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Memory Of Darkness  by Jay of Lasgalen 138 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/15/2005
Oh good. I've been curious about what this was! Legolas was brave to do this on his own. Thranduil is right. That's not cowardice. What a wise old elf, despite how mistaken he is about Arwen.

Author Reply: Legolas doesn't like admitting to fear, even to himself. I think Thranduil is the only one he'd say it to.

I know we share the same views on Thranduil, but it's a shame about Arwen. Logically, they would make a great couple.

KalimaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/4/2005
Yo! Jay! I thought I'd left a review, but didn't see one when I cruised by the review site. I apologize. I'm glad for the last chapter, but sure do want to read on. Don't forget this sotry as you write on your others! (I often make it a point not to read stories in progress because I hate to be left dangling, so I hope you're appropriately gratified I come back here to check on your progress.)

Weird. I could swear I told you how much I like the banter between Thranduil and Legolas about where the stubbornness came from. Oh yes, I get it. Each chapter has a separte set of reviews! Duh! I don't often read the reviews, just leave them. I forget how it works sometimes.

Thanks again for writing.

Author Reply: So sorry - I missed this review! I know it's been a while, but I promise I will update asap, and will eventually finish this story! I'm just trying to write Legolas's dislike of caves convincingly, without making him sound like a wimp ...

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/22/2005
Oh, goody! I was beginning to wonder if this story was going to continue. Very brave, or very foolish, of the young elf to head back into the darkness to see what he can find. I hope he won't get into more trouble. He should not have gone alone.

But if he does find trouble, I'll be happy. I'm a tension and danger fan. I'll just have to sit back and see what happens.

Author Reply: You're a tension and danger fan? I'd never have guessed!

I'm sorry for the long delay, but hope the next chapter won't be so long. Going into the caves? It was neither brave nor foolish, but he had to do it. Wait and see.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/22/2005
If Arwen and Legolas had any suspicion about that conversation, they would never be able to look at each other in the same way again. And it would certainly ensure that they were completely unable to think romantic thoughts. Which is a shame really. Nothing against Aragorn. Good chap. Fated. Sacrifice. But - really, a nice Imladris / Mirkwood wedding and 2.4 elflings would have made both families so happy. (And maybe one of the 2.4 would have been available to marry a restored monarch.)

Mind you, judging from the games they are playing - and the fact that Legolas really doesn't want to be straining that leg - none of them will be anywhere near considering matrimony for the next millennium or so at the earliest. I know E2 were being as careful as boys playing games ever are - but that is really not that careful. Or sensible. Although I rather enjoy seeing a fighting Arwen. And ellyn who learn their cusses from their naneth.

I'm glad Calmacil is feeling better about the leg. Although I understand Legolas's horror in viewing the newly unwrapped limb. And that he feels he has been patient enough - the horror of 'A few months!!' of recovery is so realistic.

But I'm not sure his brain is properly recovered. What on earth is making the elfling head off down the tunnels on his own! Even with quadruple torches, candles and tinder boxes. I hope his friends have him under observation and follow him - without playing any tricks.

Author Reply: Yes, L&A would be a perfect match - and E2 would be delighted to have Legolas as a brother-in-law! In fact, L&A are the only ones who don't think it's a wonderful idea. (Although Aragorn as Legolas's son-in-law ... he wouldn't let that scruffy ranger anywhere near his daughter!)

It was fun to bring Celebrian's swearing back to haunt her. Of course the twins would remember that word, but I'm trying to show them as responsible here. There won't be any tricks. Legolas's reason for going on his own is very simple - he knows if he told anyone, they'd try to dissuade him!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/22/2005
*What's this? Can it be ... an update?* How true! I had lost hope for it long ago and was very positively surprised to see this!

That was quite funny how they played as little elflings do! And Elladan's oath - no doubt he has learned it in "Journey of discovery" during the river incident *g* And the matchmaking ... I have to admit it sounds quite sensible, but luckily Thranduil and Celebrían don't know how this will end.

But how can you send poor Legolas in the cave another time and alone as well? I'm quite anxious - please don't let him get injured again! I hope you update soon, because I will worry about him the whole time!

Author Reply: I'm sorry about the long delay - I can't believe how long it took me to write this chapter. I promise not to leave Legolas down in the caves for too long this time.

Celebrian should have known when her sons heard her swearing that they'd remember it! And the matchmaking - it's a shame L&A will never be more than friends.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/21/2005
Hey! Now this was a pleasant surprise! Hehehe. Thranduil and Celebrian matchmaking. Boy are they in for a surprise in the end! And elfings will never learn to take it easy when they're hurt (I remember trying to run with a cast on my leg--not a good idea). Poor Thranduil was having kittens over that. Too funny. And Celebrian's past vocabulary lessons. Also funny. Loved that touch. And I could really feel for Legolas's frustration that he still had a good deal of healing before him. Why did you send him into the cave!? Alone!? I certainly hope you update this quickly because I will be worried about him. :)

Author Reply: When I wrote the swearing scene in 'Journeys', I knew it would come back to haunt Celebrian. This was the perfect opportunity! And I've often thought that L&A seem the perfect couple - it's just that they don't agree ;)

Don't worry too much about Legolas - and the reason he's gone alone is because he doesn't want anyone talking him out of it!

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/21/2005
So nice to see another chapter in this story. I had resigned myself to the fact that I might not see an end to it. So this is a very pleasant surprise!

The discussion between Thranduil and Celebrian was quite amusing and so typical of all parents. I wonder what the subject elflings would say if they learned of this matchmaking.

So Legolas is still intent on finding out the mystery of the cave. I hope he doesn't find anything nasty.

Author Reply: I'm sorry about the long delay. I promised that I would finish it, and I will - and I hope the next chapter won't be so long in getting written!

At the moment, Legolas is oblivious to the fact that Arwen's a girl - she's just a friend, and E2's little sister. And he's got other things on his mind.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/21/2005
Oh, Jay! Why did you have to have Legolas go into those caves ALONE? Will elflings never learn? Now I'm going to worry until your next update -- which, for the sake of my mental health, had better not take as long as this one did. ;)

Author Reply: I certainly hope it won't be so long! Just don't worry too much. Thanks for reviewing!

DotReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/21/2005
*blinks* Wow. Great to see this one back again.

I really enjoyed the scene between Thranduil and Celebrían. I like the understanding between them when they talk of their sons’ futures and happiness. It makes me feel rather sorry for them that this perfect match between Arwen and Legolas will come to nothing! I really felt for Thranduil as melancholy and memory pulled at him and I just love the way Celebrían manages to pull him out of it. The story about Thranduil and Telparian was wonderful too. It’s great to get a glimpse of her and it’s a very touching insight into their relationship too.

Sarndal, eh? Sounds just as confusing as football is ;-) Celebrían seems to be a pro when it comes to dealing with her children. I had to laugh at how surprised and impressed Thranduil is by their reaction to a mere look from her.

“But I learnt that word from you!” LOL. Methinks I know one instance anyway when she uttered it. I love the way you connect your stories with details like this.

I love Calmacil. I don’t mind who you injure as long as he gets to appear ;-)

So Legolas is improving. I’m glad to see that but… he’s going to do what??! Thranduil will have a fit. Still, hopefully we’ll learn now what it was he saw! :-)

Author Reply: Sorry - it's been a horribly long time between chapters, I know.

Thranduil and Celebrian are thinking dynastically about alliances between their realms, but most of all they want the children to be happy. No forced arranged marriages here! One day, I'll write more about Thranduil and Telparian - I think she's only actually appeared in one story.

You (and Thranduil) forget that Celebrian is Galadriel's daughter. She can do intimidating when she wants to, but mostly she doesn't need to ;) - but she should have known that her sons would remember the word they learned from her.

It's odd how OCs grow on you, isn't it? I like Calmacil too!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/21/2005
I liked the way Legolas is slowly recovering. Thranduil's POV on it was fun to read. I also like Celebrian and Thranduil doing a little matchmaking. Boy, are they going to be disappointed! I've been wondering what Legolas saw in the cave.

Author Reply: It's a shame about Legolas and Arwen. From the parents' POV, they're perfectly matched - it's a pity L&A don't agree.

I hope it won't be too long before we see what's in the cave - not as long as last time, anyway!

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