnarn is definitely in big trouble. Everyone who has power over him or loves him is mad at him, and the really bad part is that he has to know they have good reason to be mad. I'm actually not sure if the Elves ever guess how the Dwarves escape. Tolkien says that "more was guessed than was known," which doesn't tell you very much. I'll have to think about how I want to handle that. | |
Jay of Lasgalen | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
Oh, he is going to be in *such* trouble! Ithilden, Alfiren and Thranduil will all be after him - and like Legolas, I dread to think what the latter will have to say about this! It was sneaky of Bilbo to keep topping up the flagons - I've been to dinners where the waiters keep doing that, and it's impossible to keep track of how much you've drunk! 'One cup' indeed! (I'm trying very hard not to say 'poor Sinnarn' all the time - you must be fed up with hearing it!) I was giggling all the way through this chapter, even though I feel so sorry for Sinnarn (not Galion, though, it's all his fault!) Will the elves guess that the dwarves left in the barrels? I somehow missed reviewing the last chapter, but did wonder about one thing - if Sinnarn was locked out, how would he have been able to rouse Thranduil to ask him to open the doors? (if he'd dared to) Jay Author Reply: Oh I'm so glad you asked about the doors because my beta did too and I had an answer all ready but couldn't work it into the chapter. There are guards inside and guards outside and they can hear one another. So an emergency messenger, say, could come to the doors and have the outside guards inform the other ones that they had to wake up the king. :-) They would then say "Are you SURE???" I have not yet looked at the details of later chapters of The Hobbit closely enough to decide if the elves guessed about the barrels. I don't think so. But I think Bilbo must have told Thranduil something anyway, judging from some things he says at the end. I keep saying "Poor Sinnarn" myself, so you might as well. | |
esamen | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
. . . . You are hereby relieved of the watch,” Legolas declared, reaching out and taking the ring of keys from Sinnarn’s belt. Oh, you've got every detail so deliciously right. This is absolutely a blast. I'm just glad that it wasn't Legolas who had to guard them. But my heart is breaking for Ithilden and Alfirin . . . and I'm scared to read what Thranduil will say . . . oh, you have absolutely got to go clear through to the end and let us know what Legolas thinks about all this . . . Thanks for the vision! Waiting (im)patiently! Happy Writing! Author Reply: I know it's fun to use those details from the book, so I'm hoping readers are getting a little thrill of recognition when they see them because there's not a lot of suspense here to keep readers' interest. They KNOW what's coming (and thus sometimes have to cover their eyes with their hands). This has to be painful for everyone who loves Sinnarn. And you know they're all going to furious with him too. Sigh. Poor Sinnarn. | |
LOTRFaith | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
Ouch..... Poor Sinnarn, I have a feeling that he will be getting a stiff punishment... Still loving it!;-) Author Reply: Ouch, indeed. This is going to hurt. Poor Sinnarn. He is in SO much trouble. | |
sofia | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
good chapter. Oh, thranduil will be furious. When Galion is telling Sinnarn the story with Legolas and the mice, is that in one of your stories already? If not, then i'd love to hear about it sometime in the future. Update soon. -sofia Author Reply: I haven't written about the mice-pets. It would be fun to do sometime though. I do enjoy writing about elfling Legolas. And I think you're right: Thranduil will not be happy. | |
nessie | Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/22/2004 |
Aww, poor Sinnarn! He's really having bad luck in this story... Dorwinion is strong, so I suspect that when he thought he was drinking more than he was, he was getting drunker. And sneaky little Bilbo...I'm glad he put the keys back on Sinnarn's belt, or he'd be in more trouble. Well, can't wait to see what happens next, although I already know what's gonna happen later, and I know the battle's coming up! Update asap! ~nessie~ Author Reply: Can you imagine how much trouble Sinnarn would be in if Bilbo hadn't put the keys back? Bilbo was soft-hearted, I think. I'm just looking at where you say you know what's gonna happen. I guess that's true for readers of this story. I wonder if that makes it less compelling? Maybe they're looking to see HOW it's going to happen. :-) | |