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Paths Taken  by daw the minstrel 21 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
I'm still laughing that Ithilden thinks that managing an elfling will be as easy as commanding warriors! I loved Adar's reaction to his oblivious oldest son, too. I imagine that Ithilden is going to find out that guiding a child is much like trying to steer a grocery cart with one bad wheel. As a matter of fact, Legolas has already used the line that is so often a part of any adolescent's vocabulary: "I will do it in a minute." I love it that Adar is going to check to be certain Legolas is really in bed where he is supposed to be. Adar learns fast!

Ithilden's day has been pretty good. The swords look good. That's a relief for him, I'm sure. The spider anti-venom is ready...and he has his supply--which I suspect he may need--and he's reconnecting with his Wood-elf side. Things are looking bright and peaceful. Now, why do I think this is a bit of a false security?

I also really enjoyed the part about the guards, too. Ithilden and Thranduil nearly exchanged places for a moment over the king's constant guards. Thranduil sounded like one of his sons when he complained that Ithilden would not let him out without guards, but Ithlden was taking off without any. A dose of your own medicine? Discuss it, indeed. Ithilden is as hardheaded as his adar.

Such a fun chapter, daw. I love the peek into the family dynamics: the adar who reluctantly allows his sons off on their own, an energetic elfling, and an older brother who is sure to be a harassed older sibling very quickly. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


Author Reply: Ithilden is about as clueless about kid obedience as he is about courting Alfirin. Your comparison to a broken shopping cart is great! You have to keep jerking it back in line.

And you are also a good reader because you recognize plot setup when you see it! Thranduil and Ithilden are very much alike, which puts them in harmony most of the time, but makes it really interesting when they disagree.

Tapetum LucidumReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
I can only imagine Legolas' joy at being able to play with his friends after a month of punishment. It is like the feeling you get at the beginning of summer when school has let out for the year. Nothing can spoil it. Not telling Thranduil about the ill-fated frame is an excellent idea. Turgon's sniping of Legolas' plans is very typical for that age. I don't know why but the kids love to torture one another when they turn about 12. They suddenly become derisive about anything their friends do. You captured that well. I was glad Annael remained supportive.

I can appreciate Ithilden's glee over the success of the swords. It is hard when your father is always right, especially if he is the king. Maybe those dwarves aren't so stupid after all... The arguement over the guards was very amusing. Why do I think Beliond or someone is lurking near that little campsite. I think Ithliden will need a little reminder that Legolas is not a warrior, he is a kid. I imagine that he will realize that before too long.

Four packets of antivenom? Now who is the nervous hen? Legolas' excitement over the trip and his enthusiasm for the trip was tangible - good job. Ithilden is rather bossy. He would probably have more success asking Legolas to do things nicely instead of ordering him around like a warrior. If he expects immediate obedience from a youngster he has spent way too much time in his office. I was laughing at his expectations. That age does not know the meaning of the word hurry, nor do they ever do anything linearly. They will push their boundries to find out exactly what they can get away with. I think Ithilden is in big trouble and he is going to wish for some spiders to fight soon.

Author Reply: LOL. You write like someone who has been around kids, Tapetum. Legolas and his friends are interesting to me because you can see the continuum of relationships with parents -- Annael's is easy so far, Turgon's is probably non-existent, and Legolas is in the middle. He loves his father, who is his only parent after all. But he also is starting to declare his independence (which Ithilden is still working on, I'd say!).

Yes, indeed. Legolas is a kid, not a warrior who as spent years training to jump when an officer speaks. I am looking forward to writing about that difference!

nanethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
"Real life" is really getting in my way these days, but I just had to make a moment to review this chapter. I had always felt a little sorry for Ithilden having a son so like Eilian. What a shock to the system that must be for him. But after reading his statement about commanding troops therefore parenting would be a "breeze", I think he received the perfect child for him! Ah, the arrogance of youth.

Fun chapter. Can't wait for more even if I can't make time to review as often!

Author Reply: Sorry that RL is bringing you down, Naneth. It happens sometimes when other people don't recognize the importance of fanfiction!

Ithilden has a lot to learn. He did a pretty good job with Sinnarn, I think, although I haven't shown a lot of that. So maybe his little brother softened him up.

JebbReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
And they say ignorance is bliss! How could Ithilden think that running his father's army prepared him for looking after one elfling?
Oh that poor elf is in for a rude awakening I think,
Loved the fact that Anneal still calls his parents Nana and Ada I suspect Legolas would really like to be able to do that as well
And Ithilden gloating albeit very discreetly over the swords
And of course Thranduil enjoying his heirs ignorance when it comes to child rearing but hating to see his youngest go off and leave him even if only for a short time
Lovely as always

Author Reply: Yes, indeed, rude awakening on the way!

Annael strikes me as one of those easy children who slide into adulthood with very little trouble. Of course, he has very good parents who make their love for him clear and spend time with him, which Thranduil has trouble doing, poor guy.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
I loved the description of Ithilden becoming one with the forest in this chapter, and the bonding between the brothers, even if Ithilden is being bossy. But he's so clueless! “I can command obedience from a troop of Wood-elf warriors, Adar. I think I can exact it from one elfling.” LOL! Famous last words, I think. He's got a shock coming, as Thranduil can plainly see.

I'd enjoy the camping trip with them, if I didn't suspect you have something in store for them soon. BTW, I like the way Annael's parents (poor Siondel! sniff!) are ada and nana - and even Turgon accepts it.


Author Reply: You write like a parent, Jay! Thranduil is an experienced parent too and, like you, he finds Ithilden's ignorance amusing. You and the Elven king are a good pair. ;-)

I still feel bad about Siondel.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
Ithilden has a lot to learn about the care of elflings!

'Ithilden found himself wanting to please the child if he could.'

Oh dear - when did he last find himself wanting to please one of the warriors he commands? Perhaps he needs lessons in the art of subtle manipulation from Annael's mother, who could make them do anything by getting them to choose to do what she wants.

I loved the bit about Thranduil looking forward to seeing Eilian suffering from a disobedient elfling - although I suspect he might do quite well as he is good at thinking on his feet and is more empathetic than Thranduil and Ithilden.

'He had no more intention of calling off the guards he had set on his father than he had of taking guards on this camping trip.'

Ithilden really needs Alfirin (and Sinnarn). He's even getting into the habit of making Thranduil do what he wants!

H'mmm - this trip could be very good for him.

Author Reply: I thought Ithilden was funny too. He seems to think Legolas is going to jump when he barks. Ha! He has a lot to learn and he might learn some of it on this trip.

I'm looking forward to seeing Eilian as a parent too, but it's going to be a while before he and Celuwen have kids. And then I have think about what they would be like as parents. Would they have little Wood-elf hellions? Hm. Maybe!

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/8/2004
'Ithilden smiled. “I can command obedience from a troop of Wood-elf warriors, Adar. I think I can exact it from one elfling.”'

Boy, is he going to get a surprise when Sinarn comes along, though Legolas may do his best to prepare him.

I loved the bit about Ithilden's ability to seal the doors - he is definitely his father's child. And he certainly needs this vacation if he hasn't been in the woods for a while. How long has it been since Thranduil took his vacation?

Author Reply: Yes, Legolas is going to do Sinnarn a favor on this trip, even though he's not yet a gleam in Ithilden's eye, given that he can't speak a coherent sentence to Alfirin.

I don't think I've ever given Thranduil a vacation. Do Elf kings do that?

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/7/2004
That really was sweet. I am still trying to wipe the stupid grin off my face (not working though).

Ithilden the commander may find warriors jumping at his beck and call, but little brothers have a mind of their own and may not be as pliant. I think Thranduil has reached this conclusion a while ago - that elflings are sometimes beyond the capability of even the king. Ithilden might just be a little too confident of his commanding qualities. Still I think the brothers will have a nice time bonding and enjoy their little outing.

Hmm,you brought up the spider venom antidote again. Excitement ahead?

Author Reply: Even Thranduil can't always make his kids do what he tells them and grown elves shake when he frowns at them. Maybe that's one thing having kids does for kings and commanders. I'm glad you liked the chapter, Manderly.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/7/2004
*snerk* I love how Ithilden compares exacting obedience from warriors to getting the same obedience from Legolas--he has no idea. And I love Thranduil's reaction.

And of course, Ithilden's habit of giving orders makes Legolas even more restless. If Eilian were there, now, he could get Legolas to stay in place if he wanted to--though knowing Eilian he'd probably *like* the idea of wandering around the woods at night.

I loved the bit about Ithilden insisting on Thranduil's having a guard while going without one himself! It seems that overprotectiveness is *not* something Thranduil failed to pass on to his children, hmm?

Annael's parents do seem more like an ada and nana than an adar and naneth. And Thranduil really should spend more time with Legolas. Legolas is lucky to be friends with Annael and "share" his family (but you killed his dad!).

Author Reply: Ithilden is pretty naive about kids, which should make for some fun times ahead. Eilian would think of himself as playing with Legolas rather than making him obey!

Thranduil would spend more time with Legolas if they lived in a cottage and he didn't have so many things to deal with. I feel sorry for him. And I still feel really bad about Annael's ada. :-(

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/7/2004
Now why do I feel I am waiting for the other shoe to drop? He he.
Lovely chapter, really nice interaction between Leggy and his friends and between the brothers. Just yummy.

Author Reply: The other shoe is perched perilously on the edge of a tree limb and will soon take a tumble. ;-)

Thank you, Rose Sared.

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