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Boromir in Rivendell  by esamen 60 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/20/2004
This a fantastic story from Boromir's point of view. You paint hobbit relations and cultures so well. I'll be back as soon as you update. Take care.


Author Reply: And I'll work even harder now to make it worth your while! I have been enjoying LOTR since . . . let's see . . . 1968. So I had some long steeping time before I got serious about writing down these moments. I am so glad to have found so many people who enjoy this world. You all make my world much richer. Thanks for reading, and for posting a review.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/20/2004
I like how you've written in Boromir's paranoia! He's so funny... This is a wonderful story!


Author Reply: Yes . . . Boromir's had a pretty tough life. Lots of rigid rules at home, not much love, and very dark, frightening days of war. He's a pretty good guy, pretty tough both physically and mentally, to have survived it all and made it this far. So he is out of his element and trying to figure out how to get around in this new situation . . . new to him both geographically and mentally. His lonely, hurting heart is going to be drawn out by the hobbits' warmth and friendship. I hope you enjoy what's to come!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/20/2004
Are you *certain* this is your first? This is so good!

Author Reply: Hello . . . good question. This is my first LOTR fan fic, yes, but I used to write poetry and short stories years ago when I first went to college and took creative writing courses. So, I learned a lot from that experience. Also, I wrote slowly, thinking about it as I went, and reread a few of my favorite books about writing that have some good ideas about what and what not to do. So, a lot of my fic was helped by all of that.

Plus, I am working on my writing, trying to improve. So I really gave it my best effort. I'm 47 now, and I figure that I need to give this writing stuff a serious try.

Thanks so much for all your reviews. They are very precious to me! I love good Frodo/hobbit centric fan fic. It is very relaxing and comforting to me to read. I am very happy to be part of this great group.

May you always be inspired! Love, esamen

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2004
Hello! I sheepishly admit I have never been a big Boromir fan, but Grey Wonderer coaxed me into giving your story a whirl--and I don't mean that in a bad way at all. You say this is your first fanfic--I can't tell; your characterizaion inside the mind of Boromir is wonderfully portrayed...and this is only the first chapter! On to the next...


Author Reply: Thanks so much for the encouragement! I am working on my writing in a major way, and the Rivendell told through Boromir's perspective seemed like a wonderful story to tell. We can see all our favorites through a new point of view. I'm a Pippin fan too! Love that sweet heart! thanks again . . . I hope you enjoy the whole thing.

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/20/2004
This is wonderful... I love seeing Boromir get acquainted with the hobbits and being won over by their charm, but at the same time... I can see the darkness already taking hold. And adored chapter five and Frodo downing his medicine! Can't wait to see more.

Author Reply: Lily Baggins! Wow! I am bowing with hand over heart! I love your work! Thanks for coming over and reading Boromir! Yes, I loved that Frodo/medicine scene too. . . . You can probably trace the work of many other fic writers in what you read in this story . . . I have canon to work from, and now I have some favorite fanon to draw from also, including yours. Thanks for all your contributions to the Middle Earth playground. I'm just kind of fooling around in the sandbox here.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/20/2004
I enjoyed every bit of this story. The prose is literate and the characterizations are very well done. Boromir comes across so clearly as the noble albeit flawed character he is and the other characters (especially the hobbits) come alive. Very nicely done.

Author Reply: Thanks daw. You do indeed sound like a minstrel yourself. Yes, there is always that thin line of tragedy present even during the fun times of this tale, because no matter how hard Boromir fights to stay true to his heritage of nobility and honor, we know what the end will be. That's part of my fascination with this particular story line. It has built-in depth. That is a compliment to Tolkien's vision and talent . . . I think most every good fan fic is to some degree good only because it is built on the rock of a wonderful original story. Aren't we glad we have the great Professor to read!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/20/2004
Oh, well done! *applauding*

I find it very difficult to write ine first person. You've done a wonderful job of halping me see Rivendell through Boromir's eyes, and have given me some new food for thought on what he might have been thinking.

Sorry this review is so incoherent, I am very distracted. Hope to have a chance to read more on the weekend.

Author Reply: Nothing incoherent about this! You come through loud and clear! Thanks so much . . . your words mean a lot to me! You have company--I come here when I get incoherent, too. I travel over and live in this world when my "real-life" day gets wrapped a little too tight. I hope you like my little corner of Middle Earth . . . feel free to visit whenever you need a vacation.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/20/2004
Ah, hobbits. I love this story! Boromir's thoughts of Faramir were nice, showing that this isn't just a thing of wanting power, but also wanting to save his brother and his country.

My compliments to Bilbo for making sure Boromir washed; my congratualtions to Gimli for winning the bet; and my regrets to Sam for his missed sleep. Those late night parties are fun, but always most regretable the next morning. :)

I hope you find the time to update soon; even though I'm guilty of falling way behind in my own writing. :)

But until next time, adios!

Author Reply: Nice prose you have going on in this review! I am going to have to go read everything by Chigger that I can find. This fan fic stuff is going to take over my life. . . But I am loving it . . . I walk around with a smile because of your shared joy in the story . . . thanks for all your encouragement.

Hopefully you'll really enjoy Frodo when he comes on the scene. Next chapter is coming soon!

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/20/2004
Heeho. Gotta love those hobbits. :) Bilbo's intro was nice. As always the hobbits tended to ramble, and that's one of their endearing traits. :) You have a wonderful talent, to be sure. Again you're making me hungry; even more so than last time! :) And I must agree with the Elves on their dislike for ale, but the idea of Dwarves bringing their own was wonderful! :D

I sympathize with Boromir on trying to keep all the hobbits straight. When we were still LOTR newbies we had a heck of a time keeping Merry and Pippin straight, but now they're so different how can you help it? :)

And the dwarves were well written as well. I laughed when the introductions were going around. All the hobbits stood up and bowed and the dwarves grunted, growled, slapped and ate. :) Wonderful group manners, don't you agree?

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so happy you liked the dwarves and that you noticed the contrast in manners! I always thought that The Hobbit was incredibly fun to read partly because of the contrast between Bilbo's hobbitiness and the dwarves' dwarvishness. So a lot of that influenced this story.

And I thought that Bilbo was one of the true gems of the films. He just came off the page into living color for me. Those grey curls looked much like my original visualization. A little bit of Bilbo's voice in the film has influenced the dialogue here too.

Sorry about the fact that everyone is eating all the time and makes you hungry. What else do you expect from a story with hobbits in it? Gotta be true to canon . . . Let's all have some tea and cakes.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/20/2004
No one appreciates hot food more than hobbits and men. :) Reading the reviews has me all hungry for bacon and Pip didn't help much. But it's Friday so we can't have meat. Scrambled eggs anyone? :D

You know, this story sounds as though it was written by someone from that wonderful state of Texas. Boromir's difficulty in choosing which sidearm to take with him reminded me very much of our family. Can't go without one, even if you can't go with one. :)

I loved your portral of Pippin and Sam. Sam was quiet, a little standoffish and just a trifle suspicious, like he always is around newcomers. Meanwhile Pip was his same ol' talkitive self but I'm surprised Frodo trusted him enough to carry food upstairs! I would think it would all be gone by the time he got there! :D Or is that why Sam was with him? :)

Please forigve any misspellings in these reviews, but half my mind went on strike again. :)

Author Reply: Aha! I'm going to call you Sherlock! You're right, I'm from Texas . . . my drawl always gives it away. San Antonio, for now, but I've lived in Houston and Midland also . . . San Antonio is the most fantastic place I have ever lived in, but there's no Elves or Hobbits or Wizards here, so I visit Middle Earth as much as I can. It's so much more peaceful there.

I am very honored by your insightful review as regarding Sam and Pippin. I think that a lot of our writing isn't so much planned out as just pours out of our shared Tolkien experience. This is a marvelous way to hear all the stories that live in our hearts. Thanks for your time and attention . . . may you always be inspired to write!

I'm fixin' to leave now
All y'all come over t' the house sometime
Jyeet jyet?
Have some more cornbread to sop up that bean juice, honey
Be good now, hear?

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