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Fire and Shadow  by daw the minstrel 176 Review(s)
KarriReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2004
Ai! You have me really worried now! What mistake did Legolas make? Was is really as catastrophic as it sounds, so that he has suppressed it from his memory? Is he going to blame himself for Amdir's death? A! A! A!

JustafanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2004
Wow, another story, yay! I love this chapter! It's so exciting and tense and poor Legolas! I sincerely hope that Beliond hasn't been killed... I mean, I'm fairly sure that he has to live to be Legolas's keeper for a long time, but that doesn't prevent me from worrying about him!

Author Reply: What a great reader you are, Justafan! You are willing to go along with the suspense even when you know I'm probably playing with you.

caz - bazReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2004
this sounds good. loved your last story. you really had me on the edge - maybe because it was the only thing i could think about while my brother decided to take me off a few cliff faces while we were skiing.
can't wait for your next chapter. My beloved Father still hasn't attached the internet to my computer and i don't have much free time at the moment so i might not be able to get on and review all that much.

are you going to take us back to before Legolas got injured again?

got to go i have an exam today and i don't want to miss that - joy!

Author Reply: I'm glad this story captured your interest, Caz-baz. I'm even glad you were "on the edge" although that sounds a little mean!

Yes, we're going to see what happened to lead up to the scene at the start of the story, but it will take a while.

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/15/2004
So sorry I didn’t get a chance to read this earlier. But wow, what a start! I may have cursed you slightly as I was having serious withdrawal symptoms from these characters but I better apologise for that now because…this is just amazing.

It’s so different from your usual style, isn’t it? But I’m loving it so far! You had me totally engrossed from the first line. Your descriptions of the attempt to bring down the dragon were incredible. I really like the way you give a sense of the scene by using Legolas’ point of view so that, like him, we are focused on what he sees and is doing but are still aware of the surrounding chaos. There’s such attention to detail. I particularly liked the way Legolas drifts in and out of consciousness and only knows what is happening by the sounds and smells. Oh, and I love his thoughts about his father – I had to laugh at things like “he knew that arguing with Thranduil was nearly always pointless” and “Drink it, Legolas,” Thranduil ordered firmly, in the voice he used when disobedience was not to be tolerated” but it still brought a lump to my throat at the thought that he feels so comforted by his father’s very presence.

I can’t imagine Sinnarn all grown up. No more elflings??!

I really liked the flashback. There’s such a real feeling of apprehension and even fear at the thought of what might be happening. It’s fascinating as well to watch Thranduil think everything out so logically. I actually smiled when Ithilden walked in – that’s how vivid your stories are! I love the way Thranduil just feels so…privileged to have him as a son and at his side as the leader he is. No one could ask for a better compliment. And Ithilden really was very clever in the way he told Eilian of his new assignment! I can understand any reluctance Eilian might have. It’s bad enough being responsible for his younger brother but I couldn’t even contemplate him having to tell Ithilden that anything happened to Sinnarn. Thranduil still seems a little unsure of Eilian. Actually, it’s quite interesting that after so many years there are still the same problems of trying to get Eilian out of the Southern Patrol and even him having problems with this maiden. Is it still Celuwen, I wonder??! I’m not entirely certain of how long after the last story this is set but if Sinnarn is now 67, it seems a long time for Celuwen and Eilian not to have resolved anything. You’re just going to keep us all guessing what happens to them, aren’t you?!

Um, what happened Beliond? O.k, so I’m a little reassured by the fact that I know you can’t kill off him or Amdir but I still worry about these people! Do you ever regret the fact that we know some of what will happen (even though I really like that!) or does it just help provide a framework of sorts for you? I was just wondering…. Anyway, enough rambling. The end was so touching. It seems Legolas has inherited the family trait of holding himself responsible for everyone.

Wonderful chapter – bring on the next one!:)

Author Reply: I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to hear about your enjoyment of this story. I was away on vacation all last week and I actually drafted three chapters and then stopped because I thought it was a boring story. When I got home, I sent them to my beta and she read them and then wrote back asying it wasn't boring and demanding to know what happened next. So I'm very glad that other people seem to agree with her.

I actually felt kind of comforted by Ithilden's arrival myself. :-) If I lived in the Woodland Realm, I would want him commanding the troops.

Celuwen is still the woman for Eilian. I don't think there's been any way to change that from the time they were children. I think as long as the realm is in such danger, things will not be resolved between them. But I have plans for right after the Battle of the Five Armies when Tolkien says there was peace for a while.

Sometimes I regret that I might have painted myself into a corner with previous or future stories, but mostly I find it helpful to work within the framework.

Next chapter tomorrow, I think. School started this week and I've been sick, but it's really done and once I'm through groceries, laundry, etc., I'll go over it again and send it to Nilmandra.

LeraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/15/2004
I am so happy! A new story! *dances around, cheering hysterically, while family looks on in worry*

Goodness you took us right into the heat of the battle. Wow, Sinnarn and Amdir in a cave together. And Legolas is like, an old seasoned boy by now. The thought of having dragon blood spill on you was...interesting. I liked hearing how he knew his adar would take care of things.

I look foreward to seeing more of Sinnarn and Amdir. Two of a kind. And Eilien gets to deal with them and Legolas. Poor guy. It was funny to see him being the voice of caution for once. And still estranged from Celuwen. I hope someday you'll let them get married and be happy.

Thank you so much for the new story. God bless.

Author Reply: LOL. My family thinks my hobby is weird and no one in it will read anything I write.

Legolas is doing OK as a warrior, at least compared to Amdir and Sinnarn. No wonder Eilian is worried about commanding them all. Now he knows how his captains used to feel, except that he did not have an equally crazy friend egging him on.

Legolas has quite a lot of faith in his father and brothers. He is so much younger that, to him, they must seem like they've always been competent and he has that to live up to.

Not to worry about Eilian. I have a file with notes for his eventual reconciliation with Celuwen, but he needs a time when there is a little peace in the Woodland Realm. It's coming!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/14/2004
Wow! We really jumped right into the fray! Such excitment! I can't imagine what a daunting job it would be to try and take down a dragon. I assume they are somewhere in the intelligent range and very, very large...not to mention they have a case of halitosis that will leave you looking like Wily Coyote after a misspent Acme stick of dyamite explodes. And poor Legolas caught the brunt of the rock slide. Afterwards, the screams and moans of wounded Elves echoing around him was rather chilling. You did a very clear job of describing the confrontation. His temporary confusion after such physical trauma was very well done. I think it would be quite disorienting. I admit I was glad to see him back in Adar's capable hands...and the healers, too, of course. You've given us a glimpse of Sinnarn as an older elf and I look forward to knowing more of his personality. AND Amdir is back. I hope Beliond is not too terribly burned, but I fear he may have a bit of recovery time to put in. I'm not too worried about him since I have a sink in the bathroom that I fill with water to gaze into the future and I have seen him in Imladris with Legolas as our fair young Thranduilion goes off on a doomed Quest. I am excited about getting a look-see into Ithilden's younger days. Very good, Daw. I think this is one of your most exciting starts...and you know, as one of most faithful readers, I have liked them all. :>) Karen

Author Reply: When I read Tolkien's description of Smaug's attack on Laketown, it sound like they're being firebombed. A dragon would be really terrifying. I was glad to have Legolas back home with his family too. And your crystal ball is very accurate. We'll learn a little more about Beliond in the next chapter. Thank you for the kind words, Karen.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/14/2004
It was great the way you just dropped us right into the action. Keeping the battle focused tightly from Legolas's perspective really heightened the sensory perceptions and made it seem real. I was on the edge of my seat! I really enjoyed Legolas's interaction with his father while injured and his confidence that "Thranduil would be able to manage it". What an interesting observation that an elf would be surprised and confused at waking to find that his eyes were shut. I see that Thranduil and Eilian's relationship still has a bit of an edge to it - I'm glad my favorite black sheep hasn't been completely tamed yet!

Author Reply: Legolas tends to have quite a lot of faith in his father and brothers, even when they're annoying him! And Eilian is slowly settling down, but I think it will take Thranduil a while to see it. Thank you for the kind words about the battle.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/14/2004
How wonderful to see a new story - and straight into the action and Legolas torture! Poor Eilian to find his brother like that. And poor Thranduil to have Legolas carried home like that.

I'm looking forward to more back story about Ithilden, and the details of Legolas' mission with the dragon. And I *know* you can't have killed Beliond - he turns up in a later story. So what isn't Thranduil saying?


Author Reply: At least the torture was quick! At least the physical stuff was. He has some problems to work through now.

A younger version of Ithilden will appear in the next chapter, and more news about Beliond too. He seems to have many well wishers.

LKKReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/14/2004
Forgive me, but I feel I should know who Beliond is, but I can't remember just who he is. I fear that he is no longer in the Woodland Realm, though. If I'm right, Legolas will have more than just his physical injuries to overcome, he will have the guilt as well. Although I don't see how he could have protected them any better.

What a way to start off a story, daw! BAM! Straight into action. With dragons, no less. Quite a start. Looking forward to more.

On a purely writing level, I wanted to say that I really liked how you described the sound of the dragon's approach, a storm in winter. That was a very evocative metaphor. Nice word choice!


Author Reply: Beliond is Legolas's body guard, his keeper, his version of Maltanaur. We will learn a little more about his fate in the next chapter. My OCs are spinning out of control, I know.

Thank you for the kind words about the comparison.

nanethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/14/2004
Wow!! What an exciting beginning to a story! My stomach is roiling with anxiety and I am wroth that the chapter doesn't divulge more information (sorry, I just couldn't help myself).

I can't believe that Ithilden allowed Sinnarn and Amdir to be in the same patrol-what was he thinking???? True poetic justice to place Eilian as their captain!

This is a very intriguing story, I can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: You know, I wondered about whether Ithilden would allow them to be in the same patrol, but I figure Amdir (who is older) was there first and Ithilden just didn't think about it. (OK, that's lame but it's the best I can do :-)). My beta said people would be wroth with me.

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