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The Roses of Ilúvatar  by Orophins Dottir 70 Review(s)
ghemstoneReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 10/28/2004
Please don't take this as me nagging at all, Lord knows how real life can knock your plans for six, but please just let us know what is happening with this fic. I really hope you haven't abandoned it, and are just waiting for your muse to put it an appearance. This is honestly one of the best fics that i have read on this site or FFNet, and it would be wonderful if there were some more chapters to read soon. Hope you are well, anyway, and definately hope to see something soon.


bessie1Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/12/2004
One of the best haldir stories have I have found. I hope you update soon.

KinipelaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 7/10/2004
I don't mean to be a bother either.... but please, please, please tell us you haven't decided to stop writing this! It's too good to stop without an ending!!! *uses her best puppy dog eyes* Please?

ghemstoneReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 6/16/2004
More Please.

I usually wait patiently, until whenever the author decides to upload a new chapter, but you haven't updated since i read. I really hope you find time to write soon, but i have a horrible feeling that this may be left unfinished for some time to come.

This is a beautifully written fic, and it would grieve me if it was left unfinished.

Waiting (not so) patiently.

ghemstone xx

AnnaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 4/1/2004
Er, not wanting to nag or anything, but this is one of the best LoTR stories around and it seems an awfully long time since an update appeared! Six long weeks, in fact...


ghemstoneReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 3/27/2004
Hi. Just a quick note to tell you how much i have enjoyed reading your story so far. I love fics that develop plots and characters the way you have, and i am enjoying watching the main characters preconceptions and prejudices changing, albeit slowly, and grudgingly!

I do have to let you know that i love the way you have written Thranduil and Mir-Giluviel(sp?), and the queen is just downright awesome, powerful, beautiful, and has the formidable Thranduil wrapped around her finger.

Fics like yours don't come along too often in fan fiction, and i am looking forward to more of this, hopefully soon, but hey, whenever it's uploaded, i'll find the time to read it.

Thank you for such a wonderful piece of writing. I am eagerly awaiting the conclusion of this fic. In a good way!!

KinipelaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/18/2004
Beautiful writing, beautiful characterization, beautiful story. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/16/2004
Okay, I guess that fourth bottle of Dorwinion on my birthday (and it really *was* my birthday) (but, in the interests of full disclosure, it wasn't really Dorwinion) -- not to mention the assorted toasts with miruvor -- was a bit much to handle and still remain at least marginally grounded in reality... Fortunately, birthdays only occur once a year!

Somewhat more seriously, I really enjoy reading these stories, and am desperately waiting to see what happens to Sulka, the elves, the hobbits, Gimli, the kids, the assorted royals, and that slimy no-brain villain of a husband. Stories seldom intrigue me enough to think about them between updates, but this one has certainly grabbed my attention.

Please don't sentence us to re-reading the last two chapters (over and over and over) for much longer!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/14/2004
"Give us that update to The Roses of Ilúvatar, Orophin's Dottir, my love," said Elena Tiriel, over the quaking author's shoulder.

"Why?" said Orophin's Dottir.

"Because it's my birthday, my love, and I wants it," said Elena Tiriel.

"I don't care," said Orophin's Dottir. "I have given you a present already, more than I could afford. Eight chapters of The Jewels of His Existence, and twelve chapters of The Roses of Ilúvatar, not to mention two chapters of Author's Notes."

"Oh, you did indeed, my love, but we wants more... we wants Haldir to have a romantic relationship with the mortal," said Elena Tiriel; and she caught Orophin's Dottir by the throat and strangled her, because the romantic setup looked so bright and beautiful.

No one ever found out what had become of Orophin's Dottir; she was murdered far from the Drunken Elleth, and her body was cunningly hidden. But Elena Tiriel returned alone; and she found that no one could see her, when she was holed up writing her own continuation of Orophin's Dottir's shamefully abandoned story. She was very pleased, for she kept the continuation to herself, and thus did not have to keep within the decency guidelines of the Stories of Arda web site.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/14/2004
I always like it when writers write about the value of the written word and what it can so for readers. And the relationship you are showing between Haldir and his brothers is one of my favorite parts of this story. But it looks as if you are also building an interesting relationship between Haldir and Sulka! I look forward to seeing where this goes.

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