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Straight From the Horses' Mouth  by Chigger 27 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/3/2004
I enjoyed this one for many reasons and one is because in the version of the movie that was shown in the theater, I didn't like this addition to the film. It wasn't until I saw the extended version and the scene between Brego and Aragorn that I came to like this part of the film. I love seeing it from Brego's POV. As I read, I could feel his saddness at the loss of Theodred in such lines as:
Grief consumed me, for there are few relationships so intimate as that between horse and rider after their first battle together. The fall of one at first brings grieving untold to the other until death would seem a mercy; but I knew that my pain would soon diminish if never wholly leave me.


Had my actions there condemned my master to death? If I had only allowed him access to his saddle and born him home once more, would he have lived? Was I now leaving Aragorn to meet the same fate as my master? or was he already dead?

I love it! You have done a wonderful job. Also enjoy the part about trying to keep Gimli from digging his heels into the horse!

Author Reply: I was shocked, to say the least, when Aragorn went over the cliff for the first time. :) But I thought he had one darn cool horse with him.
Which was another interesting part of writing this. I had to figure out the whys of everything. Such as why he still had his halter on; because the Rohirrim wouldn't just turn a horse loose without taking that off. Also, why he felt that he needed to save Aragorn. It was only while writing it that I discovered the amount of guilt he felt at leaving Theodred to die. But it made for an interesting bit. :)

And Gimli just isn't a rider. :) Not only does he dig his heels into Arod, but he bounces like an old sack of potatoes and his axe handle probably causes trouble too. :)

esamenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/3/2004

Nice blending of verse and imagination. I like the conversation between Brego and Arod. In fact, I loved all the horse-to-horse conversations. Please include lots of horse talk! I think it's the most fun part of the read.

I'm a grammar teacher . . . here's your grammar catch of the day:

and a dwarf, stunted of growth, who’s (use 'whose') beard far outmatched that of any Rider I had known.

Sorry . . . I can't help myself.

Great job! Looking forward to Arod!

Author Reply: Having Arod standing there just seemed more interesting than having Brego all by himself. Let's give a little life to the end here! :)
I will try my best to include more horse-talk for you. ;)

AAAAA!!!! A grammar teacher! Everybody run! :D

Thank you. I would much rather you point things like that out as opposed to leaving them unmentioned. And Grammar is not my strong point; nor is spelling. I'm a Math person, myself. :)

Thanks for all the wonderful reviews, and I will post the first half of Arod as soon as possible. (So far he's going to have at least two chapters.)

EsamenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/3/2004
When he had finished that, he lifted all my feet in turn, tapping the bottoms gently.

Hmm. Sounds like a horse trainer has been here . . . nice details in the description . . . reminds me of my friends who raise horses . . . wonderful vignette of a horse's view of training.

Author Reply: I've learned a few things about horses through experience and through reading. Who wants a horse that will fight everything you do? I'm just glad I sound like I know what I'm writing about. ;)

esamenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/3/2004
Oh, very nice. I like the way that the story deepens when the reader gets Asfaloth's view of Bill. . .

They had with them a delightful pony by the name of Bill, an ignorant young thing who asked an endless string of questions as we traveled together.

The story really gains a new dimension with the second point of view added.

Author Reply:
I always thought Bill was cute, and so Asfaloth just had to say something! :D

Thanks for the review!

Esamen/ KarenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/3/2004
So fun! I love the voice! and I love the reference to Asfaloth speaking Elvish! On to the next chapter . . . no rolling of eyes yet :)

Author Reply: The entire "accents" idea came from Bill who just would NOT use proper grammar, no matter how many times I told him to. Therefore, we suddenly have horses with different nationalities. :)

I'm glad your eyes are remaining in place. ;)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/3/2004
Carrying Legolas and Gimli is nothing. Book-verse Firefoot carried Eomer and Gimli together, which must have really been backbreaking. I mean, if Legolas can walk on top of snow, then he can't weigh that much.

It's hard to believe, though, that Eomer is your favorite character, seeing as how you praise Legolas so often. Elves and the Rohirrim are almost complete opposites, by my reckoning. Or, is he just *one* of your favorite characters?

Honestly, I would have liked to have seen book-verse Brego, but I know that didn't give you much to work with. Anyway, this was well done, and I don't think you could have done much better with the ending. Fleeing in terror at the Paths of the Dead isn't exactly a good ending for a noble horse, is it?

Author Reply: But maybe Firefoot is a heavier horse than Arod. That was the only thing Coriel didn't like about Arod's description, that fact that he was light. She goes more for the really tall, really muscular, really BIG horses; and I'm afraid that I'm right there with her. ;) But I did like movie Arod.
And Legolas doesn't weigh much, no. :)

Please bear in mind that I have Coriel watching my descriptions of Legolas. :D Yes, Eomer *is* my favorite canon character, but Legolas is just below him. What is more, these horses have been around Men like Eomer their entire lives, Legolas is new to them. :)
Yes, Elves and Rohirrim are complete opposites in everything but their love of horses. But both are darn cool, too. ;)

What is there about Brego in the books? As far as I know Theodred's horse wasn't mentioned, and there wasn't a whole heck of a lot about Theodred in there either, to my knowledge.
As for the ending, I had originally planned to go all the way through Helm's Deep, passed the Paths of the Dead mess and end the story while he's traveling to Gondor with the Rohirrim, because Arod has to get to Gondor somehow, and Brego would probably go with him. But it got rather boreing sitting down in a stable while everything was happening. :)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2004
It took me too long to get to this, I admit.....

But, now that I have, I have to say I enjoyed it greatly, though I can't imagine any of the Rohirrim treating a horse as a burden or with neglect.

By the way, you don't read romance novels, do you? Handsome man on a black stallion, and the like..... :)

Author Reply: Yes it did, but I'm glad you made it. :) But I'm not much better. I've been putting off the next chapter for several days now. :D

I'm glad you liked it! As for Frea's first master, that wouldn't have been in here but for that blurb in WHWB that I couldn't get around. So I just imagine that the guy would have taken good care of Frea once he got over having lost one of his best mares. Hey, let's give him the BOTD. And besides, how else would Ceorl have been able to get him? :)

No, no romance novels . . . well, literally anyway. Westerns might count. But hey, handsome man on a black stallion and the like is every girl's dream. :D

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2004
I've only had the chance to read Bill so far, but I found it pretty funny. :) Hey, though, if you're going so far as to do OC horses (Such as Frea), why not do Shadow or Silvermist? *Big Wicked Grin*

Author Reply: If my memory serves me correctly, Silvermist is Eodreng's horse. Correct? I remember Shadow. That was the first time you killed a character I had gotten quite attached to. :)
I would love to do them, but I would need your help with many of the details. It wouldn't do to contradict anything, now would it? :) *Big Agreeable Grin*

Glad you enjoyed it!

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2004
I just love the way you portray Bill. You bring up the points in the story that would have meaning to a simple country pony.

'Fearful beasts they were, and completely unsociable. I know, for I tried talkin’, but they only snorted at me in return.' (that is one of my favorite quotes right there)

It is a very good idea having the different horses have different 'accents'. I look forward to more.

Author Reply: Thank you! Since I consider myself just a bit of a redneck (if a refined one :) ), I got a lot of entertainment out of writing like that. :D It's very interesting to look at these things out of a horse's eyes. But it's also a trifle difficult, since I don't have all that much horse sense. :)

Thanks again for the review! Hope you like the rest just as much. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/4/2004
I have loved this one since I first read about him in "The White Horse and The White Banner". Wasn't he the reason for the plot Bunny? So glad you included him. I was so sad when his mother died and through his telling, I felt as if I had watched it! Another wonderful chapter!

Author Reply: Actually, I went back and looked at the reviews not too long ago, and I believe it was Celebros in All Is Fair In Love and War that inspired the plot. But Frea definitely had to be included. He and Ceorl are my pet project. :)

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