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Alas! Poor Uruk!  by Lindorien 30 Review(s)
Hisie LomeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/22/2004
This was funny. Death softens the bastard! Such kind words for one's murderous father....

He married his sister and ogles my wife....Well, what does one expect from royals? Shakespere would find this tempting....

Minna sedh, Hisie Lome

Author Reply: hello! A new Hapless Reader fan! I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Funny is good. Funny is what we go for in Lindorienland - a strange and wondrous place peopled with all sorts of odd creatures and weird personalities...

Some of them are even in my fics. Welcome aboard and thanks for reading! Lindorien

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/4/2004
I could not help but reread this now that I have finished Hamlet.
I finally found it in the English Literature section in my library. Who knew it had an English Literature section?
Anyway, I enjoy this all the more now. Err, not to sound impatient, but, Updates!Updates!Updates! (Sorry, sorry.)

Author Reply: You read the Shakespeare!

Kitt! yay!

There must be some award I can win if something this silly can convince somebody to give Hamlet a try. Hopefully, dear Willie will stop rolling in his grave! Yes yes update updates!

TeresaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/19/2004
Alas, poor Lindorien! Oh blessed spite, that ever she was born to set Shakespeare right!

Oh. Lost the iambic pentameter. Try again:

That ever she was born to set old Willie right!

Now come on, you know you have some more acts to do! Who cares who will rule Gondor in the end? They´ll just have to wait for 1000 years until the next king comes around.

Author Reply: I know that *I* don't care who rules Gondor. If I did, I NEVER would have written this thing. Although, as my dear friend The King of Siam likes to say, "It IS a puzzlement?". Were there any spare Kings of Norway in Middle-Earth?

Perhaps the Prince of Dol Amroth - if I don't kill him off also. Or maybe Thain Peregrin Took. But I've a bad feeling the two hobbits them get it also - or are they the comic relief grave diggers?

Maybe I'll just hand the whole thing over to the Corsairs, to reimburse them for all those ships that Aragorn took during one of their pesky invasions.

Alas! Poor Me! Demented Mind! That I
should get myself in such a bind!

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/13/2004
Had to look through all my Calvinses and Hobbeses and got hooked, so it took some time, but here it is: "There's treasure everywhere", p. 111. Don't you get hooked up there as well, just microwave dinners and updates. Please!

Author Reply: A book! I have to buy a book? No Way. I was hoping for an internet link. Yes, precioussss, updates coming. Finishing Edward Lear. And have lots of nonsense verse and this iambic pentameter. Trust me, write this stuff enough and you start thinking in it and talking in it and everybody says, 'Why are you talking so oddly?'

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/9/2004
Oh no, two acts to go, it will take ages till you get to the "Council of Elrond" again. But, alas, in the meantime let us see how Faramir fares with "to die, to sleep". The best version I've read so far was the one of the mashed potatoes in Calvin & Hobbes. Tough competition, in my opinion. Good luck AND speedy updates (knock, knock, hint, hint).

Author Reply: Calvin and Hobbes and mashed potatoes! Oh point me there, Fair Imrahoil. Council of Elrond will be coming along. I seem to be under enormous pressure for that one. So the next two acts may have to wait.

For a bit.

I need to figure out who rules Gondor when everybody is dead. Eomer? Dain of Dale? Or is it Dale of Dain? Or is it no longer Dain but Dain's son, what's his name?

I'll stop rhyming.

Yes - Speedy updates. That's why microwaves were invented after all!

Hiro-tyreReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/8/2004
Absolutely brilliant. I shall put Hamlet on my list of Shakespeare to burn through.

Author Reply:
Alas! Poor Second Act! On the back burner it sits. Hiro - any plot ideas, send 'em my way. I'm not proud.

That should be obvious.


LadyWenhamReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/5/2004
So very funny. Great job. :)

Author Reply: Thanks Lady Wenham!

Is this one of the ones you are thinking of linking? Because its not finished yet. I've two more acts to go. 'tis unfortunate, but true. I shall try to make them as painless for my Gentle Readers as possible.


ming eledwenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/24/2004
*laughing so hard she falls off the tower of ecthelion** owww....*
my god, this is among my top 3 of comic fanfics. its good to find some humour amongst all the angst, slash, fluff and legomances. man, you ape hamlet so nicely ;) ooh, i know its a long way off, but when orphelia dies, please make the funeral scene long, i can just imagine the scene with eomer and faramir..... if ive given away a plot point it don't really matter, cause hamlet was a tragedy in the first place anyway, so this version is completely out of sync with it (but in a good way:) please update soon!

Author Reply:

Lindorien stands in the middle of the coliseum, staring out at the crowd. She hopes the flames won't hurt too much, or the lion is really hungry and will eat her up really fast. Then a roar is heard and Lindorien sinks to her knees, terrified. But the sound is not what she expects for the crowd is on its feet calling as one:


Lindorien hears and she obeys. Activities of Daily Living be damned! She will UPDATE.

"By the way," Lindorien whispers to her new best friend Ming Eledwen as she hightails it out of the coliseum, "Don't worry about the plot-point thing. I'm sure everybody sees it coming. Course, by the time I'm done with it, they may not really grasp what hit them!"

Gosh - top 3 comic fanfics - do you understand the meaning of the word 'pressure', by any chance?

nervous? who's nervous?

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/19/2004
This one was hilarious. Faramir writing thank you notes for the death of Denethor...*wipes away tears of mirth* The whole scene was rich with comedy, my favorite so far. When I get the chance, I'll go to the library and check out Hamlet.

Author Reply:
You are laughing? Oh, dear. Hamlet is a tragedy. A terrible tragedy.

Much like this fic.

I don't know what my problem is. I set out to write a Serious Work and next thing I know everybody is laughing hysterically. Perhaps I should reconsider my approach?

This is going to end badly. It is a tragedy. The stage is set. Arwen and Eowyn hate each other. Faramir hates Aragorn, but is conflicted because maybe Aragorn helped rid him of dad, but possibly also his older brother, although Faramir isn't certain he should trust Denethor in this...

However, he does want Denethor's spirit quieted, so he'll stop peeking in on Faramir's bedroom doings...

Oh dear - Something like this would be enough to make anyone nuts - which is likely to happen to Faramir, as it did to a certain Depressed Danish Prince.

Dear, dear. And shall you laugh then, my dear? I ask you - shall you laugh then?

(please say yes. please say yes. please say yes. please say yes.)


Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/15/2004
This is a crackup and canny. This is based off of Hamlet, right, or am I confused? Alas, the realm of Shakespeare is not my stomping ground.
Anyway, I can’t wait until the next update.

Author Reply: Yes - definitely based on Hamlet. It is well worth a read. Basically, Hamlet's dad (also named Hamlet), unbeknownst to all, is dead at the hand of his brother and Hamlet's uncle, King Claudius. Dad's barely cold in the grave before Uncle Claudius marries Hamlet's mother, thus securing his political position. Hamlet is sliced out of the picture for a bit. Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark.

Hamlet meets up with dead dad's ghost who tells him of this 'murder most foul' and wants Hamlet to avenge his death. Hamlet swears he will, but drags his feet. Why he drags his feet is the question, not 'To be or not to be'. The result is that pretty much everybody ends up dead at the end and the King of Norway is named the King of Denmark.

Hamlet starts out depressed - 'Oh that this too too solid flesh would melt'. He is depressed over mom marrying Uncle. Its incestuous to his mind. Hamlet is a man of integrity, he wants to avenge his father but finds the desire base. Hamlet pretends to be crazy. Friends of his are entrusted to find out why he is acting crazy. Is he 'lovesick' (considered a true illness in the 1300's, the time period for this play)? They are Rosencrantz and Gildenstern and they end up dead in a stunning display of,um, overreaction, and why it is best to LOOK before jabbing one's daggers through the curtains. It is also a cautionary tale against spying.

It doesn't really matter, everybody else ends up dead also. Dead as doornails. mostly in the last five minutes or so. The curtain falls, the stagehands mop up the blood -- Game Over.

Thanks for reading. Do consider dipping your toe into the world of Shakespeare. Much of it is lovely and timeless stuff that people return to time and again.


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