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Paths Taken  by daw the minstrel 26 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
I hardly even noticed Ithilden's chest glistening like marble kissed by the early morning dew, or his muscles rippling like summer heat off stone, or shoulders so broad he could be a Calvin Klein model. I definitely didn't pay any mind to his lean hips clad only in leggings so tight that each muscle of his thighs strained like rope thick enough to moor a battleship. Nope, I didn't notice a thing....

Well, our commander certainly turned to mush at the sight of a certain young maiden, didn't he? Poor Ithilden. He has no idea. Poor Penntalion! He was just trying to be nice to the sister of one of his young charges...wasn't he? I'd say that Ithilden might have overreacted a tad. Oh well, Alfirin probably didn't notice since she was busy 'not' noticing he was not wearing a tunic. This Type-A Elf really does need a little holiday....

My favorite line: “He has not said yes yet,..." In some circles, not saying 'yes' is pretty much the same thing as saying 'no'. Legolas...Legolas...Legolas....

Such a good chapter, daw. This camping trip sounds like fun. I have my bedroll and aewbas packed. I'm ready when you are....

Author Reply: LOL. I'm glad you just averted your eyes from the half-naked, sweaty elf with the muscles. It wouldn't be polite to ogle him now, would it? ;-)

The question to ask yourself about Alfirin is why she was at the practice field when she had never been there before. Picking up Tonduil? What? He's too little to walk home by himself? I don't think so!

Legolas does seem to have a fair amount of faith in his ability to get around Ada. Thranduil doesn't seem to me to be the easily persuadable type (as Ithilden would testify). But maybe the baby has a different experience.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
I just realize that you have written very little of Ithilden and Legolas together in your stories and I am enjoying this immensely. Ithilden has always been more of a father figure to Legolas than a brother and it's nice to see them being "brotherly" for a change. I am looking forward to the camping trip as much as Legolas, I think.

Your description of Ithilden's behaviour in Alfirin's presence is so in character. I've always seen him as a control freak of a sort (just like his father) and having to deal with emotions that he has never experienced before must be very frustrating and perhaps even frightening. A blushing and tongue-tied Ithilden is such a far cry from the usual intimidating commander of warriors that I cannot help but giggle in glee.

Author Reply: I'm interested in what effect the big age differences in Elves would have on sibling relationships. I think you're right that Ithilden is somewhat paternal toward Legolas. But he and Legolas both know he's not Legolas's father, and Thranduil probably doesn't allow much interference in his parenting, so in the long run, he's a brother. You can see that in Eilian easily. Ithilden is so much older that it's harder for him.

I'll bet Ithilden *hates* being all awkward with Alfirin. It's a feeling he's not at all used to.

JustafanReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
Yay, another story! And yay, a young Legolas! I have always enjoyed your portrayal of Legolas's younger days and I like this look into Ithilden's life before Alfirin became his wife. It is a bit bittersweet because one already knows what happens to the rambunctious friendships of Legolas's past... Anyway, thank you for writing this story!

Author Reply: I've missed writing about young Legolas and am happy to be back doing it. And one of the things I wanted to do in this story was get to know Ithilden a little better because I felt I didn't have as good a handle on him as I did on Eilian. I'm having fun!

nessie6Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
Yay! Haha! Ithilden is forced to go on leave! Silly, obsessed-with-work Elf. Now, Ithilden shirtless and sweaty WHILE ALSO wearing snuggly leggings is a god-given. I wouldn't mind Eilian like that either, or an older Legolas, OR Thranduil (you gotta admit, he'd be great to watch spar). LOVED this! Yay! Glad they're going camping together! Update asap!


Author Reply: I'm not even sure Ithilden knows HOW to go on leave. Oh well. Legolas will keep him busy. I have to admit I enjoyed taking off his shirt and making him sweat. ;-)

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
Another little Legolas story. I love it.

I know how difficult it can be to deal with Thranduil at times, even for someone as smart and level-headed as Ithilden. I love the way he faces up to the task. I hope for his sake that the swords turn out to be as good as advertised.

A half-naked Ithilden facing Alfirin was funny. It's hard to think of him as being a bit tongue-tied. Since we know what happens between them, it's nice to see more of the beginnings of their relationship.

Most of Legolas's stories have been with Eilian. I'm looking forward to seeing him spend some time with Ithilden.

Author Reply: One of the reasons I wanted to write this story is exactly what you say: I had written a fair amount about Eilian and Legolas, but not about Ithilden and Legolas and it was Ithilden who was home all the time Legolas was growing up.

Ithilden must be being driven mad by his awkwardness with Alfirin. He's not used to being anything other than good at what he does.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
A nice chapter, daw! It was fun to see Ithilden showing off a bit, especially since it was Ithilden and not Eilian, from whom such behavior would not be so unusual. Oi! This camping trip sounds like potential trouble, though. I don't doubt Ithilden will be responsible and alert, or that Legolas will be on his best behavior, but still.... Well, looking forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: Ah yes. Nothing like sweaty, shirtless elves. And the problem is that Legolas on his best behavior is still Legolas at a difficult age. His best may be none too good.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
:-) I really, really liked Ithilden sparring with another warrior. That was really neat. I laughed when Penntalion walked over to Alfirin and then Ithilden was rather sharp with him. lol... That was cute. I also liked how Ithilden is starting to stand up more to his Adar... Not just because of something trifle, but because it is rather necessary. :-) So Ithilden is taking a camping trip with Legolas along.. Yay! Older sibling with younger sibling.. A time for bonding:-) Brotherly love, you gotta love it;-) Excellent chapter!

Author Reply: Sweaty, shirtless warrior Ithilden was fun to write about. He was masterful (and sweaty and shirtless) even if he does look like an idiot in front of Alfirin (because he's at least sweaty and shirtless).

He's working out some things with his father though, and that's good I think. Being the son of a father like Thranduil can't be easy.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
I like seeing a younger Ithilden, less sure of himself, and tongue-tied whenever he sees Alfirin. I like his jealousy of the weapons master! The bonding with a young Legolas is lovely - I look forward to seeing what happens on their camping trip!


Author Reply: Thank you, Jay. I'm enjoying trying to figure out what Ithilden was like when he was a little younger. There must be some insecurities under that self-confidence.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
It's really interesting to see this following on so closely from Growing under Shadow, with events still following through.

Ithilden is more than old enough to be Legolas's father, isn't he? It must be odd with elven age gaps - you could end up the same age as elves generations further up the family tree. It's not surprising that he is being paternal rather than brotherly.

Hasn't anyone ever sent in the Elven Social Services to deal with the incompetence of Turgon's parents?

I hope Ithilden manages to speak a coherent sentence to Alfirin soon. Perhaps he should encourage his brother to become more friendly with Tonduil. (And get some advice from Eilian.

Author Reply: Elven ages are interesting to speculate and I'm not sure I can even really imagine what the wide differences do to people's generational senses. Ithilden is old enough to be Eilian's father, much less Legolas's. It seems to me that that has to make for a certain amount of paternal feeling on his part. But he's NOT Legolas's father, and I imagine that Thranduil would resent what he perceived as interference.

Poor Turgon. He's very affectionate and curious. He's just gone feral, like the kids in "Lord of the Flies," because he has very little adult influence on him.

Ithilden is not coming across as Mr. Smooth, is he?

Antigone QReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2004
I couldn't help but laugh at Ithilden saying his day had gone "steadily down hill" because, darn it, he is being forced to take a vacation! The horror!

I think Legolas going camping with his brother is an excellent idea! I can't wait to see what happens!

Author Reply: LOL. Given that I am counting the hours until the semester ends, I couldn't agree with you more, Antigone. Make me take vacation some more!!!

I am hoping that the camping trip is interesting. I want to see these two together: the troop commander and the pre-teen. Now there's a bad combination!

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