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Adagio   by Rose Sared 36 Review(s)
Hisie LomeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/2/2004
Thank you for your reply. I was at Eternal, which is now down. (See, you actually helped me out :-)Now I may continue with this tale....

The bonds of friendship shown here are strong. The troll trying so hard to help his pet was fun. I had to laugh that his last "piggy" was squished!

The image of a different drawf on horse back was super. He might take a step in a week or two...I can only imagine.

It was so touching that Legolas fell asleep next to Gimli, his rock .

Thank you again for all of your hard work. You are giving me many hours of enjoyment.

Mina Sedh,
Hisie Lome

Author Reply: Thanks, I am glad you were able to find this on SOA - which is my favorite non-slash archive! Great fiction and very friendly people and processes- including this clever review/reply bot.
I am glad you like my OC's as well as my take on L/G - hope you continue to enjoy.

insigniaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/30/2004
Hi Rose

I thoroughly enjoyed this fic. It had all my favourite (yes, I'm Brit educated) ingredients: good dialogue; believable characterisation; a nice touch of humour; and quite a lot of room for the reader to attempt to puzzle out what is actually going on without being told in so many words by the ("clever") author!

For instance, I liked the bit where you talk about Aragorn not being fazed by being glared at as he had "been glared at by experts". A nice picture of how Aragorn has had to learn to be a judge and to put up with the related "benefits" of that role.

You have got a nice handle on how the characters we know so well would have moved on in their relationships and in their own growth over the 70 plus years since RotK. I really enjoyed the way you portrayed married life and how Gimli and Legolas feel about each other, without evident saccharine, usually using the characters' own words, too.

I shall now start on your next work, and am looking forward to it very much.



Author Reply: Thank you for your lovely review, I am glad you like my take on the characters,
(that may be a Brit thing too I am beginning to think ) the story has taken on the aspects of a monster with Cadenza but I think I am nearing the end.
Saccharine makes me gag, although I am guilty of some L/G slash which you could find on ffnet on my Rose Sared page.
Thanks again for your kind words

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/5/2004
I love the beginning of this story - so much to take in and digest!:) Feast day friends, hmmmm? I've often wondered what mature, unmarried elves did...personally I don't subscribe to the impassive, passionless figures of some stories. Controlled, a point. But not completely. Otherwise, how could the Kinslayings be explained? Your character interaction is very good...I hope Gimli and Legolas resolve their argument. And way to go, Tom! He's great!! Can't wait to read more.


Author Reply: How nice to get a review a while after a story has been posted, I am most flattered by your enjoyment of my writing. Thanks.

CalliopeReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/1/2004
But you've wrapped this up *too* quickly! :-) I so wanted to hear
the conversation between Legolas and Gimli about the debacle
at Ithilien. Maybe in a flashback at some future date?

The wedding invitation was a lovely touch, as was asking Gimli
to be best man. It's nice to see some humans still see his

I look forward to checking out the rest of your universe.

Author Reply: Yeah sorry about the quicky end- the muses deserted me for a while - but I think I'm back on track. I will post Mayflies today and then start with Cadenza, which is a wip up to ch11 now.
Still don't know what happens in the end but the haze is clearing a little now!
Glad you are enjoying the tale.

natReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/30/2004
he he he...i like minuial too....shes scary...lucky so-and-so, having legolas and all...he he he...definitely gnna go check out the continuation...b4 i read that little info i was gnna rant about u ending so quickly!! yay!

Author Reply: Yeah well I had a bit of a "thats all she wrote" crisis with this tale, but I do carry on in the same universe with Mayflies and Cadenza. Still got no idea how the whole thing ends, guess I'll just have to keep writing

ArienwenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/29/2004
What a wonderful story! Very original. I love the relationship between Aragorn and Legalos and Gimli and Legalos. You can feel their pain! I couldn't stop reading it. Good job! Arienwen

Author Reply: I am glad you like my characters and my take on OC's. Its quite a lot of fun having them walking around in my head.

natReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/29/2004
he he he...i really lyk gleowyn....too bad that ::mutter::mutter:: 'fiance' had to be so mean!! eww and what's with that stable guy? jerk...i would very much lyk to read about his painful death at the hand of legolas, if you dont overly mind ::wink::wink:: he he he

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, I'm working on grisly deaths, the baddies just don't want to lie down though.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/29/2004
Oh, dear, that was hilarious! Gleowyn is hysterical, Telfaren is so sweet and Frecern sounds like the disgruntled boyfriend of an Orlando Bloom fangirl--"effete catamite," indeed! The bit with Legolas and Elfwine was quite funny. I can imagine that it would be unnerving to have to deal politically with someone who knew you when you were in diapers. This is such a good story.

Author Reply: I appreciate the support and am glad you found it fun.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/29/2004
Things are looking up - Gimli is found and recovering, Gleowyn is back home, and she has defused the unpleasant situation looming about dwarves. I only hope her ex-fiance gets his just desserts soon!


Author Reply: Errm well not yet, infact I am still trying to do away with the annoying little man ten chapters into the sequel.Its hard to put a good baddy down.
Thanks for the support

CalliopeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/29/2004
Beautiful job! You pull on our heartstrings without becoming maudlin.
I loved the cave trolls, especially in their interaction with Legolas.
I was so afraid he'd come in and slaughter them both. You made me
care what happened to them.

Poor Gimli. I can't wait to see how you wrap this up.

Author Reply: Those trolls just wormed their way into my heart. Its hard to dismiss a race once you have thought a bit about their culture and history, and even young Wargs are probably cute! And the elf is famous for being both broad minded and noble, I am glad he didn't have to kill them either!
Thanks for your kind words Ch8 soon.

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