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From Princeling to Warrior  by Manderly 31 Review(s)
FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/27/2004
Oh yeah, he's gonna be going through a serious guilt trip! He might even take ill from his grief and begin to fade if he doesn't snap out of it. Hmmmm, the possibilities for more Leggy angst are endless! ;) Heh, heh!

But seriously, I loved the interaction between Thranduil and Legolas here. It was so sweet and the way Thranduil cuddled his son was priceless. I wouldn't mind cuddling that hurt Elf myself...heh, heh, um, yes, where was I? Ah! The review, right! Onward...

I chuckled a bit when Leggy awoke and thought he'd been hurt in some misadventure. He must have been a handful when he was young, no? LOL I think though, once all this is over, he will be pleasantly surprised at how proud everyone will be of him at his courageous endeavor. He acted selflessly and with valor. So typical for our beautiful Elf.

Well, enough of my babble. I shall let you get on with the next post! I can't wait! *skips away singing about more Leggy angst and owies* LOL ;)

Author Reply: Yes, Legolas is going on one big guilt trip, but his family will be there for him, so hopefully he won't sink too low. Thranduil is a pretty good ada and will make sure his elfling heals, both physically and mentally. Well, the next chapter is up, and it's a bit lighter than he othrs so I hope you end up skipping and singing again. Your reviews really do make me feel good. Thanks!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/27/2004
I enjoyed this story at and am glad to see it here. This moment, when Thranduil mourns his child's lost innocence, is my favorite, I think.

Author Reply: Thank you for reviewing here as well. Took me a while to get started on this site (not very computer literate), but I finally did manage. I think this is my favourite chapter of this story and was surprisingly easy to write. The words just came.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/27/2004
*Waaaaaaah!* That was awful sad! Poor, poor Feren. He must be racked with guilt! I sure hope Legolas wakes soon so he can talk with his brother for I'm sure Leggy will ease his guilt.

And Aldeon looks pretty scared himself! Ah, the lives of the king's sons. Such pressure to strive always to be the best in everything. Duty before blood. That's such a sad thing. That's why they love so fiercely I suppose. They always have to put eveyone else before their own needs, the only way they can compensate seems to be for them to love their family with a fierce protectiveness. *sigh*

Leggy's been unconscious for so long now. :( Is he gonna wake up soon? You are really starting to worry me. Should anything happen to him, me thinks that entire family will just fall to pieces! :O

Please post ASAP! I'm dying here! Take pity on me! LOL ;)

Author Reply: Yes, everyone in the Royal Family is in pretty rough shape. By comparison, Legolas is better off - at least he's still asleep and knows nothing of the guilt and fear that are making life miserable for the others.

Next chapter should be up shortly.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/25/2004
Oh my! Leggy is in bad shape huh? Thranduil and Aldeon have good reason to worry. I hadn't thought Legolas might feel guilt from Salue's death! That will obviously be a factor in how fast he wakes up and recovers.

Oh, the loss of immortal life! It's horribly tragic! Not natural! I'll be grieving right along with all of Mirkwood for the loss of all the Elves who helped defend their realm. *sob*

Gosh, these chappys go so fast for me! *whine* Can't you make them 50 pages long, each? ;) Heh, heh! Well, in the meantime, I await your next installment of nail biting worry! LOL Hurry up, will ya? ;)

Author Reply: Yes, he is in pretty bad shape, but at least he's with his family now. Yes, he will have to deal with guilt, lots of it!

I've always thought that the loss of an immortal life must be pretty devastating to the elves - something that shouldn't happen but does. Such a waste!

Next chapter is coming.

HisisLomeReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/25/2004
Evil, again....No you can't make me cry...I will just think evil thoughts of you until you post again. The poor elfling. Evil, evil, wvil.

Author Reply: No wonder my eye had been twitching all day - must be all those evil thoughts coming in my direction. Well, you can stop now as I will post the next chapter very soon. Hopefully, I am not so evil this time. Enjoy!

hisielomeReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/24/2004
You are plainly evil. Have you no pity for an elfling and his keeper? Evil....Evil....Evil! I guess that Aldeon should be glad that his brother passed out, no more pain or grief; yet, this is so sad.

Mina Sedth, Hisie Lome

Author Reply: All right, I must admit that I was pretty hard on the elfling. Bad enough that he's near death, and now his protector is killed. Pain and guilt, what a deadly combination. At least Aldeon is now here to take care of him. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/24/2004
*sob* That...that...*sob*...that was*sniff*...too short! *hiccup* Why'd he have to die? *sob* Why? *sniff* No fair! You didn't even warn us or anything! *sniffle* And what's happened to Hesin? Is he all right? Did someone pull him out from under the horse? Aaaaah! This is another horrible cliffy!

I think Legolas has some serious grieving to do doesn't he? Not to mention the trauma of what he's seen and the fact that he killed another living creature, even if it was orcs. Yes, I think he's gonna take some time to recover physically AND emotionally. He's been through a lot!

I can't wait for the next chappy! Woo hoo! Tomorrow? You gonna post it tomorrow?

Author Reply: Sorry, didn't mean to make you cry, but the evil part of me is happy that my story can make a reader cry - I must be doing something right. Yes, Legolas is going to have to get over some major issues, but first he has get himself away from the brink of death before he can deal with anything else. I know this chapter was very short, so I will be posting the next one very soon to make up for it. Again, thanks for reviewing.

hisielomeReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/24/2004
I have just completed the first 9 chapters. They were flawless. Well done.
I look forward to more.

Mina Sedth,
Hisie Lome

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind words. The next chapter is up. I hope you enjoy it as much as the others.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/23/2004
Horrible, horrible cliffy! The only thing that keeps me from jumping through my monitor to grab and shake you is the fact that you've consistently posted the next chappy so soon, you don't give me *too* much time to fret! LOL

*sigh* Leggy is so brave and so stubborn! I think he's going to be in pretty sorry shape when all this is done after he ignored his body's need for quiet. He's bleeding pretty bad and is on the verge of unconsiousness, and yet he still manages to find the strength to defend Hesin and try to free him. I impressed, I'm always impressed with Legolas' valor and bravery. Only he can be so selfless. He's just wonderful! *another sigh*

:O Oh my, not a word about Feren. I wonder how he's doing? I sure hope he's still in one piece and nothing too bad has happened to him!

Geez Louise, I'm beginning to panic here, I sure hope you get the next chappy out tomorrow! I'd really prefer tonight, but since this one was posted today, I don't think I'll be *that* lucky, will I? ;) Heh, heh!

Well, I'm off till the next chappy! Hurry with it k? ;) *runs off to re-read last chappy and all that wonderful Leggy angst!--sigh*

Author Reply: I truly apologize for being so evil. I know it was a bad place to end the chapter, but I wanted the cover the next part of the story in a new chapter. The next chapter is now up, by the way. I hope I did not end it at another bad place, though I don't know. Legolas angst in this last chapter is going to peak, I think. Enjoy!

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/22/2004
*sob, sniff, sniff, hiccup, sniff, sob* That was so sad! Poor Leggy, he's three steps from death's door isn't he? Or is it two? :O Oh, I just loved that touching little scene between the brothers at the end of this chappy. The love Feren has for Legolas is clearly evident. I don't know who cried harder, Feren or me!

Eeep, please make sure Feren is *very* careful. Legolas would surely fade if his brother was killed in battle and he, he couldn't have taken the arrow for nothing. So please, keep him safe! Leggy too! And while I'm at it, I've really started to take a liking to Hesin! Please keep him safe too! ;)

The blood, the blood! There's so much of it! I can feel it slipping through my fingers even! Blech, not a pretty sight. Wonderful imagery in this chappy though my only complaint is that it wasn't 50 pages long! LOL

Hurry with the next chappy! And I do mean hurry! See, I'm insatiable, aren't I? ;) Heh,heh! Yup, that's me, never satisfied! LOL

Author Reply: It's hard to decide who to feel sorry for more, Legolas or Feren in this chapter. I think both will have a pretty tough road ahead. Yes, Feren is a pretty nice brother to have, I think. I wouldn't mind having an older brother like him. The next chapter should be up soon.

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