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With Friends Like These  by Jay of Lasgalen 144 Review(s)
nimolinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/30/2005
Very cute and funny, Keep writing!

Author Reply: Thank you. I'm still witing other tales, even though this one's finished. Check my author page.

FarawynReviewed Chapter: 32 on 3/7/2005
Absolutely wonderful.

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm glad you liked this.

lmwReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/27/2005
I have been following this story for a while (not 2+ years tho') and thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done, keep writing!

Author Reply: I was amazed when I realised how long I've been writing this series. I'll keep on writing, and have several ideas in mind. I should try to finish a couple of other outstanding stories first, though.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/26/2005
This was a wonderful story and I am sorry to see it end. I loved how you portrayed both Legolas and Thranduil longing for the forest at the opening and closing of the chapter. And I loved the descriptions of the bows. Man! I want one of those! The presentation of the gifts and everything surrounding it was very nicely done. As I said, sorry ot see it end.

Author Reply: I'm sorry in a way to end this, but at over two years in the writing, it was just too long. I'll explore my ideas about Legolas and the twins in other stories.

I'm glad you liked the bows - I wanted to make them sound something very special. And thank you for your comments about Legolas and Thranduil both longing for home. I took the idea of rulers tied to their land like that from the 'Riddle Master of Hed' series. It seemed quite an elvish concept.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/26/2005
Yeah, you finished! And it was a good end. I like the bows, and I am glad that Thranduil had one made for Legolas as well.

And I cannot help but wonder how long it will be before the parents learn the whole truth of what happened with the troll!

Author Reply: I'm sure they *will* work out what really happened, but it won't be in this story.

Of course Thranduil had a bow made for Legolas as well - it would be mean to show him, ask his expert opinion, and not to give him anything.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/26/2005
Ahh. All's right with the world. The hankering for home just gets you sometimes - no matter where you are and how gorgeous it is. I think Legolas might change his mind about Lanatus within a couple of minutes of the reunion, however.

Good thing Thranduil wasn't so busy visiting trolls, scrubbing pots and so on that he forgot the bows - which sound lovely. And a nice response from the twins.

Well, this one is finished and they are on their way home. What's next?

Author Reply: Thranduil and Legolas nee to be home - they're both tied to the forest in some way. I get a sense of Legolas feeling homesick in 'The Passing of the Grey Company' when he looks northeast from Helm's Deep towards Mirkwood. I think you're right about Lanatus, though.

What's next will be the epilogue to 'Along Came A Spider'. After that, I'm not sure - there are two or three possibilities.

DotReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/25/2005
Oh, what a lovely ending! Your descriptions of Imladris sound beautiful but I love the longing that both Legolas and Thranduil have for home. There’s such a wonderful sense of their woods being a part of them and I could almost feel Thranduil’s ache at being away for too long.

I had to laugh at Thranduil’s silence speaking volumes when he surveys Legolas’ room. That “expressive silence” is one I well remember from my own childhood!

Good old Thranduil. I was wondering about the bows. They sound magnificent and I just love the idea of the subtle differences between the two. Legolas’ reaction made me smile. I was hoping that Thranduil would have something up his sleeve for his son too! And it says a lot about Legolas that despite his understandable envy, he can still be so thrilled for his friends.

Poor Elrohir seemed very troubled about his missing bow! And what a great actor Legolas is! Thranduil’s very generous. It was good of him to give gifts to the whole family. I’m still laughing at that moment when Elrohir and Legolas think Thranduil knows about their latest escapade! Poor Thranduil must have wondered why Elrohir looked so horrified!

The reaction of the twins was written so well. It was very touching and a lovely moment between them all.

And yay, Legolas will get a gift! It all ends well, Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas somehow survived and what the parents don’t know won’t trouble them! Wonderful story, Jay. I’m looking forward to re-reading it in its entirety and this last chapter was just perfect. :-)

Author Reply: Thranduil didn't have one of the rings of power, yet he managed to maintain his realm despite the presence of Dol Guldur. I think he was able to because he developed that awareness and link with the forest.

I think Legolas was very unkind to wind Elrohir up over the missing bow - he knew how worried he was! Of course he'll get a gift as well - how could Thranduil have two such lovely bows made, and not do one for Legolas as well? I love Thranduil, and think he and Legolas are very close.

Thranduil, Elrond and Celebian don't know about the trolls yet - but will they guess? They're not stupid, so will probably work it out!

Thanks, Dot! And happy birthday as well!

GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/25/2005
Wonderful! Stupendous! Perfect! Enchanting! and all those other words that mean you story! I just loved it! You have to write more! Congtratulations on a piece that is Very well written and entertaining! May the wind be at your back and your fire always warm!
Galimeril ;D

Author Reply: Does this mean you liked the story? ;)

Thank you. There will certainly be more, I just can't decide which story to write next!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/25/2005
Sorry to see this story end, but I enjoyed every chapter. And I'm so glad that Legolas will be getting a bow, too -- though it was good for him to have to conceal his envy for a little while. Elrohir's horror when he thought that Thranduil knew about the rising river incident was great, too. There have really been an awful lot of incidents involving rivers; no wonder Elrohir and Legolas were confused. I don't think that either Legolas or the twins should be allowed anywhere near water -- maybe not even a bathtub.

I laughed when Legolas remembered to check the bathroom while packing. Thranduil has trained him well. I've been trying to teach that particular lesson to my own kids for years!

I hope we'll be seeing more of Legolas and the twins soon -- and Thranduil, too.

Author Reply: Legolas was envious, but managed to hide it well, and he was genuinely pleased for the twins. You'll have to imagine his reaction when he gets his bow! I think he'll be pleased.

You're right about E2L and rivers - they're not safe anywhere near water!

The next post will probably be the epilogue to 'Along Came A Spider' - that will be another story finished - then there's 'Memory of Darkness' (if the muse comes back!) and a couple of ideas for new stories.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/25/2005
Wonderful story, Jay! I do love your characters. Your Thranduil is impressive, and your young people are honorable and earnest and real. Thank you for this story.

Author Reply: I like to make the characters as real as possible, with realistic reactions. Legolas was rather envious (he doesn't know about his bow yet!) but feels he shouldn't be. The twins were thrilled to bits, but remembered their manners.

You know how I love Thranduil. He's very different to Elrond, and I'm glad you think he's impressive. From you, that's praise indeed!

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