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Oak and Willow  by Marnie 74 Review(s)
Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/5/2004
Oh, yay, this story is back! I think I may have reviewed before under a different pen-name.

Anyway, it was good to see Celeborn and Thingol using their influence with the Sindar for the good. And Galadriel needed to see that, I think--to see that Celeborn and the other "dark elves" had real power that could easily be directed against the Noldor if they were vindictive enough. It was also nice to see Celeborn described as princely by Galadriel and just generally get respect from her.

And now I want to see the meeting between Celeborn and Fingolfin, and between Celeborn and Galadriel. Should be interesting.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Ms.Whatsit :) Yup, we had a hiatus on this story while I finished Battle of the Golden Wood, but I'm back on this one now.

This whole exercise of trying to see the 1st Age from the Sindar perspective has been very interesting in terms of seeing the real power that the Sindar had but presumably chose not to use. And suddenly it makes a lot more sense out of what power-mad-Galadriel sees in Celeborn. He may not have the armies and military might of the Noldor but what he does have is a natural authority over the elves of Middle earth through his kinship with Thingol.

And yes, next chapter Celeborn and Fingolfin meet, and we get a bit of resolution on the C+G thing. I hope.

Thanks again!

Marnie :-)

layangabiReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/5/2004
How are you going to get them back together *indeed.* I've been waiting for this moment, and it was beautiful, and crushing. And amid my heartbreak for Thingol, Luthien, Melian, Celeborn and Galadriel, is some grim satisfaction that the Noldor *finally* have their arrogance thrown back at them and get knocked off their gilded pedestel in one kingly sweep. (Go Thingol! *waves Sindar flag*)It's a disturbing thought, but the sense I got from their snobbery, *Angrod's*, in particular, is to assuage their own guilt in the slaying of their kin in Aman. They knew they couldn't hide their guilt from them forever, but the Sindar who welcome them and Teleri they killed are inferior to the Noldor anyway, so doesn't that make their guilt less? (can you tell I'm particularly annoyed with Angrod?)

OT: There's one thing I *strongly* disagree with, and that's Celeborn's judgement that Angrod annoys him because he's far too much like him. I...I...I... I have a hard time seeing how that arrogant, strutting, ridiculous little peacock is anything *remotely* like Celeborn!

Sorry, somewhere this review turned into a rant. But what can I say other than what everyone else said, that this was powerful, made my heart break?

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Layangabi! This whole story was started because of the endless amount of 'awesome Noldor go and impress the natives' fics out there, and I felt it was about time someone told the story from the Sindar POV. Here are all these invaders coming over here, taking over their land, talking funny, and looking down on them. I'm amazed at how forbearing they were!

I'm sure you're right that part of the reason for the Noldor's unshakeable sense that they're better than the Sindar is guilt. That's certainly why the children of Finarfin are less than comfortable in Doriath.

As for Angrod, what Celeborn is recognising in him is his tendancy to blurt out unpalatable truths at the worst of times. A kind of rudeness and lack of tact that arises (in both of them) from their innate honesty, combined with a certain lack of empathy for other people. (It's the kind of thing that makes Celeborn - later in his career - go 'why did the old fool go to Moria in the first place? What kind of a stupid decision was that?' in front of a bunch of people who are visibly grieving for Gandalf.)

More Sindar flag waving next chapter, and the one after. Chapter 16 should also, I hope, reach some kind of a resolution on the C+G romance front!

Thanks again!

KarriReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/26/2004
*sniffle* Oh, the tangled web of love and war. A beautiful chapter, Marnie!

Author Reply: Thanks, Karri! Now... how do I get them back together again after that? I have *no idea* :) Glad you're enjoying it!

PortiaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/26/2004
Oh, what a wonderful story! I'm rather a fan of the Sindarin Elves in general, and I like Celeborn/Galadriel a lot, and I love the way you're handling them. In this chapter it was nice to see Tough!Luthien (and I like Daeron a lot, poor guy). And the ending was fabulous--Thingol was really quite merciful, all things considered. What a horrible sense of betrayal for Celeborn to have, especially when Galadriel and Finrod said that *he* was tainted with darkness! Celeborn imagining blood in Galadriel's hair was a nicely dark touch. This is not a normal marriage at all.

Author Reply: Thanks, Portia! Yay - the more Sindar fans there are, the better, and if that includes being a fan of Celeborn then wow! Brilliant! (He doesn't have many, poor lad!)

Thingol *was* surprisingly merciful, wasn't he? I think he was basically a good bloke with a bit of a temper, particularly when dealing with people of other species. He might have been inclined to mouth off, perhaps, but usually he acted more kindly than he talked.

And no, nothing about Celeborn and Galadriel's relationship seems to be particularly easy :)

Thanks again!

SphinxReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/26/2004
Oh, my.

I certainly didnt expect this particular situation to arise. Not so soon, anyway. :) And especially not after the pleasantness of the last chapter.

But what a chapter this was. Marnie, I'm certainly not complaining.

More, more, more.

The pacing really worked here. From the antagonism of the Macho Guys, to Galadriel's very in-your-face repsonse, which is so, so typical of her. I dont know why on earth you say you dont like her, because you write her so very well. ;)

The little debate with Finrod was one of my favourite parts. Here, I felt, were two people who had the measure of each other, and knew the subtleties involved in winning an argument. I've always liked Finrod - he's been a semi Muse - and it is his character-sketch that you adhere to canon the most.

And I felt for Celeborn so much in the end. The anger, the betrayal, the helplessness he feels when she looks at him - wow.

I will not stop prodding. Especially not when the results are so great. :)

CorielReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/25/2004
Again, simply amazing.

Your characterizations are unbelievably real and natural, and I especially liked Luthien's powerful appearance. The dirty laundry had to come out sometime, and I love the way you've fleshed out the scene from Silmarillion.

I really feel for these two. At this rate, they're going to have a rough life together!

Author Reply: Thanks, Coriel! Luthien needs the occasional spark of godliness, I think, to remind people this is the same girl who takes on Morgoth and wins :) And it was amazing to try and stick to the Silmarillion dialogue (paraphrased though it was). It really brought it home to me how downright devious and unworthy Finrod's words were to Thingol. No wonder the Sindar were less than impressed!

As for Celeborn and Galadriel, it's a wonder they *ever* got together!

CorielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/14/2004
Feanor would have squirmed in Mandos to see her freely give Gimli THREE strands. :D

CorielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/12/2004
Here is just what makes your stories so darn good. :) This detail is amazing! I manage to scrape up enough to put on a page, but I really don't know the first thing about fishing (much less cooking it afterward), weaving, swordplay, or the many singular attributes of different kinds of wood! Did you know all this already, or did you do a bit of research first? I wish we had better libraries around here.

Your metaphors are brilliant, by the way. But poor Celeborn doesn't seem to be given yet the regard he deserves as one of those who came "near to match the Calaquendi of the Blessed Realm."

(PS, I'm really starting to wonder about this, since we both independently gave Eldarion's son the same name, AND gave Celeborn and Thranduil the same particular eyes. And it is not as though dark evergreen was a popular color in Tolkien. More than coincidence, perhaps? ^_^ Or is it just that Providence has a sense of humor?)

CorielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/12/2004
Here I pause for a moment from my avid reading to say again that you are amazing. I have never read a more vivid fic, with such a firm grasp on so many different characters.

Anyway, here I go again . . . :)

ElemmireReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/6/2004
Ohhhhhhhh! More, more, more please...I beg you?


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