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Dabbles in Drabbles  by LKK 78 Review(s)
LamielReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/2/2004
snerk! "Why is your umbrella oddly shaped?" Oh, that made me laugh out loud. A nice bit of humor, and a lovely character study too, in the rationals Lobelia gave herself. I like this. I like all your drabbles.

Author Reply: Thank you for the review, Lamiel. I'm glad you like Lobelia's rationalization. I'm sure she had her reasons for taking the items. Even if they only made sense to her. LOL

And thanks too for the comment about my other drabbles!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/2/2004
Ah yes - the articles 'that had somehow fallen inside her umbrella'. Nice drabble, LKK. Poor Lobelia!


Author Reply: Ten points to Jay for correctly identifying the inspiration quote! :)
I feel sorry for Lobelia, somewhat. I'm sure she thought she was doing the right thing. It's all in the perspective, isn't it?

Thanks for the review, Jay!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/13/2004
Ah! I understand now! A very nice drabble, about one of my favourite Legolas scenes. I first read this on a yahoo group, and wondered about the line "All who can have now got safe within, Aragorn," he called. "Come back!" Who was 'he' when the piece was from Legolas's POV? Seeing the version with the different formatting here makes all the difference!


Author Reply: The formatting is essential, isn't it? I was disappointed when the Yahoo group lost the italics. :(

I suppose I could have left out the "he called" from the quote. I would have gained two more words if I had done so. But I liked the effect of being inside Legolas's mind, then stepping outside it for the quote, then popping back inside for the final thoughts.

I'm glad you got the chance to read the drabble as I intended it to be read. Thanks for the review, Jay!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/12/2004
How sad it must have been to say that, knowing that friends like Gimli were nowhere to be seen!

Author Reply: You're right. It must have been a very hard thing to say. The two were inseparable after Lothlorien -- except in battle. That night of Gimli's disappearance would have been hard to endure. :(

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/12/2004
Nice sense of urgency here, LKK. "Orcs overwhelm us!" Yes indeed.

And Gimli is lost, although actually he's just out of sight, not dead, thank Eru.

Author Reply: Thank you for the review, daw. I tried to balance the sense of urgent need and fleeting thoughts that I thought Legolas would have in the situation with the reader's need to be given enough information to know what was happening. With only 100 words to work with (and 13 of them provided by JRRT in this case), I found it a hard balance to maintain. I hope it worked.

Thank goodness, Gimli wasn't dead. In the book, Legolas and Aragorn are remarkably calm about his absense. I like to think they were both trying to hide their true concern so as not to worry the other.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/5/2004
This is lovely, LKK! You said a lot in 200 words. I like the idea of secret places, always had one myself as a child and sometimes still need one (and I am not a twin, but siblings were enough!). I also like the fact that they both likely had the same place! I wonder if one day they ran into each other there and if they did, could they laugh about it?

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it, Nilmandra. I try to make every word allowed work as hard as possible since I have so few to use. :)

When the twins told me about the secret place, I asked them if they ever met. I got the feeling that they did, but that it wasn't a happy occasion. They still didn't want to talk about it even as adults. I'm going to have to ask Elrond and Celebrian if they know what happened.

Thanks for leaving a review. Reviews are so encouraging. :)

KarriReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/2/2004
I think it is a splendid response to the challenge. :-D I like Elrohir's spot. It sounds quite cozy and private -- a terrific place to spend a lazy summer day.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it, Karri. I think the spot would be a lovely place to spend a quiet summer afternoon. I'm glad I took on the challenge even though I said that I wasn't going to. This one was fun to work out. Thanks for the inspiration *and* the review!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/2/2004
Don't worry, LKK - it's allowed to be double, it's a twin drabble. I like this, that they both sometimes want to be one. I'm quite sure they would sometimes feel like that. And even when they want to be different, they're the same - and even have the same Secret Place. What happens when they meet?


Author Reply: A double drabble for the twins! You're right; it's very appropriate. :)

When the twins told me about their spot, I asked them what happened when they met. They hemmed and hawed and evaded the question. I'm going to have to seek out Elrond or Celebrian and see if they know what happened.

Thanks for leaving me a note! Now, it's your turn to drabble.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/2/2004
I liked this a LOT! I am normally a little puzzled by why one would write a drabble, but I thought this piece benefitted from fitting in the 200 word limit because it hints at so much more than it says. I could see Elrohis taking troll-steps. I could understand why he might want to be here with the stone nana who is his alone (he thinks).

Author Reply: I like writing drabbles because I like the challenge of writing in miniature. My ultimate desire is to write the literary equivalent of a Faberge egg -- a piece of beauty whose art is all the remarkable for its lack of size. So whenever I have an idea that won't grow up, I try to make it a drabble. This one is like a teenage drabble. It tried to grow up, but just never got big enough. It ended up being a double drabble. LOL

I'm glad you like it, daw. The hinting at was what I was going for with phrases like Troll-Elrohir steps. Thank you so much for leaving a review. :)

JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/2/2004
Oh, this is so beautiful... it made me shed tears, to think of Thranduil sitting there reading the letter, knowing his son well enough to lovingly think to him that it is a lie: he won't be coming home til the job is done, because that's the kind of person he is. Great stuff!

There is incredible power in this part:

"You ask that I trust you. I do. For I am your king.
You vow that you love me. I know. For I am your father.
You beg that I not worry. I cannot. For I am your king and your father."

What a marvelous literary device you have employed--one of my favourites! :-) The repetitive nature of the line construction: statement, response, rationale... the power in the words, the change of viewpoint from Legolas to his father, at least in the literary sense--VERY well done, very beautiful, extremely effective.

And all that in such a little space! Wow! Most excellent!

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