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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 384 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 5/5/2004
omg!! awesome story!! keep writing!!

RakshaReviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/5/2004
this story just gets more and more interesting. Faramir's now-revealed mind-reading powers add a new element and texture to everything. But how will Eowyn feel when she eventually learns that the man she loves has been viewing her innermost feelings and memories? She didn't appreciate Grima's physically stalking her; I'm not sure she would want Faramir mentally stalking her without her knowledge, even if he can't always help feeling what she feels. It would be best if he told her of his ability rather than her finding out on her own...

Author Reply: Just wait, it's coming. I'm going to address this entire problem soon. Thanks for noticing though and thinking this story keeps getting better. :D

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 5/5/2004
What comming?! Agh, no cliffies!!! Please, update again soon!

Author Reply: geez, I didnt think it was that much of a cliffie. Sorry. I'll stay as late tonight as I can, but you may have to wait until Sat. I've been busy and since school's basically out I don't have my comp. lab job anymore, so it's a 45 min. drive just to write FOR YOU. ;) I'll update ASAP.

Fionnabhair Nic AillilReviewed Chapter: 41 on 5/5/2004
I've noticed a little detail that I like a lot; I know Éowyn doesn't fully trust Faramir, and yet it's beginning to seem that at least part of her does - the way she cuddled up to him in the last chapter, and well the wonderful loveliness of the last chapter.
(Might I register a request that bring Aragorn in a teensy bit more? I love the way you're writing him, and the dynamic he has with Éowyn in particular is very good. I really want to know if intentionally led Éomer away from her and Faramir.)

Author Reply: Aragorn's coming in soon. He'll have some Eowyn scenes too, that I think will be good. Hopefully somewhat touching. :)

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/5/2004
Woof. From breaking heart to giggles in one chapter! I'm exhausted. Faramir is lucky Eowyn didn't scratch his eyes out - that's what I might have done if he did that to me... (pauses, imagines David Wenham, melts into puddle of drool) OK, maybe not! :D Anyway, that was a hell of a gamble for Faramir to take, calling Eowyn's bluff like that.
Of course, the idea of Faramir hunting down Grima and slaughtering that scumbag like the pig he is .. such a lovely thought! Shame he won't get the chance...

Author Reply: I know, I would love to write Faramir rippin Grima apart, but alas...
hehe David Wenham--ah, he makes me giggle like a wee girl. Actually, if I had a choice between Karl Urban as Eomer and David Wenham as Faramir---I couldn't decide. And, I've been thinking about this, too. I mean, in the first shot of Eomer I clearly remember going, "Helllooo Eomer! Whoo! Yeah! Take off that helmet and GROWL BABY!" but I wasn't all that impressed with our first meeting of Faramir. He was just gorgeous in his hood and cloak, with his bow....mmmmm, YES.
But, in fact, I really just sat there open-mouthed the entire time, just overwhelmingly dismayed. It was the worst moment of betrayal I've ever felt from a fictional character; I was completely infuriated FOR him, not because of him being a jerk. Like he was real....sigh, Faramir come and take me away....or just mud-wrestle with Eomer and I could hose you both down. LOL :D

CrimsonReviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/4/2004
"Faramir swallowed as she glanced up and down his body. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea...


Two hours later, Eowyn has Faramir naked, spread eagle, and tied to a bed..."


But seriously, great work in this chapter! I'm so glad you didn't drag it out into some melodramatic angsty thing where she left with him still thinking she didn't love him, etc., etc., etc... Been there, done that. This is much more realistic. In fact, it is eerily similar to what a good friend of mine had to go through with the woman who is soon to be his fiance. (Yes, there are gentle and patient guys out there like Faramir.) That's partly why this story is so touching as well as hilarious.

So, great work. Study hard and keep writing. BTW, I find it hard to believe that you're not a good student. You're clearly a good writer, and I've always believed that good writing and good thinking go hand in hand. Perhaps you're just not interested in the subjects you don't excel at. Or perhaps you have bad teachers. As one of my favorite authors put it: "If science is exciting and art is exhilarating, the schools and universities have achieved the not inconsiderable feat of rendering both dull. As every scientist and poet knows, one discovers both vocations in spite of, not because of school. It takes years to recover from the stupor of being taught Shakespeare in English Lit and Wheatstone's bridge in Physics." So don't be too hard on yourself.

Author Reply: LMAO! Don't be too sure she won't tie him up at some point. ;)
I'm glad everyone likes this chapter, because, man, it was HARD. I had to keep going back over it again and again before I thought it was even okay.

About my studies...I don't know, I just can't seem to CARE about them. No motivation changes it either. I have a friend that promised to send me anywhere in the world if I made a 4.0 and yet, I've got a 2.75. And she's got the money, it's not an empty promise, either. So, go figure. I really want to go, but, I can't CARE enough. It sucks.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/4/2004
I do not understand why I never calculated Grima's doings in all of this. Now every piece of the puzzle has come together and everything makes so much sense now. Brilliant bit of work. :)

Author Reply: I forgot a bit about him too. He's just so slimy ;) But, I really had a good image here, I think, with him manipulating her and (hopefully) creepily paralleling Faramir. I'm glad you liked it, I originally didn't. It was a tough chapter.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/4/2004
*Blinks* Intrigueing lead in to the next chapter. Please don't make it go any higher in rating. :) I like this chapter, and how Eowyn went to Faramir for comfort after trying to refuse him. Keep it up!

Author Reply: Nah, its not going any higher in rating. They're out in the garden still.... ;) I thought that made sense in a way how she went to him immediately. It showed she was really so terrified about losing him. Or maybe I'm off in my own little author world, i dunno.

Fionnabhair Nic AillilReviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/4/2004
All is forgiven! That was worth waiting for. Oh thank god - i got slightly frightened for a moment there that Éowyn would succeed and then we'd have to endure many chapters of angst before they found their way back to each other. I'm sure I could've borne it. The emotion was beautifully handled (something I know I find difficult - when there's a million different emotions swirling around, how on earth do keep them all defined?) and I thought it was very much in character. Yeah - I'm liking it!

Author Reply: I dont think I could handle several chapters of angst. *sniff* ;)

BKBReviewed Chapter: 39 on 5/4/2004
In the fourth paragraph of this chapter, you used the combined words "commanding/asking" to put across an idea. Would "requesting" have worked in this instance? I have long felt that its connotation has more force than mere "asking". Also, a "request" is more formal which I think would also suit Faramir relationship to the natural environment at that point.

I second everyone's comments about cliffhangers and I'm waiting anxiously for the next instalment. However, please do not let your studies suffer! In a week or so after finals, you can indulge yourself and us to our hearts' content. Enough of the "wise old aunt" lecture. Good luck on the remaining finals and term papers.

Author Reply: requesting probably would have been fine, maybe even better. I don't know, but I felt I was trying to put across that it was a blurry cross between the two words. Maybe it was just in my head ;) The more formal remark is totally dead-on though. Awesome :)
Ahh, old aunt lectures...hmm, I dont think I have any aunts. Finals aren't THAT bad and, to be honest, this story is itching at my brain, so its hard to concentrate on the most boring stuff alive in theatre. I have finished my English paper, though, so go me and I've got tomorrow to study for theatre and a week for my psych.( I misread my syllabus THANK GOD), so one chapter hopefully coming up today. :)

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