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Jay's Drabblets  by Jay of Lasgalen 663 Review(s)
Vi JanawayReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/10/2004
Spooky and well done

Author Reply: Thanks! I think it must have been a very spooky place for Legolas to see.

Lasse-LantaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/9/2004
This is good as well, but I liked the first version for it's brevity and mystery.

Author Reply: The original version was deliberately phrased so that the mighty Elven-King sounded like any besotted father - but most people missed that. Thank you!

Lasse-LantaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/9/2004
Wow, very powerful, could you just imagine the dawning realization? I guess you can since you've done such a great job of portraying it in so few words.

Author Reply: I was listening to my CD of the BBC's production of LOTR when Frodo and Gollum talk about the faces of dead elves in the waters of the Dead Marshes. And the thought came to me: Legolas's Grandad would be there. (I know, I'm sad!)

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/8/2004
Yikes. That is VERY interesting. I'd like to hear more about Thranduil's nightmares.

Author Reply: The idea of Thranduil's nightmares came from 'Unfinished Tales', History of Galadriel and Celeborn Appendix B. It says how Thranduil has seen the horror of Mordor and cannot forget it.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/8/2004
I have to admit I don't always understand the point of the whole drabble concept, but you do this very well, Jay. This image, caught for a moment through Legolas's eyes, as he sees where his grandfather fell is sort of like poetry. It's compact and evocative.

Author Reply: I like the discipline of drabbles - writing in exactly 100 words is not easy. Every word that needs to be added or removed is very carefully considered!

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/6/2004
It is definitely more "elfy". I love both versions, but this is the better one, I think. :)

Author Reply: Thanks - I think I prefer this, too!

eilujReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/4/2004
No one could doubt the "elfiness" -- but really, both are excellent.

Author Reply: I'm glad you like them - but hopefully this version is more appropriate to a wood elf!

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/4/2004
Hmm, I'd only read the first version about 20 minutes ago, and yes, I think it is more elfy. Actually, it is more than just more elfy, I think it is a far more powerful piece (but that's just me and I've read about 15 stories over the last day or so and I'm probably primed to react emotionally to keywords lke "leaf" and "star".

I thought the original demonstrated wonderfully, and in so few words, that combination of powerfulness/powerlessness that comes of *actually* becoming a parent, those first few hours when it becomes a reality and not just a future-baby, but this (the second version) brings in the underlying joy that the living forest has in the birth and the sensation that he isn't just a gift to his parents, but also to Lasgalen.

Gah, I've gone all soppy! Oh, yeah, and even Elbereth gets a look in, so they were all *there* :) Definitely more elfy, more ME, more Tolkienesque (no doubt inspiring a not-very-good poem from JRRT, had he included this vignette).
Thank you.

Author Reply: Thank you for the detailed comparison. I tried to include things a Silvan or Sindarin elf would care about - the trees and the stars. From all your reviews, you must have had a marathon reading session!

TigerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/2/2004
Jay, I just want to say...I love your drabbles. Took me awhile to get through all of the fics on the group, so I'm sorry that I didn't review earlier. Wonderful job on all three of them!


Author Reply: I'm glad you like them - there will be more to come. Drabbles are tempting to write, because I can finish one in an evening!


LKKReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/1/2004
Very nice, Jay. The sense of awe that Thranduil feels comes through strongly. He's completely entranced by the kingdom's newest addition.

Author Reply: I love Thranduil as 'good Ada'. I'm glad you feel his sense of awe - that was the main emotion I wanted to convey.


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