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The Touch of Sight  by LAXgirl 83 Review(s)
ElerrinaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/26/2004

I'm really enjoying this story (just read it all in one go!): it's interesting, well-written and has lots of Elves— what more could a girl want? ;)
I'm glad that Legolas has woken up now, and am looking forward to finding out what all your rather ominous predictions have been pointing towards :)
One thing that I did wonder about was, is it going to be AU? I think it was Elrond not leaving that confused me :)
Pleas keep writing!


Author Reply: He he he *chuckling evily under breath* Oh, just wait till chapter five, and then see what "ominous predictions" I have in store... Bwa ha ha! *lightening flashes and thunder breaks in background* Oops... sorry about that. Got a little too carried away there... ^_^ Anyway, I'm not going to say anything more on the issue. You're just going to have to wait till next chapter like everyone else! ^_^ Hmm... I guess this is a little AU, but that's just because Elrond's still here. Other than that, no. Everything else is still canon. Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo, and Bilbo all sailed to the Undying Lands. I'm pretty sure I made up a somewhat reasonable explanation why Elrond didn't sail with them in the third chapter when he and Thranduil were talking outside of the House of Healing right before Thranduil left. I wanted to have one of the elf-lords (perferably one with some respect and magical power)to be there to give his own insight into Legolas' new powers (which will come up in later chapters), and Elrond just seemed like the logical choice to me.

LushaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/26/2004
I'm not really sure what to say...I really enjoyed the story, in that I actually read all of it. A story has to be exceptional for me to read all of it - and I guess yours qualified (ha ha). On the other hand - I must protest treating our favorite prince in this horribly cruel way! Five years without him is more than any of us can bear. Too painful. (therefore a good ploy - your readers will read on to make sure you wake him up and return him to his former state) Also, I would plead that his recuperation is bearable and not so painful that your readers (this one) feel it necessary to go watch a comedy to bring them out of the depths of depressions!!!

That's a long way around to simply tell you that I think you're on to something here. Keep at it.

Wishing you further writing inspiration - from a rather cold South Africa.
Ukhul' uzukhokhobe. (Zulu saying)

Author Reply: Aww come on! Admit it! Legolas angst and torture stories are the best kind to read and you know it! (At least they're my favorite kind anyway... :P) I can't make any garantees about Legolas' recovery right now, but I promise you're not going to have to go watch a comedy to cheer yourself up! I really don't think I'm *that* cruel to him...... Well... then again...

LossenchristalReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/26/2004
WOW!!!! Awesome! You should have seen me smile when Legolas grabbed Gimli's arm! I love Happy endings to bad situations,(though I know this isn't an ending)Now SOME authors(I name no names;)insist in keeping poor Legolas in torment, or BLINDNESS;) for chapters and chapters!:D Anyway I am glad Legolas is awake, and I am looking forward to the next chapters, and him discovering his new "powers".:) Thanks for the two chapter update! Please continue soon!

Author Reply: Oh!!! You better hold onto your seat because next chapter all hell's going to break loose! *bwa ha ha!* Legolas ain't anywhere out of the woods yet! He might now be awake, but don't forget he's laying there writhing under Elrohir, Elladan, and Gimli being attacked by some kind of mental barage. Keep a look out for an update tomorrow. I still have eight chapters to post before we get up to the point I've written to so far. Thanks for reading! -LAXgirl

TieAillin AlcarionReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/26/2004
Oooo, I'm loving this! This is not taking the predictable course. I love your description of the autumn colors, too.

My own mother was in a coma for almost a year. She says that during it she was aware of everything, even when her doctors stood at the end of her bed and said she had no chance of recovery, so they weren't going to treat some of her more minor injuries (which is why she has a fused neck--they didn't treat the whiplash).

It might not be this way for everyone. But when Gimli is walking down the hallway thinking about Legolas, you might want to drop the word "dreamless", because Gimli wouldn't really know what, if anything, was going on in his head. Just a POV suggestion. :-)


Author Reply: OMG wow... Are you serious? Was your mother really in a coma? I- I'm not quite sure how to respond to that! When I first read your review I couldn't help but be paranoid and wonder if since you have first hand experience with comas if I might have somehow offended you with something I wrote... I hope that's not the case! lol I'm probably just being paranoid! I'm weird that way... :P Anyway, wow! Give her my most humble and best regards! I can't really even begin to imagine what it would be like to be in a coma, but be conscious enough to know what's going on around me and not be able to do anything about it! That must have been horrible for you and your family! Like I said, I really don't know how to respond to something like that! If you have any suggestions on how I can somehow improve my fic (especially chapter three "Chronicle of Years" where everyone is waiting for Legolas to wake up) I'd be more than willing to listen! If you have first hand experience you'd be willing to share, I'm here! Again thanks for the review, and thank you for that inside info. I think you're right about Gimli's perspective. I'm going to at some point have to go back and fix that. I mean, how would he know what was going on in Legolas' head? Thanks again for the review! -LAXgirl

AlinaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/26/2004
Wow, you do update quickly! Good for us readers ;-) I´m so glad that he finally woke up, the responses of the other characters were almost painful to read. I love the way you had Gimli react to Legolas waking - it could have been all teary and happy, but shock is so much more realistic! Shock on both sides, just like you wrote it - great job! And then Aragorn assuming that the only message he would receive from his friend would be about his death - that almost drove tears to my eyes...
I am very curious how you will continue and I sure will be along for the ride!

Author Reply: Ha ha! Glad to see I can brighten someone's day! Well, I have about eight more chapters to post before we get up to the point I've got written so far, so keep an eye out for them! Thanks for liking the scene. I think shock would have been the most prevalent emotion felt by everyone right then, especially after five years, so I'm glad you liked that. Yes, the Aragorn scene kind of tore my little heart too when I was writing it. For some reason, he kinda struck me as giving up hope the fastest on Legolas after finally accepting Legolas' coma and would probably would have immediately thought the worst. Thanks again for reading! -LAXgirl

AlinaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/25/2004
I just ran across your story and I have to say it is great. You capture the reactions of the different personalilties (and races) very well and the whole tragedy of it all is truly heartbreaking. I´ll be sure to check back for updates often.
Thank you for sharing!

diva Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/24/2004
cant wait 4 the next chapter

LossenchristalReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/24/2004
Oooh, I hate the waiting! I want to know what will happen when he wakes up!!!! That WILL be the next chapter, right?;) Poor Aragorn, and Thranduil...and everyone else. THEY have to wait 5 years:) Great chapter! Please update soon!:)

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/24/2004
Oh dear - poor Legolas! The description of his head wound was horrifying, it's no wonder he's in a coma. It's sad but inevitable that the others have begun to give up hope, but from a practical point of view, they cannot stay with him permanently.

I love your portrayal of Thranduil, and also Elladan and Elrohir. Too many people forget that they are also healers.


divaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/23/2004
This is a really awsome story! I've read some pretty good ones but this one has to be one of the best so far and its not even finished! Just keep written and I'll keep readin till its over. Agian this story is really good!

Author Reply: Awwww... thank you for saying so! Now you went and made me blush... Anyway, hold on to your seat because I still have nine chapters that need to be posted here, so keep a look out for updates! -LAXgirl

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