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The Jewels of his Existence  by Orophins Dottir 3 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/23/2003
Frightening moment. I can understand that the elves don't want to give Aragorn pain, but surely he needs to know what is happening in his city? The evils that he's ignorant of are the ones that can really hurt, I think.

Legolas's luck certainly was bad here. Everything came together to create the worst possible circumstances.

Author Reply: I fear Aragorn must abide in darkness until he can pass the judgement of Haldir. Although he has not yet "trod the boards" in either story to any great extent, Haldir is definitely the Power Elf in these two tales. The Warrior-Healer begins to suspect that more than ignorance is at work in Gondor.

Thanks for the review!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/22/2003
Wow! That was lovely! And finally, an explanation for the Fair One's injuries. Gimli is such a strong friend even though he finds Elves to be well...different. But he just shakes his head in amusement where the ignorant of men fear what they don't understand. This was such a plausible depliction and an all too true trait of some men...(I won't mention any names). Gimli...poor Gimli...he feels so guilty about Legolas's injuries. No wonder he refuses to leave the elf's side. The birds were a nice touch. I'm glad the feathered friends came down for a visit. Kinda like Snow White in the they break into song...or was she just yodeling then? Anyway....this was truly a beautifully written piece. I love these angsty little power moments. Excellent my dear lady and scribe....just excellent. Karen

Author Reply: *hauls back and slaps the Karenator silly for recalling Snow White yodeling; it hath been stuck in my mind now and is most annoying*

Keep your eye on that cave, Lady, there is more to it than a whacked-out Gondorian peasant. Ponder the source of the expolsion, Fair One. *tiptoes away after dropping a broad hint which the Dottir hopes will be as annoying as the yodels yet stuck in her head*

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/22/2003
Oh, my, so we have people scared of elves and thinking they harm children? How crazy is that? So poor Legolas has blast injuries and burns....but I hope he saved the children he flung himself over.

I hope that tale is spread far and wide that an elf sacrificed to save their poor elf. I do think someone needs to speak to the Gondorian cooks though. Arwen is queen and she is wise and fair - she should tell them. :D

Author Reply: The children for whom Legolas made his sacrifice still have a role to play. They will be "back-burner" for a few chapters I think, but they are important.

Arwen is having her own problems with everything that is happening. She is in that classic position of being between the two worlds of elves and men, and, in not wanting to hurt either, she is failing both of them. For all of his vaunted being "raised in Rivendell", Aragorn doesn't have the same ambivalence. He is clearly "of men". I have hope for Arwen though.

Ah, well, in the next chapter Rosie, bless her heart, will assume the role of "chef to the elves" but for a more important reason than they don't like "Beef a la Gondor"!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

P.S.--Hope you and the Golden One suffered no ill effects from the eggnog!

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