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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 97 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/7/2004
Frecern needs a serious lesson in.....something. Perhaps a simple beheading would benefit his personality! (Isn't he the guy that was betrothed to the smith's daughter and acted like such a jerk to her, and then Gimli got in trouble and became a troll's pet...he caused all manner of mischief and there's more to come from this turkey?!)

I was seriously worried that the explosives and the rebels would cause some very bad problems for Aragorn and Legolas and the dwarfs, but thank goodness for those two kids! "His beauty still shocked her but she had no time for her heart's fancies this morn." *sigh* Nice line - strong girl!

Also, very nice interlude with Arwen; she seems much calmer, and at ease...wonder how Thranduil will affect her peace of mind?:-) Well done - can't wait for the next chapter!


Author Reply: Ohh I do love Frecern, he is such a satisfying baddy to write! In fact he keeps eluding all the sticky ends I plot for him, wretched man! (Yes he is the same bad guy)
I am glad you like the kids, and my take on the elusive Arwen.
More soon

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/7/2004
*somewhat shame-faced grin* I can relate to the kids and the mom - I frequently "edit" my reactions to the elf with my husband :-), and IF I were the girl, chickens would be the last thing on my mind (*silly grin*). Great chapter - Legolas is apparently on the hunt for information, but isn't he polite? Am enjoying this story shamelessly...thanks!


Author Reply: Editing is the secret of a happy marriage I reckon And the fact I like the elf is a closely kept secret in my family as I have a seventeen year old daughter who owns him (snerk)(I am allowed Viggo and a bit of the Depp guy)
Glad you are enjoying the story.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/7/2004
I was really alarmed when I read about all the traitors that were present in the garrison. I could picture just disastrous chaos, with the Dunlendings called to the moot, gunpowder spread around, and traitors in positions where they are invisible even when present. It took me a minute to register that the brother and sister were so vital here. But then I was enormously relieved.

Author Reply: Yes I was relieved when they turned up too I am in the habit of getting my characters into dire situations with little idea of just how I am going to get them out again - I am very glad when the muses gallop to the rescue!

LynReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/7/2004
Wow! This was a great chapter. You've done some research and it shows.
I especially admire the commands Aragorn spoke. How fitting. You're a great
story teller. Of course, the beauty of Legolas was the high point for me, but the children are so cute!

Author Reply: I wish I was a storyteller. Mostly it feels like I pull my plot out of the great story stream with all the difficulty of pulling gum out of hair!
I am glad you like my efforts, and thank you for your kind words.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/6/2004
You have a wonderful turn of phrase, and some *very* familiar characters! The teenage girl with sour face and sharp tongue? The teenage boy who takes a lot of filling? I have both! I loved the girl who was in such a daze after meeting Legolas she probably shut herself in the hen house and let the hens out. (I can sympathise there).


Author Reply: Thank you, sometimes my phrases come round and bite me on the bum but I do love language. (My kids read over my shoulder and prune adjectives for me - what a problem!)
And speaking of kids, write what you know, you know!
Glad you are enjoying.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/6/2004
I liked each section of this chapter. The Dunlendings are understandable if brutal in their desire for power and wealth, Aragorn is properly overprotective, Legolas is dashing with the axe, and the villagers are homey. We get nice character development.

Author Reply: Thank you daw, I keep following these C's and OC's and suddenly find myself with more plot than I ever guessed.
Glad you are enjoying

merReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/6/2004
What a rich and wonderful story! Your writing is very captivating and this story looks to be very intersting. I'm not very good at giving long reviews. I just want to let you know I am appreciating your story and your updates in frequent intervals.

Author Reply: Blush!
I am glad you are enjoying the ride, it certainly occupies most of my time and attention at the moment as my family (and sometimes my work) will attest to!
Any review is a good review, it is just nice to know that I am not the only one enjoying myself The updates will remain daily until I catch up with myself, then they will get to weekly or so because that is how long it takes me to write a chapter and get it Beta'd. (CH12 in progress at the moment)

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/5/2004
This is the first story of yours I've read, being relatively new to fanfic, and I am HOOKED! Great beginning - Arwen's depression as she watches the end of all things approach is particularly sad. Great characterizations, and action...poor Legolas and Gliver! Here's hoping the approaching wagon is friendly! On to the next chapter to see ;).


Author Reply: Thanks, I am glad you like my writing but I promise there are some really good writers out there to enjoy, have fun on the archive.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/5/2004
Another lovely chapter. Poor Legolas, I can't imagine him with short hair, or with one side scorched and burnt. I have to confess that I've been so involved in Legolas's part of the story, I'd forgotten Arwen's problems. It must be desperately worrying for her and Aragorn.


Author Reply: Thank you Jay, I had a lot of fun with Leggy's hair and it gave me a wonderful time check to mark time passing in this fic.
Arwen gets a little sorted soon, never fear.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/5/2004
If I wander around all day with a silly grin on my face and totally unable to study, I'll have you know that it's *your* fault! This chapter was so touching--Gimli fussing over Legolas, calling him vain, keeping the strands of his hair...aww...

The bit about Arwen was also sad. You've really captured the whole sense of *fading* very well--the Elves, the Dwarves, Arwen..

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